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  1. Awesome, I agree, I remind myself of Dying habits from so many years of pugging, its nice to be in a calmer and less competitive atmosphere
  2. Haha very nice =D i was hoping someone would ^^
  3. So, to start off I want to apologize because im a fury warrior.....and everyone hates fury warriors so I feel bad that I am one and imposing it on all of you, But the bright side is I asm interested in joining the guild! =D I wanted to tell you guys some things about me and I will be completely honest about who I am because even though it is imprtant to you guys, it is even more important to me so I am able to find the right fit and I dont want to decieve anyone to make them think I am who im not. I am someone who is very sarcastic, and often will say things that can be somewhat considered controversial and I generally like messing with peoples heads, its always in a loving friendly way so dont take me to seriously I also enjoy the game as a whole not just raiding or PvP I like many different aspects and enjoy doing them with my guild and people I know as opposed to people I have never met just because my guildies want to sit in org and use a deepstone oil potion while mounted. I am overall a very laid back person, but I am used to having a leadership position in most raids and battlegrounds I do so their is that side of me to, I can be rather intense at times but no hard feelings I just can get frustrated with stupidity. I have more then a basic understanding of every class in the game as I have most of them to level 85 with a few exceptions. A tight knit enviornment and being more then a raid team is important to me, I want to have everyone around me be close friends of mine that joke around with me in vent and have an overall great time. I take transferring servers for a new guild very seriously, because I am leaving alot where I am to come somewhere completely new, so having a friendly comfortable enviornment is really important. I have done parts of BWD and BoT, and have completed thrown, as well as most end game content in the previous expansions. I enjoy PvP alot and do random BG's more then most people I know, and I also enjoy arenas. I am on quite often and I am usually up for anything with the exception of if I am concentrating on a specific goal. IM A FLIRT!! dont be scared of me its all for fun and I enjoy dubstep music, although im sure half of you reading this have no clue what that is. One thing that is important to me that everyone understands, is I have a side of me that can be cocky at times, but it is no big deal because I know where my place is and I just say crazy things sometimes =D Part of this involves my interaction with others being very friendly, which can be considered intrusive or 'in your face' But that is not my intention and I just want to have a home where I am comfortable. --Thanks for reading everyone! -Vero
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