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Everything posted by Zakilm

  1. once I'm feeling better I swear I'll say it! Had to go into the E.R. last night, apparently the infection has spread to my ear. I couldn't even think straight! Now the E.R. doc has me all freaked out about meningitis though, so I may end up back there because of self-induced symptoms =P
  2. sorry about yesterday, apparently I've come down with a horrible sinus infection. Gotta go to the doc =( I'm sure I'll be back in tip-top shape in no time!
  3. hah, I like going grace, but it seems a little unreliable to me. I always end up goin back to salvation for the gnarly heals. I'm not currently working yet, but hoping to work for kaiser (heard they pay well), or a hospital like St. Jude's in Fullerton or St. Joseph's in Orange. Otherwise I'll just hope I get a job right down the street at the CVS =P I'll start searchin for yall online right now, thanks for the info and responses!
  4. Hi there! I read about you guys on the Warhammer alliance boards. Recently the guild that I've been with over the last 6-ish years (and many, many MMO's) has dwindled out of this game. I'm not quite ready to give up yet, I feel there is a lot of potential for fun. It seems that you are a fairly active PvE and PvP guild, personally that is a big plus. Though I definitely favor PvP over PvE... with the right set of people both are stellar! I noticed on the Warhammer alliance boards you mentioned WPs as a needed class, but on these boards only AM and RP. I'm a strict salvation spec WP (level 38), made for healin only! Would love the chance to group with you guys and maybe spark my interest again before I finally putt out. Outside of the game, I'm a 22 year old guy, livin in Anaheim, California. Just finished a pharmacy technician program and waiting on my license to come before I can start working. So over the next month or 2 I will have quite a lot of time on my hands! Hope to see you all soon. edit: (extra info) -Zakilm (yes, that's my in-game character name!)
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