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  1. Hi there, I was wondering if you are still considering my application. Have a nice day.
  2. Countless transfers and faction changes. I did go by the nickname six or syxe for a long time yea. I will most likely race change to tauren pretty soon, and rename back to it.
  3. Ahh cigars! the smell....so anyways! I do prefer ret to frost by far, now if you need a DK tank or unholy that's another story >.> I'll be honest, frost rotation isn't very exciting to play even tho it does outstanding performance. i do enjoy PVP, and i do random bg's on many characters. The paladin is the most played in both pve and pvp even tho the rogue has better pvp gear at the moment, a situation that will quickly be corrected.
  4. Hi, Your assumptions are dead correct, i have been trying to stay with my co-workers for a good 7 months, and i have raided with them on 3 different characters to make things works, including a priest a dk and warlock. heres the DK wich has seen the most content in the alliance guild: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/kargath/Spinin/simple ah yes they also dont have nef down, but i went and did that one with the rogue i linked in the application, i believe that was post-nerf. As far as valor purchases and Firelands experience go, i have not raided since this co-worker raiding situation went to dust before Firelands came out and with Kargarth's population, pug's are a rare occurence on the horde side. However, i did bank around 4300 VP from heroics. The reason i did not spend them yet is because with my timing being so terrible, guilds are mostly looking for healers and should the situation arise i will spend them on that spec and raid with it instead of ret. As the guild fell apart just before Firelands, i did find a guild pug on shannox for countless wipes. It is true i do not have experience in Firelands, but dont let it scare you away, i do my homework, i try hard to get things done right the first time and i hate being dead weight to the raid. i do have hard modes experience throughout Wotlk and i can affirm i am confident to take on Firelands. I'd like to add a little note just to show the lenght i went to help out this co-workers guild and show my dedication. I was playing on US_Staghelm at the time and sent the DK to US_Kargath then faction changed it, to be told i was replaced by another and that should a group 2 form i'd be invited to it, i left the dk there. I then transfered a priest, to help the horde side of that co-worker guild. Then a warlock, level'd it, farmed heroics, then raided with it. Then switched back the alliance DK i had there when they shifted back to alliance. As a result i have characters on three realms now. A little bit more about myself. I have been playing this game for many years. Last year i decided to stop smoking and i haven't since. With that said, i took a healthier path in life, or so i would like to believe, with workout and nutrition, and i realize by playing casually and jumping from one toon to the other that i want to keep this game as a part of the picture, but i need a good environment to play it and settle down once and for all!!. Looking forward to hearing from you!
  5. Character name: Decs Class: Paladin Spec: Ret/Holy/Prot Armory Link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/kargath/Decs/simple Age: 28 E-mail: Spinit6@gmail.com Referred by: Recruitment post on www.worldofwarcraft.com - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3082028632 Reasons for appalying: Raiding with a good schedule, i'm looking for a new home to settle in, hopefully with like minded players. Somewhere i can be part of a progression team and bring my contribution as a good and prepared player. My Progression: Naxx 10/25 HM - Malygos 6 min - OS+3 10/25 - Ulduar HM 10 completed - Ulduar HM 25 up to keepers - TOGC 25 up to Anub - ICC 25 HM 11/12 - BoT 4/4 - BWD 6/6 - ToT4W 2/2. It is to note i have raided with many different characters and for verification purposes here is a link to the one i used in my previous 25 raiding guild back in naxx/ulduar: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/staghelm/Desics/simple Previous guilds and why i am no longer there: I have raided in the 25 guild RĂ¼in on US_East Jaedenar two years ago, top realm guild at the time. They went from hardcore to casual and merged with another guild to keep raiding as TOC came out, i left hardcore raiding then. Pug'in until cata where i joined co-workers to casually raid 10man in Cataclysm on US_East Kargath with Revived Faction. When half the raid stopped playing we went to the alliance side of Kargath to meet more co-workers in Lords Alliance and continue until more left and others transfered. Benching: I do not apply to bench but I gladly sit for other players when they need a boss or several wether it be for loot or achievements. I understand being part of a team means placing others in front of yourself. Additional Comments: I love melee dps, but i enjoy all aspects of this game and will play offspecs if needed. i do my homework and i consider myself a good player, prepared and i have high expectations of my performance. PVP is a plus. The 7 rules show of a good establishment after the five years of South of Heaven, congratulations on this accomplishment. Thank you for taking the time to read this application. I look forward to your reply.
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