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Everything posted by devinespade

  1. Lol, I had no idea this is what you were talking about when I logged in the other day
  2. I did play Spades, lol. It was fun before college, when people still had the patience to sit in one place longer than 20 minutes without feeling like they had to go out and party.. That doesn't really have anything to do with my name, though ;p
  3. Lol, played a lot of cards freshman year (Texas Holdem' = Booze money)...not quite so much anymore.
  4. I have read the terms and I accept them.
  5. Thanks everyone, look forward to tonight
  6. Thanks Ashin, I have the info and I'll be sure to be on tonight. Also, thank you for the heads up on the Volatile Alchemist Stone, Lucanus. It is indeed more beneficially weighted for Frost than the Mark, in all honesty I had forgotten about the addition of the Volatile stone. I originally leveled Alch in order to make Flasks, Potions, and Cauldrons for our raids when I was tanking. When the Volatile stone was first added, I decided to hold off on making one because by that point I was main tanking our raids (and thought I would probably end up getting trinkets on Off Spec eventually). Thank you very much for the reminder
  7. As an Introduction: My name is Alex and I am 21 years old, living on campus with my roommate, Chris (Taffel) who is the one who informed me about SoH. I first began playing WoW back in 2008 and continued until this past summer, where I took a 3 month break to get things situated work-wise. I first started raiding in late Ulduar/Early ToC and ended up joining Fracture of US-Whisperwind where I was an officer and assisted in leading raids throughout ICC heroic 25 (11/12). In WoTLK I played a Fury Warrior primarily, but early in Cataclysm I switched to my Frost DK and ultimately ended up Main Tanking/Raid Leading25 and 10mans, Dps'ing as Frost whenever possible. Along with PvE Progression, I also enjoy doing PvP, Arena more so than Battlegrounds; I used to do 2's and 3's with Taffel over previous seasons, mainly on my Warrior, but eventually on my DK. While I have had my share of Raid Main Tanking experience on both my Warrior and DK, I prefer raiding as a Dps, as such I like to be up to date with my favorite classes' current Dps standards. Character Name: Devinesspade Class: Death Knight Main Spec: Frost Off Spec: Blood Devinesspade's WoW Armory Reasoning for gear/gems/enchants and spec? My current gear is behind 4.2 standards due in part to my absence prior to patch 4.2, and also because towards the end of the first raid tier, our guild was in need of a new main tank. As such, I switched to Blood and began rolling on Tank gear, while passing on Dps gear to our other raid members. My gems are all BiS pertaining to socket color/bonuses, as are my enchants. My spec (4/31/6) is the current raiding standard, although I sometimes switch 2 pts out of Icy Reach and into Endless Winter depending on the current content. I currently play as DW Frost in Unholy Presence as it is the highest theoretical DK Dps raid spec at this time. I like to watch for changes and try to adapt in order to bring the highest quality effort to raid that I can. At the time of this post, I have blue: shoulders, 1 ring, and both trinkets. I never had a chance to grab a tier token for my Dps set while I was raiding. My ring and trinkets will be replaced with at minimum T11 equivalents by tomorrow. (I guess it's worth noting that my BH Log was taken while using the previously mentioned blue items). Baradin Hold 25 man - World of Logs (most recent log) Provide a link to your most current Raid log. The link below is of a Baradin Hold 25 man in which we only killed Occu'thar. I just began playing again recently, and other than a lot of dungeons and some trash runs in FL, this log of Baradin Hold - 25 man is my most recent raid. This was actually my first time doing this fight, and after some analyzing I felt I could have done better to use my runes more efficiently during the stacking phases of the fight. What is your Off Spec, if any, and is it Geared? My Off Spec is Blood, and it is ironically slightly higher geared than my Frost MS, due to being needed as our Raid Main Tank towards the end of the 1st Tier of raiding in Cata. I am quite experienced at both playing a Blood DK and tanking in general, as it is something I have done often in the past, and I find it enjoyable. What is your Raiding Experience? I began raiding in Uld/ToC, but it wasn't until ICC that I began raiding more seriously, where I was 11/12 heroic in 25 and 12/12 heroic in 10man, both with drakes. In T11 I was 1/13 heroic before taking a leave of absence from the game. Unfortunately, I have not yet had the chance to raid in FL, however before leaving one of my responsibilities for raid was to research boss fights, establish working strategies, and teach this information to the raid. I am quite accustomed to studying raid encounters on my own time and catch onto them quickly. What is your average Latency/FPS in 25 man Raids? My latency ranges from 40-80 and my FPS is 50 on average while in 25 man raids. My internet is fast and reliable. Can you be expected to upkeep a high raid attendance, and is there anything that may cause a conflict? While I was raiding through ICC and T11 my raid attendance was 100%. I feel that raid members have a responsibility to each other to show up on time and prepared when it is expected of them. I do not currently have any conflicts with the raiding schedule and should be expected to upkeep my high raid attendance. Do you have Vent/Mumble and can you talk if needed? I have both Vent and Mumble installed on my PC and I have a Razer headset that I am accustomed to using during raids. What Addons do you use? I use DBM, Omen, TipTop, OmniCC, Recount, DocsDebugRunes, Elkano's Buffbars, Atlasloot, and a few other character specifics. I have always used Standard UI and am comfortable using it to cut down on clutter. Can you be expected to come to progression raids already knowing any relevant information for the encounters? This is something which I was responsible for in my current guild, and I have no issue with familiarizing myself with encounters so that I can make the best contribution to raid possible. What is your opinion of starting early/staying late to push new progression? I have no problem with spending extra time to get in progression, staying late especially works out the best for me as my classes begin late every day. Do you have any max-level alts? Are you able to raid with them? I have 5 max-level characters, including my DK, I have a Warrior, Paladin, Shaman, and Rogue. In ICC I raided on the warrior, paladin, and shaman, and in Cata I continued to raid on my warrior. My Rogue was made primarily for PvP. I have ran alt-runs and done arena with all of my alts at some point in time. Can you handle criticism and use it to make improvements? I have no issue with any criticism that other may have, and like to improve in any areas that need improving upon. I believe that constructive criticism is important to learning, and I would appreciate any tips/tricks/help that others may have to offer. Overview: I am a friendly, easygoing person and I enjoy talking to and working with others. I enjoy raiding and have a lot of previous experience in which I put in maximum effort to contribute to the raid in any way possible. I do not have any issues with passing gear to other raid members: I believe that it isn't the gear, but the person who makes a good raider, and as such it is important to understand raid mechanics, have good awareness, and be able to work with others to bring down bosses. It is important to me to understand what is going on in a fight, to know when others are in danger, and to help the raid as a whole, regardless of whether or not it will affect my numbers (I can not stress enough how important interrupting is to me, and how much I worked with other raid members to make sure everyone was contributing). I appreciate any consideration of my application, and if you see fit, I look forward to becoming a long-term member of SoH. Thank you for reading (sorry for the length).
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