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Everything posted by huntera

  1. anyone have any opinions about this laptop? will it run WoW decently? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220758

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Noesis


      My parents are seperated so a laptop was a must for me. It's still going pretty strong. Although, come fall I will be looking into making my own desktop since I am not moving around as much

    3. huntera


      yeah, I'm basically in the same situation as noesis, I need a laptop so I can take it between parent's houses

    4. Mordrid


      You could always setup a monitor, keyboard and mouse at both parents to use with the laptop.

  2. you brought it up, I was concerned

  3. What happens in my shorts is none of your concern sir.

  4. I got ashes of Al'ar guys

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. huntera


      just take the money!

    3. Inedit


      Don't test me -- I'll start sending presents along with the gold!

    4. huntera


      and I will take the presents and send you more gold in return <3

  5. omfg my eyesssss so much pink

  6. This is very HOT PINK.

  7. I really have no idea , it's a mystery that will likely never be solved. Thanks for all of the swift replies guys, and I do understand that we aren't all here for just the one single goal to kill raid bosses, I enjoy the sense of being part of something that means a lot to the people in it and I like making friends with in the guilds I'm a part of.
  8. Hey, so I raided with you guys this week and was asked to do an app/intro... So, as most of you probably already know, I'm only 16, and I know this bothers some of you for whatever reason, but I don't think this should change the way you guys feel about taking me into your raiding group. As, I believe I exhibited during the raids this week, I am not a super talkative person, I may offer my advice on fights where I think we could change the strategy a bit, I do a good amount of DPS, and rarely die to avoidable damage. I would be very happy to join South of Heaven and experience HM bosses, which I believe I am perfectly fit to do. I know that my young age is probably the biggest reason why you would think to decline me, and I was told it was because the older members of the guild would have trouble relating to me, I think this is silly to be completely honest and with no disrespect. We all are here for one goal really, to raid and kill bosses and progress, yes we are here to make friends, which I feel I would have no trouble doing in your guild, but I think that the only thing you need to relate to me is the goal and will to raid and progress through hard-mode content, I'm not going to come into ventrilo venting my feelings and high school troubles to you guys, I just want to raid, I know that there is nothing you can do to help me with any troubles I may experience in real life so there is no reason for me to tell you of them, if this is what you're worried about. I can make all of your raid times nearly every week, with the exception of real life matters that may occur, because, yes, I'm only 16 and I don't control too much of my life right now, my parents do, but they rarely come between me and raiding. Anyways, I believe in my raids this week I preformed exceptionally, DPS and survivability wise, I avoided damage that could be avoided while doing, in most cases, top DPS. If you need more to fully evaluate my skill level here are some logs from a week or two ago: http://www.worldoflo...s=13643&e=13915. And a link to my armory, if you needed to see it again, http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/huntera/advanced My previous raiding experience is very very short, I did not start playing this game until about mid-way through WotLK, where I was leveling characters most of the time, and I was unable to raid seriously until the very end of wrath so the only relevant content at that time was Ruby Sanctum and ICC, I ended up going 11/12 HM ICC and came very close to killing HM Halion, with my former guild Still Fly, who just recently broke up. And as of now I am, as the title says, 12/12 normal modes with Heroic Halfus down (thanks ). Thank you for reading my introduction and taking into account my opinion on the age issue.
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