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Posts posted by Hyna

  1. Before the weekend there was some very cryptic blue posts about a large announcement coming . Something about on a scale of 1-10 the likelihood of a huge announcement was a 9. I think the GDC is this week. So this date might be the date.

    Also When asked about the releas date blizzard said they could neither confirm or deny.The quotes are on Diablofans.com of anyone wants a look see.

    Edit update: amazon was asked to take down the date of apr 17th. I think this is it.

  2. Simplification and casualization arent always bad things. There are casual aspects to wow like leveling,collecting, achivement hunting and battlegrounds. Then there are the soul crushing rage inducing side of the game like hard mode raids and highend arena(blood boiIing just thinking about it). Blizzard more than any other MMO/game developer have achieved offering something to both sets of gamers. We could probably argue the sucess of the options to death but thats niether here nor there.

    I can see why this would upset someone who has played the beta for a while,Its what you are use to,But for someone like myself who has not had the luck(damn you blizzard) these changes dont look all that bad. I look forward to specing my character and not feeling like i am defusing a bomb.

  3. I personally think they may be trying to time D3 release as a partial cockblock to GW2 release. Although D3 is not an MMO, I feel the gameplay concepts are similar enough that there might be some validity to the tactic. Either that or they're just really far behind. IDK.

    I have felt like they were going to do this for a long time. I knew they would be out in a similar window just because they are in the same point in their development cycle, but it is to the point now that i really think diablo 3 is "done" and they are using the "when it's ready" to buy time for arena net to announce GW2 and polish Diablo 3 some more.

    If we take what arena net is saying about Guildwars at face value and that the gameplay and mechanics work like they say they will the game is a HUGE threat to blizzard and WoW. I dare not say that GW will take X amount of subs, but there could be some damage done if GW2 is a success. Because IMO wow is entering a fragile state. Mists of super panada adventure is gonna be a make or break expansion for blizzard.

    To be honest I cant say i blame them for doing something like that, but it does kinda piss me off. I've waited to play these games for a loooong time and the thought of having to split my time between them gets under my skin badly.Either way, i'll do my best to play both, but i cant say ill be pleased with blizzard if they do this.

    But then again...blizzard could just be being blizzard and taking it's sweet ass time as always. We'll see how this unfolds in the coming months.

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