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Posts posted by Kysa

  1. Hey all,

    Browsing through my own spread-out and oft times sporadic history on these forums pretty much mirrors my gaming history: my first ever foray into the MMO world was PSO on the dreamcast, followed by a long stint with the beta of Shattered Galaxy (not an MMO per se). I then settled into DAoC for my longest-at-a-single-time dedication to one game (which you'll see can be a fleety thing for me). Played WoW for a little when it first came out but not for long... though every now and then I would jump back on (pretty much right before expansions). Built up a lot of internal hype for WAR (based on my love affair with DAoC/Mythic), and when it finally came out I had some of the best gaming months of my life as that is where I ran into SoH. As interest in WAR was dying out (I wasn't alone there), I also was going through some RL stuff (I'll discuss below) and I left the game. Fast forward a year or so, and bam, I was snooping around the SoH forums looking for that community feel I really enjoyed in WAR. You all were playing WoW, so I played WoW with you for a few months, but my schedule/personal motivation couldn't really keep up with the increasing professionalism of the guild (congrats to the WoW chapter, btw), so I disappeared again. Played some SWTOR, though with no guild community, so it faded pretty quickly. Now, a new game is out, and I have that itch to play again, and not just for the sake of the game, but to play with some generally great people who I know make the experience all the more worthwhile.

    So, to old faces and to the many more who won't remember me/don't know me: will you have me back?

    'But you kinda seem like a flighty, I-dunno-if-you'll-play-enough, bad investment': Fair. But I recently had some pretty big RL stuff that both gives me a lot more gaming time at the same time as restricting it. My wife and I just had a baby girl (Charlotte) who is now going on 3 weeks old. So I do have a good deal of RL commitment going on. But I have taken off from work and will be finishing school (forever!!!!!!!!) this December, meaning I will have a ton of more time to spend at home. My wife and I are swapping sleep cycles, so I have been playing while she's sleeping and baby is happy to either sleep next to me or have me bounce her in my lap. It's working pretty well so far, though I will be honest: there will be the times I have to suddenly AFK to deal with poop, incessant crying, or any other dire circumstance that may come up.

    Before I talk myself out of this:

    I really am looking forward to getting involved in the SoH community again. I have a decent sense of humor that I hope will come across when I meet you guys on mumble (no promises). By definition I am more of a casual gamer, though I like to think when I am actually playing I am capable of performing at a high enough skill level.

    Here's some technical stuff:

    Picked up the game about a week ago and am currently playing as Kysa S, a lvl 29 Asura Ranger. I went with cooking because it seemed cool (currently at 160). Really enjoying the game so far, though haven't tried much WvWvW yet. Looking forward to it, though.

    I encourage you all to ask me any questions and again, I am really looking forward to potentially re-joining up with you guys :)

    Most sincerely,

    Aaron (my RL name), Kysa, Tarv, et al.

  2. endgame so far is unbelievably disappointing...

    i log on, do some pvp for daily quests, lose a million times in a row to Imps (i play repub on iron citadel), then log off grumpily

    I was hoping swtor would be the game to get me back into gaming... but at little over a couple months past release, im already antsy for d3 and gw2


  3. Hey guys,

    It's been a long time! Not that I have loads of free time, but I am trying to start playing something again. WoW? Sure why not. Playing with y'all was lots of fun. (So was stalking the boards...)

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Much love,


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