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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Yes I dropped MM to pick up the proper Beth spec (concussive barrage) and armory updated it blank, should be back to my normal spec, I main MM of course. Haste has alos been balanced out, and yes im looking for new trinkets, I am guildless atm (guild fell apart explained before!) but I come from vashj, and its extremely hard to PUG,considering its the lowest population server in the game (party while my guild failed in 25 mans) but yea, im working on it Thanks for feedback! And for glyphs im still deciding on whats a DPS increase, but yea rapid fire looks nice..
  2. I apologize! I love iMPACt! I changed it!
  3. Hey im Starbourne! I am a level 85 orc hunter on vashj and im interested in your guild. My armory : http://us.battle.net...arbourne/simple. I am 17 at the moment, I attend High School but I have no conflicts that would conflict with your raiding schedule. I currently am looking for colleges, but will be taking a year off from school for epic relaxation. I love gaming, I play league of legends, HON, SC2, WoW, xbox 360, and a lot of steam games. I also play rift casually and a few other crappy mmo's. I look for guilds that have a fun time, but yet kill shit and progress well. I feel I can find that in this guild, and that is why I am applying. I am usually used to dbag guilds, which I will explain if you wish to know further, but I really am sick of that whole mentality, and guilds that put real life friends and loot over progressing, having fun, and other online members. In terms of my raiding experience it is as follows ds, HON, SC2, WoW, xbox 360, and a lot of steam games. I also play rift casually and a few other crappy mmo's. In terms of my raiding experience it is as follows: The start of my WoW career I played a restortion shaman. This was during Burning Crusade. In BC I raided pretty heavily, although I will admit I was not the best shaman, I was new to MMORPGS, and I consider BC my learning period for WoW. I did down kara, hyjal, most of SSC, and some of black temple. I made my Hunter early WOTLK and raided extensively early WOTLK. I did all of Naxx, of course, and I have done Malygos, Sarth, and vault plenty of times. I was able to down all of ulduar except for Yogg. The main reason I did not raid late WOTLK and progress into many hardmodes was because I got into cataclysm beta, and on my old server my guild was in the mist of falling apart. I played the cataclysm beta for late LK, but I did get a Lich King kill down on my hunter. I started Cataclysm a little late, but was able to get 12/12 pre-nerf. I did also do hardmode halfus, and hardmode magmaw. It took awhile to get those on my guild, but eventually we did it. With firelands I got 6/7 firelands fairly quickly, and then I got my rag kill. As of now I have gotten multiple heroic shannox kills, heroic beth kill, heroic rhyloith kill, heroic domo, and heroic alysrazor. My previus guild was Limited Liability but I am leaving them because, bottom line, im not fitting in well with thier dbag hardcore mentality, their extremely hardcore and raid super late for hours and hours, also their really not nice and complete loot whores. I coudlnt keep up with their raiding schedule, and i found a simila rsituation in Bless the Martyr Right now im in a casual spot on Crucial just to be with a few friends, not raiding with them and im in the Friends and Family section So I really hope you chose me for your guild! Im interested in any group that has a hunter spot open
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