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  1. Hello South of Heaven, I fell in love with raiding when Wrath of the Lich king was released. Prior to that I was just a casual WoW player. Once I got into a decent raiding guild (Bad Example-Drak'Tharon) where I could really shine, I started playing really competitive. This guild only accepted me for a Shadow priest trial spot, but so were 3 other shadow priest. I showed the officers of Bad Example not only was i dedicated and had close to 100% attendance, but was also there to do my best. I would push myself for top spots on each fight no matter what class was "over powered". With this guild we managed to reach Heroic Lich King, But after a few officers falling out we were never able to down him. At the end of Lich King we all kinda grew apart. Once I had no guild to raid with I left WoW when Cataclysm was released. I went to play League of Legends and Diablo 3. With this new expansion I plan on giving it my all. Only thing I am missing at the moment is a guild to call my own. Armory-http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Gemoni/simple Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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