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Posts posted by Proof

  1. I feel like resistances are completely broke. My monk has nearly 70% resist all, a ridiculous number of damage reducing abilities...and still gets one shot by arcane/molten/desi's with 30k hp in HELL. I just don't get it...I don't see the purpose of having a low damage high survive class, when you can't survive even when built to.

  2. Blizzard specifically stated that they thought boss runs were bad game design, which is why the best loot is random rares that drop of random packs of champions. They want you to actually play through a map, not just bee-line to the boss. Also, way to give a massive spoiler to those of us who haven't beaten normal mode yet. Not cool. 108%20Frown.png

    Go ahead and let me know when its ok to talk about the game..K thanks

  3. As long as they don't add those $!#&^*@ pygmy's I'm fine..

    As a witch doctor, I now summon waves of my own pygmies to exact my revenge...I hated those little creeps, but they are great little helpers.

    As far as act 2, I hate it, almost as much as I hated act2 in d2. Act3 in d3 is act 5 in d2..very cool, I love.

    Act 4 in d3 is similar to act 4 in d2 in the fact that it is super short, but takes place in heaven rather than hell. The mobs are all very similar though, which is a nice throw back..I do enjoy.

    I think my biggest gripe about the game thus far is the inability to do loot runs on previous bosses. I mean you can, but it is so much more of a hassle than taking the way point to durance of hate and rofling mephisto over and over.

  4. Oh, found new bug or issue.. I don't know what it would be categorized as.

    After joining/leaving several public games, occasionally it will hang in the searching for game screen. Your natural response will be to end task from task manager...least mine is. By doing that, then trying to log back in, you will receive the dreaded 3006. Has happened to me twice now; it puts you out of the game for at least thirty minutes, the time I assume it takes for the server to realize you are no longer connected.

  5. Research price? That's pretty hard to do when the exact same item you have sells from anywhere from 2000-20000000...lol

    No but for real, the AH sucks atm. I always just end up putting everything for 15000..its dumb, there is no set standard for what things are worth.

    And about bugs, the only bug that I have seen other than the achievement thing, is when mobs are too fat to get around corners or through stairs and stuff, funny and I assume wrong.?

  6. Gonna have to agree with most of you. The only one that I really like is the WD. It's the only one that seems to keep true to form through the tiers. The rest of the sets either become too elaborate, or are in the situation of where to put another spike and or horn to try to pull something cool off.

  7. He's got a passive that rivals tryn's ult, a W that rivals garen's ult, singe's throw with a speed burst attached, an aoe slow, and ultimate that rival's rayze...pretty balanced toon imo.

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