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Posts posted by Ashin

  1. I had thought about taking a peak at Albion Online - it's another sandbox game, right?


    No need to apologize about WoW - we have at least a dozen here that suffer from the same addiction. :)


    Lastly, thanks for sending over the information.  I'll take a look some time during the day, and circle back with questions.

  2. Hey Wuzin, it looks like we missed each other last night.  A group of us will be online tonight, but we'll be taking a corp fleet out at 9 eastern.  I'm worried that I won't be able to interview, by the time the fleet gets back.


    If you would like to jump start things, you can feel free to send me a PM with your API information.  If you're not familiar with this practice, it does not compromise the security of your account.  But it does allow me to snoop around, see your assets, etc.  It is a common practice in null-sec to attempt to weed out obvious spies.


    You can use the following link to produce the proper kind of API:



    Please be sure to check the option for no expiry.  If, for whatever reason, you do not wind up joining SOHCO, you'll want to go ahead and delete it.  (And, indeed, we would recommend looking at your current API's and deleting any you aren't actively using.)


    Also, feel free to ask us any questions you may have.



  3. Greetings!  Solomon / Valence Benedetto / fearless leader here.  I'll be online tonight, probably around 9pm EDT or shortly, and would look forward to chatting with you (if you'll be around).


    I'm glad you found our recruitment post and saw something that resonated with you.  Will this be your first time in null-sec?  Aside from finding the right group of people to share your time in EVE, is there anything in particular you are hoping to accomplish this time around?  What would we find you doing when you're not in virtual space? :D

  4. 2 hours ago, Oshri Paliako said:

    I'm not looking to be the suspicious dude who makes you quit talking every time I come onto comms.


    No, I don't think so.  It's a loose connection at best.  But it's a question I felt obliged to ask.


    Everything in your background check was consistent with a guy who's been loyal to a small group of friends for a long time.  You followed them to a variety of different environments, and you tried to reconnect with them whenever someone was returning from a break.  But over time, that group spread out and fizzled.  So you're looking for a new tribe to call home and with whom to cause explosions in space.  Hopefully, the bad guys' explosions happen more often than ours.


    If that sounds about right, I think we're in business here.  I'd just be looking for a time when we can connect in Mumble, put voices to names, go over a few last details, and then hopefully get a [SOHCO] tag in front of your name. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Oshri Paliako said:

    I was never asked to join PL comms or services though the organization itself may have put that out at one time or another (though I don't recall that being the case while I was there). 


    It was in a mail you received from their executor, back in late 2015.


    Ironically, there was a "small" fleet of PL supers and titans moving through our space last night.  And since this is EVE, game of the hyper-paranoid, I got a little..


    ..like that.


    So, for the record, what are your past and present affiliations with PanFam?  Any friends in there?  Any pending invasion we should know about? ;)


  6. I was interested in Domain R&M because of the PL connection.  I noticed that their founder, xKingofDarkness, went on to join Sniggerdly.  Afterwards, the new executor (Coat Hanga Strangla) sent out a mail about getting you guys in PL comms / registered for PL services.  Despite all the talk in their corp descriptions about being carebears focused on mining, I see an active killboard which employs some fairly high-end hardware.


    Do you know anything about that relationship?

  7. Hello again.


    I've been reviewing your account info in between lunch and conference calls.  I have two areas of questions. :)


    First, who is Vladomir Krukov (to you)?


    Second, can you talk about your time in late 2015 as part of the Domain Research and Mining Inst?  How did end of there, and what's the general story behind that group?


    Thank you!

  8. Look at you, taking the initiative to get the intro post up.  That earns you a cool-point!


    Solomon / Valence here.  (I'm realizing I probably have too many names for most of our EVE folks to deal with ..)  We will get to your background check this afternoon - if you want, I could ask follow-up questions here or shoot you an eve-mail.  Let me know if you have a preference.  I know you mentioned that you are pretty hectic out-of-game for the next two (?) weeks, so I'm assuming we have some time.  But I'd still like to get you in sooner rather than later, if the match is good.


    One thing I didn't mention last night, which I should.  We're pretty big on communications here.  From your writing this intro post, I don't get the sense there will be any problem there.  But I also like to warn folks that between our alliance and coalition, there will be a bit of a chore in registering for the various comms software.  Naturally, our alliance and coalition use different software for both voice and pings (because, why not), so we wind up asking new folks to get four things set up.. mumble, TS3, jabber and discord.  I'm sure if we could find a way to require a fifth or sixth program, we would!  Anyway, since you have been in null before, I'm assuming you are kind of expecting that.  But let me know if you have any concerns.


    Also, at the risk of sounding super car-salesman.. if you still keep in touch with your buddy, but he's really into Blops, I just want you to know we have two alliance FC's that run blops fleets weekly.  We also have a blops group at the coalition level that's headed by one of the most respected blops FC's in the game (RiotRick).  So, as long as he were willing to do something OTHER than blops sometimes, we might be able to offer him a good home too.


    We'll worry about you first, tho.  Others are going to ask you a series of random questions - more cool-points are generally awarded if your answers show some personality.


    Welcome to the forums!



  9. Yes.  I'll change that right now so your privacy is protected.  I'll just use your EVE name.  Tell me if you want to change it to Korgh or something.


    Also, hello!  Nice to see you hear.  (This is Solomon / Valance B.)  I'm always happy to meet another gamer oldschool enough to talk about MUDs and Shadowbane.  Actually, my very first character named Ashin was in Shadowbane.  He was an Irekei channeler with the blood prophet discipline, which meant he could put three DoT's on this opponent.  At the time, that was a novel idea, and made him very nasty to fight. :)


    Anyway.. back to EVE.  Did you wind up getting out to Branch last night?  What's the thing you are most looking forward to about your new null-sec adventure?  What's the thing you're the most nervous about?

  10. Hi Jimmy, nice to see you on our site. :)


    (Valence/Solomon here - unfortunately the one bad thing about playing games with your friends for so many years is that everyone has too many different names!)


    I enjoyed chatting with you earlier.  It's ironic that you are into star gazing.  I just watched a documentary on Netlfix yesterday about gamma ray bursts (yeah, I'm a nerd), and they were talking about the two Dutch astronomers who played a key part in figuring out their true origins.  It was pretty interesting!  Maybe you can follow in their footsteps. :p


    Well, these guys here on the forums will probably ask you some crazy questions.  Be ready!

  11. Hi Renard.  Solomon / Valence here.  Nice to see you on our message board!


    GURPS.. now that's something I haven't heard in a long time.  But I suspect there will be several here who know what that is.  We pride ourselves in being well-versed about nerd life. :D


    AF's are not used that much, anymore.  Technically, they still have some virtues.  But in most circumstances, it is difficult to make a case for them over T3 dessies.  So, alas, they are somewhat of a novelty ship now.


    In performing your background check, I think our main questions relate to your history in the CFC (Paxton, now part of Goons, CEO appears to have attempted to infiltrate PL as a spy before returning) and your penchant for being removed during probation periods for inactivity.  To the first point, can you persuade us that you're not simply applying in order to spy or get your old stuff back?


    To the second point, we are fairly relaxed and have modest expectations for everyone's fleet participation.  But it always makes us a little sad when we invest in someone new and get excited about making new spacefriends, only to have them vanish during the trial period.  You clearly like EVE, as you continue to come back to it.  But it seems like some of your past returns have been short-lived.  Why will things be different this time?


    Thank you.

  12. Klaus!


    So, for those who don't know, Klaus was the acting leader of NAGA when we first joined the alliance (and were really happy with it!).  I feel quite honored that you want to hang your hat in our little abode. :D


    Expect random interrogations from others to follow.

  13. 23 minutes ago, Sterlling Mallory Archer said:

    I'm available all day Thursday if you can find a moment!


    It is possible I will be online later in the evening, but I am not certain right now sorry.  Have to figure out the roof over my head first!


    23 minutes ago, Sterlling Mallory Archer said:

    I was browsing EVE jobs and your post stood out!


    We'd love to hear why! :angel:


    I'll be sure to read your mail this evening.

  14. Hi there Sterlling!


    I'm glad you were able to have a good conversation with Andreas (aka Tinyman on our forums here).  You do present a unique situation, as we would normally be wary to have our membership spread among different organizations.  That said, I can see why you would be cautious or reluctant about giving up your FW status right away.  I think there's certainly room for us to have a conversation about it - I would want to feel comfortable that I understood your reasons / desires to explore the null-sec way of life at this time.


    Sadly I'm in the middle of figuring out my living situation, so my in-game availability is, well, notsomuch right this minute.  Are you agreeable to conversing here and/or via in-game mail between now and the weekend?  Then we can set up some time to talk over comms.


    In the meantime, I am curious how you found your way to us.  Is there anything specific to our alliance or our corp that caught your interest?



    Valence Benedetto (in game)

  15. 16 hours ago, Corpse Driver said:

    I am an animal person, but cats can be real jerks some times.  So I would say dogs as a whole would win


    Inedit is going to be super happy to read this.  She laments that the guild is dominated by cat people.


    16 hours ago, Corpse Driver said:

    I enjoy coffee in the morning and tea an hour or so before bed.


    Like, caffeinated tea?  Or we're talking something herbal?

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