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  1. Hello! My name is Anthony, I play a goblin Rogue by the name of Prokks. Ive been playing wow for a while, was around for BC, skipped wrath, then came back for Cata. The whole battling deathwing thing caught my attention. Im not much into lore, but it just looked interesting to accomplish. My Story: Been raiding in Cata since FL. Reason being I was in a guild who didnt give anyone a chance, and I was a little undergeared so they wouldnt let me raid. But I was determined. So I found a new guild, the one Im in now. Managed to snag a spot in one of their raid groups and progress through FL. A few mishaps along the way losing raiders, replacing raiders, and regressing due to all that. But I always held my Melee dps position very firmly. Eventually DS came about. and we made solid progression the first week and night even. Made it to heroics in the next couple of weeks still replacing people due to lack of performance or attendance. But I still held my spot. More recently we, as a guild, have xefered in hopes of a better chance at various things. One of those things was a shot at having more experienced raiders in our group. While we are making an effort Its just not happening. We have to pug raiders cause no one attends and progression just isnt happening. I love the guild Im in now, and have a great relationship with all of the members, but Im just not progressing with the raid group Im in. Im interested in a good raid environment with good people! I have vent, I can communicate within raid and out of it. I dont have recent logs for you guys in a DS encounter due to pugging and such. But I assure you I can do my job, and play my class. Im down for a dungeon, cross realm FL or anything else you guys think might help on your decision! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/area-52/Prokks/simple <---Armory! Hope to hear from you guys soon!
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