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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I've read the CoC and I approve! Signed.
  2. Hello there, (...sorry if I go on.) I've been playing Aion on and off since the launch, my own dedication towards Lotro as a raid leader to a group of amazing players keeping me from playing faithfully. However with much game disapointment and saddness, the friends I've had there have tapered off and so have many of my own desire to remain as 'faithful as I once was. In this time I've levelled up a level 55 Cleric and found that.. I really struggled with the class. I dont' know what it was, playing a healing class usually I decided to try another class and see how I would do at it. At the moment I have a spirit-master at level 53 and I am loving the class. The solo aspect of the game is growing weary to me and I'm looking for a very active legion. I'm always interested in improving in my game play and honestly try to make each instance as smooth as possible with my help, which I think is influenced from being a raid leader for so long, heh. My real name is jenny, and I live in Ontario Canada, on EST time zone, I'm currently in my late 20's. I try to make any mmo as fun as possible, even in the most frustrading of situations. I'm a little anti-social and it takes me some time to really feel comfortable with a new group of people so I hope you all don't mind if I'm quiet most of the time. Feel free to hit me up anytime I'm online for something, I do have a very active real life, but my work allows me to play Aion usually during the day and most evenings after 8 I'm pretty much set for whatever. If you need any more info or want to talk to me in game, feel free! I also have twitter: Naveras@twitter and I run a gaming blog of which I've not been faithful lately... http://mmo.wynged.com but I hope it helps get you more information you might want. And with that, thanks.
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