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Everything posted by Kenpachi

  1. Very logical and concise, thank you for having such clear guidelines.
  2. Hello folks! This is Phasma's rl brother. I'm currently playing a lv 37 warrior RB/Reaver/Warlord and loving it. Anyway Phasma, myself and our friend Bulko played WoW together for off and on about 5 years, raided, arena'd, you name it. Mike (Phasma) said you guys seemed casual but skilled, which is perfect when it comes to raids/world pvp etc. I have lead and been an officer in various guilds (so has Bulko) as we are bother education majors and know how to organize and motivate people, but in Rift I'm sure I speak for Bulko when I say we just wana be part of the team this time around So yeah, I have tons of MMO experience: DAOC, Warhammer, Aion, you name it and the best parts about mmo's are the people. Hanging out in pvp shooting the shit or raiding a defiant stronghold! I see Phasma said I'm an "amazing" tank, and while it's ture I tanked for years in WoW I've only tanked KB in Rift so far, but did enjoy it immensely so whatever you guys need I'm willing. Thanks again for taking the time to consider my application! Edit: Whoops This is an app for Rift, didn't put that in the sub-topic thing, my bad guys!
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