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Posts posted by Drpibb

  1. Wants:

    Stormshield (legendary) with 28-32%block~ high all resist+ strength.

    Any barb usable 1 hander with 830~+dps with high life on hit perferably with strength or vitality also on it! (if it has a socket that is bonus points)!



  2. So because of this post I just tried ad nid top and my god I like her a lot. Its good cause she can just stay ranged, poke and when getting attacked hop to safety.

    Definitely going to buy her when she becomes unfree and armpen/magpen mixed marks.

    edit- I've only played her twice so far against irelia and riven and I won the lane both times. I hate laning against either of those champs when I play any other top.... so ya going to be a fun time.

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