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Posts posted by Darlantan

  1. Plus consider the fact that you can count on a set amount of AP in a given run through a fort instance, yes? ...Whereas in DP you're just tossing the dice with each drop. I like the idea that gear progression can be planned relatively accurately, myself. Seems like it would take some stress off.

  2. I'm soooo glad to hear that the worst didn't come to pass at work for you! even if what did happen wasn't exactly ideal. :/

    I'll miss you. Have lots of fun in EQ2 and we'll see you with the coming of 1.9!

  3. Yah every time I read the Lumiel forum on Aionsource it makes me glad I rolled Asmo. Seriously, I dont think I could handle playing on the same side as some of those Elyos.

    I don't think my campaigning to play Asmo from the beginning made the difference, exactly, but right now I'm really glad I did it anyway. Sure, we had Goldenrice, but he's gone now. (yay!) Mortred and Kenichi seem like real winners... I'd much rather be able to have SoH work with Finrod than with the current Elyos... celebrities.

  4. Why mess with perfection? :)We look better so they didn't have to worry as much about us as the rainbows and unicorn sunshine lovers.


  5. Want pictures to illustrate movements? :lol: I can do that!

    Are you TRYING to get me fired?! There is no way I'll get any work done if I'm expecting more arts!!

    Anyway, as our adventures in the Abyss mature, I am 100% confident that you will see better/more fun strategies develop. :) In War, we did a lot of the kind of things you describe and were usually thinking of ways to do things better. I can't assess the specific ideas you've detailed as I have no experience in endgame Aion PvP :mad: but they sound like solid enough starting points, at least!

  6. If there was a formula for successful child rearing, we'd all have a lot less problems. :D

    That said, I remember receiving corporal punishment less times than I can count on one hand, so iono.

  7. [As the little thundercloud indicates, this isn't a fun subject for me.]

    Well, basically, the "PvP gear" is purchased with Abyss Points, which you get in PvP. However, PvP is not the only way to earn AP, and even worse than that, PvP is the hardest and slowest way to earn AP. The best way to earn AP is to do Abyss Fortress instances, which I believe are not marathon grouping sessions (someone correct me if I'm wrong), but you are still doing PvE for the gear, and if Asmos don't own the right Forts, you're outta luck anyway. (I'm not sure how likely it is that we will ever not be in possession of any of the upper forts for long, though.)

    Additionally, PvP is incredibly gear-based in Aion. If you have not spent your time in PvE to get the gear that your enemy undoubtedly will have, PvP isn't going to be much fun most of the time.

    Also, if by "raid" you actually mean multiple-group PvE content, that doesn't exist much in Aion. The high end PvE content as I understand it is heavily one-group-oriented, although it still involves multiple-hour dungeon crawls, and you can't resume your progress in a dungeon like we could in WAR. I get the feeling that isn't going to allay any of your concerns, lol.

    (I wanted to wait for someone who participates in endgame PvP to post first, but didn't want to leave you hanging. Someone hurry and jump in if I'm being more pessimistic than necessary, but I think I got my facts right!)

  8. This was actually in response to me asking which class I should play:

    I have to be honest. Starting out alone and trying to burst your way into the 40's in "catch up" mode will kill ya. The game is very punishing of level difference and this is something we struggle with. I can't stress enough what a godsend a mentor system would be to this game.

    We tried to have this mindset that we could ask the newer folks to choose "needed" classes, in hopes that they would "catch up" and fill in gaps in our high level teams. But the game progresses at a deliberate pace, and it really takes a certain kind of person to solo-grind to 40. You have to be very focused and already in love with the game, I think.

    So rather than answer your question directly, I would suggest that you need to find a buddy. Or two, or three. Either someone on the sidelines that is also thinking of giving Aion another chance--[names redacted!]--or someone who has been thinking of making an alt. Ideally someone with a comparable schedule. A duo can go a long way in this game, including working through elite camps if you have two complimentary classes and good technique. Certainly a trio can. Or at a minimum, have an easy time filling out a group.

    ...its very hard for me to answer your question [about classes] with certainty. And by the time I can (ie, [when the roster is more stable]), you'll be looking at a long "catch up" period. That's why I think "catch up" is probably not practical, and you have to instead just decide to play the game on your own terms.

    We can of course send you love along the way, though. :D

    The names I took out were Flip, Yev and Tillie (Flip is already mid-40's :eek:, and Yev's schedule does not allow him to play :(). I'm not sure if anyone else plays during the schedule you describe, but it's possible!

    I myself found it feasible to grind levels out solo, but I'm easily amused by collecting crafting mats and drops to sell via broker, and even then I haven't leveled super fast (Flip is just crazy ;))

    The love helps, too!

  9. NALO!!! Yay!

    It seems that in Aion, the gear you have is more important than the class you play. If you just prepare yourself to be ganked by twinked pigeons regularly, you'll already be a step in the right direction.

    Actually, let me find what Ashin told me when I was thinking about coming back to Aion and I'll post the particularly pertinent points. <Alliteration fist-pump>

    As Di said, we're hoping for a mentoring system soon--although technically it has only been hinted at--and it would be the biggest outlook change for both you and me, I reckon. (I'm really far behind everyone, too.)

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