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Everything posted by Duki

  1. Duki


    Terms I can understand? Easy there cupcake with your silly mass effect choices. But...,if I had to chose, I'd go with both. Acier, I don't know who you are in game, but if you aren't in pink I'll take your silly outburst witha grain of salt. If you are, then kudos! 1k in server transfers don't even cut it, but it's nice when you have the money to do that kinda thing when you want.
  2. Duki


    As far as the KT thing, no one said anything to me about that,except from someone's alt in Gchat, stating the inappropriateness of the topic. That conversation went on for quite awhile and of all the officers on alts and others in chat, no one says a word until the end. As far as raiding, you guys were the best players I have had the privelidge of downing content with, but as far as a guild...this whole cloak and dagger officer core you have, and how you treated me as a trial, was not quite fair at all. The thought of all these issues with my performance during the past month and not one person had the decency to tell me I was lacking. That sucks, man. Do no officers have the time to tell their trials what they can do to better themselves for the whole of the raid team? That seems pretty crappy man, especially when the GM is your raid lead, and he can't find the time to say anything about it. Hope your other recruits get the better end of the poo-stick, because from how you all treated me as a raider, is pretty low for a high end guild such as this. I'm not upset about your decision, I'm finished with WoW for the time being, but give a dude some head's up if they are sucking up the raid man. 30+ days I'm thinking it's going gravy, and you all have been sitting in ochat or wherever speaking quite differently. That's freaking awesome of you pink team, way to help the weakest link. Hopefully on your next batch of trials, someone will grow a pair and guide them in the right direction. Just a thought, enjoy farming interweb dragons til pandaland!
  3. Duki


    So I log on a bit late tonight, due to having to work 4 extra hours at the prison, and I find I am booted from forums and not in the guild anymore. Pretty sure I stated in my opening app that I work at a prison. Where there are no cell phones or interwebs. So there is no notification if I have to work extra time or not. Dillilah also mentioned some, "behavior problems"? Such as? I'm fully aware of the horrible inappropriateness of the conversation between Korben and myself last night, and I apologized to KT in tells afterwards, who tells me "It's ok". If there were any other issues, why has no one said anything and I'm finding this out completely blindsided? Also, up until 10am this morning, there was nothing posted in the schedule for the night. Sup?
  4. Started playing SWTOR yesterday, holy shit batman!

    1. Huntyre


      Enjoy! It's a fun game for what it is.

    2. Darlantan


      After not showing up for the FL runs you signed up for two weeks in a row.

  5. Operation Raccoon City tomorrow!

    1. Ashin


      What did this mean?

  6. Resident Evil soon, nomnomnom!

    1. Zombryo


      Only in 6 months !

    2. Duki


      I meant tomorrow, the Operation Raccoon City

  7. Just an update, will be moving this saturday, the place has internet already and will keep it until we get the ISP to set it up in our name. Reason I mention, if you guys wanted me, I can xfer this weekend. Only one toon tho.
  8. So as you can see, I am no stranger to bromancing or kids. I'm a fun guy!
  9. PS: Im the guy with the gun.
  10. Btw, when I said electric, I was making a play on word of "ecclectic" . Plus, every Marine is a little gay:
  11. Gays, chicks, and other electric peoples all bleed red. I <3 everyone as long as they like killing internet dragons.
  12. Btw, did a LFR on pally a few min ago, this is logs from Ultraxion. I might be crap geared, but I still got it! http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/xf8gngzkyc61n04b/analyze/dd/source/
  13. I did 4 years in the USMC Infantry with 2 combat tours, after that, some time in Homeland Security, then worked at a prison. Yelling is cake. What am I looking for? Easy. Killing internet dragons and taking the shiny purples off their corpses. After 30 servers, I cant really guess how many guilds I've been in, but I'd like to say I've seen almost all trial status' there are. Trial lasting 2 weeks til a month. I dont do DKP or any "show up and get numbers so you can auction loot" system. F that, not going to happen. If I could sing karaoke, it would be Lady Gaga - Bad Romance. No homo or anything, it's just a creepy music video and reminds me of something Tool and Manson would have made together.
  14. My Dk started out as horde and he would go back to being orc. Switching realms depends on the guild I am in. Most of the time when I switched it up, I wasnt raiding seriously. The past 2 years was pretty rough and finding my spot in wow was difficult. I got a job at a prison, working midnight shift, so trying to find an AM guild was fun, lots of xfers in the endeavor. I got married to a chick that hates video games, but tolerates them, so I cant raid more than 3 days a week or I get it bad. 5 months ago I got a shift from 1030-630 CST and most likely wont leave it for awhile. With that new time frame, I can actually be in a decent guild who has regular raid hours and still have a life. My DK is 394 in both frost and blood. Here is my delivery room: http://battlelog.bat...tats/173546551/ I dont have a bazillion kills, nor give a damn about winning; to me it's all about the KD ratio. No, I dont know anyone from Mobile Infantry, sorry.
  15. I am 26 years old, work as a corrections officer (prison guard) at a maxsec prison in FL. I've played WoW since March of 2005, I was in the Marines at the time, so I raided between deployments overseas. Since I started, I've been on over 30 servers, some twice, faction changed 3 times, but kept the same name. If I'm not playing WoW, I'm normally making babies on BF3 on PC. Married to a woman who tolerates my addiction to games who I distract with our 2 dogs and cat. I am apping on my DK (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/alterac-mountains/Dukio/simple) and my pally (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/alterac-mountains/Fireinside/simple). Not really sure what else to put, many of these introductions are like guild apps, others are like a passing nod, so I will meet in the middle. <3 the Duki
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