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Posts posted by Sharper

  1. Ashin - I'm going down to California with a few friends for the rest of my summer. I get out the last week of July. The place we have down there is only $200 a month, so its extremely affordable.

    Estarriol - I prefer prot and holy, the third choice is non-existent to me. I could just play a warrior ;)

  2. Hello SoH, my name is Sharper, and I'm reintroducing myself!

    I've played games on and off with SoH since 2007 starting with Warhammer, then Aion, a little League of Legends, and most recently WoW. I often go on long breaks between games, almost always for school.

    Speaking of school, I have one 5 credit class to take this summer before I can graduate with my BA in economics...Wooo! As I only have one class for the next six weeks I'm going to pick up WoW again. I'll be playing through MoP now that I have the resources to do so.

    I look forward to meeting all the new people and especially those I'll be getting to know while I play WoW.

    Feel free to ask anything!

  3. Ive been experimenting with xerath recently. LOL you think brand and annie are hard to lane against? Xerath imo is tier 1 or damn close to it

    The problem with xerath is he can fall off pretty hard late game if you didn't get a couple kills early. Also missing those skill shots is a real terror.

  4. The weird thing is I do better with Vlad than with Ryze. I do better with Teemo, too. For some reason Ryze just doesn't compute.

    Ryze is the machine gun in the world of AP carries

  5. You told me which boots to get.

    But yeah, I decided that Teemo is pewp. Outranged by even melee..

    I told you to get Frozen Mallet which you got the first game and hextech gunblade.

    How is he outranged by melee? That doesn't even make sense. His W is great for kiting.

  6. Vieg is a tricky champ. Hes underpowered in the sence that once he pops his combo hes spent so hes not that good late game. But more importantly hes a direct mirror of his player. If your weak at last hitting your not gonna get the AP needed to compete with viegar.

    Most AP champs are exactly like viegar late game. Except veigar has an aoe stun and can global almost anyone once he has dfg. His laning phase it what makes him so bad.

    He has mana problems on Q and he has little to no health.

  7. Well if you think about it, he is an absolutely terrible champion for me. What is my biggest weakness? Last-hitting.

    Not being able to last hit makes every champ your worst one. He's good for practice and so is nasus.

    But you can always get some AD carries as well

  8. I know! I just thought it would be funny if I continued my series of XXX = pewp threads. Mostly I'm unwilling to learn Veigar due to his sound effects, which are outrageous.

    Mute sound, turn on itunes. Profit

  9. Ok woah Ashin, just because you don't know how to play yet doesn't mean these champs are bad.

    Here is a list of champs that most think are underpowered compared to counterparts.








    And then there are champs that don't really fit in anywhere in the current meta, and some of them coincide with the above list.



    Twisted Fate



    Dr. Mundo

    Of course if you're good with a champ then that's all you need and this list means nothing. I've seen Leona's FB garens like its their day job.

    Anything is possible

  10. So we should set a time to play! Or Ashin should text me or something...

    I need motivational gene therapy to get my recessive gene working again...

    Should I make a playtimes thread? Or just throw this under a friday night drunken pvp fest.

    Which is something I could do this very weekend....

  11. http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=57946274&f=133

    The above links are guide made by some top tier players (and some pretty bad ones). Generally you can read the first page and gather if the guide is going to be of use to you or not. Guides made by people like RoflmanMAN, Clydeowns, Wutswrong, ilypwnage, and screamH2O are all going to be excellent, but they may very well be outdated.

    At the bottom of the page is "Champion of the Week" these are miniature guides that tell you a bit about how you should be playing and building the champ.

  12. I told you Q was priority! If you think 3 seconds is a long CD then you are in for a world of hurt.

    And you should only be AA to harass early game and last hit minions.

  13. I have an account I got from a friend (shadowdxs), it has 50+ maybe even 60+ champions on it. If anyone wants to try a champ before they buy, or see what level 30 is like feel free to ask.

  14. Something Kitty told me last night was that you can use your number keys to activate items. Never knew!

    I'll ask some questions about Rammus. But first I want to know why you won't add my user name to the list. :<

    For starter items (I don't jungle yet just lane), I hear mixed reports to get either my speed boots or cloth armor first. To be honest Doran's shield seems like an amazing bargain as a starter item, but I guess the tradeoff is that you cannot upgrade it?

    I usually get 3 health candies. That lets me stay out longer before I have to go back.

    From here, different guides recommend either upgrading to Ninja boots or Merc boots. I try to decide based on whom I seem to be fighting the most? IDK.

    After that, guides differ. Most recommend thornmail but Kitty doesn't approve of it. I have been experimenting with Omen and I like it. Aegis seems good but I never manage to get it. I usually get Sunfire and then it is late in the game so I decided to get a crit item (the one that can combine with armor to create impaler or w/e) and at that point the game is usually over.

    I just put it! I was too busy adding you on my actual friends list.

    If you're bottom it doesn't matter so much, they both have their advantages. If you are facing 2 AD bottom lane I'd get cloth armor though.

    Thats exactly how you should be deciding boots.

    Thornmail is terrible, your W does enough damage and there are better items for the gold.

    Omen is really good, you should be getting HoG (heart of gold) early in the game to increase your gold output. It should be the first item you get when you go back. Sunfire is a good choice too, but I wouldn't stack so much armor unless the team is 5x AD. I'd either get Randuins or Sunfire then go for a Banshees veil so you can initiate team fights properly. You really don't need atmas impaler. You want to be building tankier at that point. Rammus is a pure tank, if you want a bruiser there are dozens of champs that fill that role better than him.

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