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  1. Geomus

    Guild App

    This is the priest, he gave me his login info, for your site. I have no idea where he got the 10man idea. Prolly confused with another guild. But my bad on what you are recruiting. I looked on wow-progress, it said "high" on resto druid(it still does btw). I was impressed with your statement on there: "History. This guild is over seven years old. During our time in WoW, not one member has ever walked away from SoH to join another guild." But seeing how rude your response is, I don't think I believe it any longer. Thanks for your time. Oh, and I also apologize for his "pre-nerf" mistake. Not sure why he even thought that. The guild we were in was not very good and a horrible experience. We will keep looking, despite what you may think we have a lot to offer a guild.
  2. Geomus

    Guild App

    Hello there It has been a really bad tier for us and we just want to find a good home for MOP. We are LF Core Raid Spots, no bench warming. In Cata we ran together in a 25 man that managed 6 of 8 HM Pre-Nerf. The guild then had a power struggle between some of the officer and fell apart. Some of the people affected by this started a 10 man that we joined. That 10 man failed because after one week and a spine kill they stopped playing. We then Joined another 10 man guild which did management 8 of 8 hm, but really isn't for us. Some info on us - Druid has healed since Karazan was a holy pally till Naxx then switched to Resto Druid at the then current guilds request. Was Warlock from Molten Core till Karazan. I met the Priest after grul's and her priest has always been her main. We saw you listed as a 10 man so we were not sure if you were in need to two healers or not, but figured we would at least fill an app and ask. If so she can app as well. Geoz - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Geoz/simple Yovanna - http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Yovanna/simple lsonnie@comcast.net is my RL ID Thanks, G.
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