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Everything posted by Jagfett

  1. Hello all! After some consideration and talking with Ashin, I have decided to depart from the guild due to some changes at my work. I don't think I will be an asset to the guild for some time. I just wanted to thank you all for the opportunity to raid and especially level with you guys. It was a fun adventure and I hope you guys continue to succeed on Stormreaver. I'm sure I'll see you guys around and if you need anything, don't hestitate to whisper me! Thanks again, Jag
  2. Hey all, I decided that I would bring in my priest, Jagfett, instead of my druid into the guild as a recruit. Just incase anyone is confused! Thanks again and hope to see you guys in game!
  3. Hello again! In case you were interested in my Shadow Priest, I'll link a few things that might be relevant for him, as well as my general application. Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Jagfett/advanced WoL for my priest: http://worldoflogs.com/reports/0qzlhnirirhk6wsh/?enc=bosses Internet Connect: http://www.speedtest.net/result/2102173240.png And a UI pick: http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj46/otton75/SpriestUi.jpg If you guys have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask! Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the feedback! As far as Warmaster goes, I was unable to get my power aura's working at all throughout this raid, due to issues with scripting. As far as SF, I had just learned that I should be using it during Lunar Ecplise even on single target fights as well as aoe fights. I don't want to sound like I'm making excuses, because I do need to work on these issues. As far as joining, I would love to even join as a social member because I know I can prove myself thoroughly throughout MoP. Do you have a raiding spot for a Shadow Priest by chance? Between my druid and priest, I am more then willing to level whichever the raid needs more. Thanks again for your time and patience!
  5. Thanks for the warm welcome! As far as spots are concerned, I am more then willing to compete or switch mains to be a better asset to the guild. I have played as shadow on my priest and enjoyed the spec very much. Before I applied, it was a toss up of which of the two I would focus on for MoP. I'm not sure if you would like to see a parse I just did on my Druid, but if anything it will give some insight on my ability to dps as ranged. http://www.worldoflo...4232ko9dl96l5k/ I know I need to focus on a few things, like dot uptimes as well as using SF with lunar ecplise on single boss fights. I am about to head to bed now so I can't really look into it more deeply tonight, but tommorow I will. If you guys have any critique's or advice, I would love to hear them. Thanks again for your time! Edit: Grammar and sentence structure! Good night!
  6. And I already forgot something! I will add a WoL for you guys later tonight of a DS.
  7. Hello! My name is Chandler and I am 22 year old student studying ITAM in Washington State. I understand that you guys aren't necessarily interested in student raiders, due to inconsistency in showing up to raids. However, I think I can be an exception to that rule with being responsible and showing up to raids and events early. I have been playing this game since the Dire Maul patch (.5 or .6 I believe?) with maybe a total of three breaks in between. I started off as a Dwarf Hunter on the server Elune, but found out quickly that Alliance doesn't suit me very well. I rerolled on Kael'thas with several friends and leveled a Troll Shaman, reached level cap and raided somewhat sucessfully in MC and BWL ( with <Inquistion>, currently <Blacklisted> now). I was able to down Ragnaros about 8 months before BC came out. When BC hit, I kept raiding on my Shaman throughout all of BC, eventually killing Illidan one week before WotLK came out. As soon as WotLK hit I reached level cap, then stopped raiding for about 8 months. It was my first year of College and I wanted to experience as much as that as possible. As well as cheap dorm internet making me useless in most raiding aspects on 25 man. Eventually I came back to play, but I decided to transfer with some more friends, to Bonechewer, then eventually Drak'tharon. On Drak'tharon I only raided mildly (two days a week if we were lucky) and was an officer in that guild (<Ordo Hereticus>. We didn't achieve anything too special until another officer and I decided to make a new guild (the GM of Ordo was hacked several times and still would not get an authenticator or give us control of the guild) due to a lot of issues with leadership, however when we created our own guild (Eidolon) and WotLK's final patch was released (after ICC) we were finally able to kill Heroic LK on 10-man (isn't anything special but for us, raiding on a low pop server and finally getting him down was extremely exciting for us. Especially without using any legendaries!) and I believe got server third for the kill. During this time I was playing my Protection Warrior, and kept playing him until Firelands when a healer was needed more than a tank. My guild decided to try semi-hardcore raiding at the start of Cata, and try and achieve server firsts. We started Cata out strong, getting server 2nds through most fights, and server firsts as 10-man. The most exciting kill for us was heroic Halfus, which was extremely difficult on 10 man, then ofcourse Blizzard nerfed the fight 3 days later making it a joke. (But I'm not bitter .) Anyway, we finished tier 11 with 9/13 heroic's down. Unforunetly, my co-gm had to quit wow due to work and being newly married, so we went downhill from their. For tier 12, we stayed 10m until we started heroics, and then we decided we might try and do 25man. This wasn't a good idea for many reasons but mainly because we were on a low pop server. I had to switch to my healing priest, which was a lot of fun after playing a protection warrior for over 2 years. Several weeks before DW raid came out, I decided it was for the best that we transfer servers. In the end, I was burnt out from leading (3+ years as officer, 1 1/2 of being GM), so once we transfered we died out. A lot of my guildmates still play, but most are waiting for MOP I believe. Now I'm sure your wondering why I'm applying on my Druid versuses my Warrior or Priest. It's mainly due to me wanting to try DPS as a ranged spec but also gives me the opportunity to switch specs based on guild needs. As far as my gear is concerned, theirs a few issues that I know about that I need to fix (relic/chest and a few other issues) but I'm applying for Mists of Panderia raiding and all I would like is a chance to prove myself. Heres a few links to my guild/characters incase you want to look at something. Guild on Drak'tharon: http://www.wowprogre...n/rating.tier11 Guild on Stormreaver: http://www.wowprogre...mreaver/Tsunami Characters: http://us.battle.net...r/Gingga/simple http://us.battle.net...er/Otton/simple http://us.battle.net.../Jagfett/simple Now the main reasons I am applying to SoH is to have a stable and reliable guild going into MoP. Being a former guild master and officer, the thing I look at most is leadership, dedication and stability. From the tiny amount I've heard on SR, you guys have these strong traits for a guild, and what I admire a lot is the fact that you guys are able to have this community through multiply games, not just WoW. You guys have a relaxed schedule that is easy to make, but also take raiding serious enough to achieve your high goals. Before I end this application, I wanted to go back to me being a student and making raids. In the last 3 years that I have raided, I have missed a total of three scheduled raids. An important aspect for me is respect for one another, If I don't show up to a scheduled raid, I feel terrible for wasting you're time. Not only that, but the impact on the success of the guild by not showing up or coming in late isn't something I like place on others. I feel like this is a long application and I don't want to bore you guys to death, so I will end it real quick. Theirs much more I can tell you guys about myself and history with WoW but in the interest of time, I will wait for you guys to ask.I look forward to talking with you all more, and hope to hear some feedback. Thanks for your time!
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