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Everything posted by Wrensh

  1. I approve of names that are spelt "wrong". Welcome!
  2. Thank you! I'm having a great time so far.
  3. Read, approved, signed!
  4. My CoEn is shift+2! That whole row is shift + 1 2 3 q w e a s d z x c. We are key binding bros obviously. I actually live right around Van Vorst, like 4 blocks from the Grove St PATH. It's a nice except for the occasional ambulance screaming by in the middle of the night. Can't really speak on anything else, I moved here recently. A lot of the casualness of my play for the past year or so is probably related to having not been in a stable raiding guild. After I came back from my short break raid times were never set in stone and I ended up in PUGs many weeks. I am eager to having a "raid time" penned into my schedule again. I am massively looking forward to my Warlock this expansion. The overhaul Blizzard did is fantastic! I hope you have some strong tanks for running heroics/challenge modes because setting the world on fire with Destro AOE + Mannoroth's Fury is deliriously fun. I could wipe for hours on this stuff as long as I get to pew pew and joke around with some cool people. As for DPS cred: - In TBC I geared around that magical 202 hit cap and stacked the crap out of Haste while bringing my Crit slowly to 25% raid buffed to keep ISB up at all times. I was often known to steal raid assist and then rotate Shamans through my group for Bloodlusts. I also made the whole caster group get leatherworking so we could rotate drums. I had a ret pally alt that could hold it's own and frequently went on bear runs. - In WotLK on my Warlock I played that crazy version of Affliction with the insane amount of DoTs to watch. I helped my guild at the time get server first Malygos. I eventually switched to Demonology in early Ulduar because that crazy execute spell twisting of shadow bolt and soul fire was hella fun and insane damage. As I mentioned I switched to my DK and I tanked the remainder of Ulduar and ToC then switched to DPS for ICC. I was in the top 50 dps (top 5 for a day) in the world for a while on heroic Saurfang as Frost near the end of the expansion. - Cata I stuck to my DK because I had so much success with it and I didn't really like where the Warlock was mechanics-wise. Even though I went casual later on I still always had to make sure I was at the top of my game when I played.
  5. Hello potential future guild mates! I am Wrensh the Warlock, sometimes also known as Adam the Game Programmer. I live in Jersey City, NJ which is right outside NYC where I spend the majority of my weekends. I enjoy expensive whisky and setting my enemies on fire (in game only, promise). As for raiding, I started playing my warlock in early TBC where I completed all of the content up to M'uru where my guild lost a ton of members. Months later when everyone came back for the Wrath patch I helped roll over that creep and finish the expansion that day. WotLK I started on my warlock but switched to my DK in Ulduar to fill a tanking and raid leading gap after we lost our main tank/GM. I finished all content in Wrath pre-Cata patch except Ruby Sanctum Heroic and Alone in the Darkness (25). With Cataclysm I stayed long enough to do a few heroic modes as a DPS DK in T11 (Magmaw, Maloriak, Atramedes, Chimareon, Halfus) and went on a long personal hiatus. I came back late in Firelands and have been playing casually up until now. I saw your recruitment post on MMO-Champion and it was incredibly appealing to me because I haven't really been in a friendly guild since very early on. As much as I enjoy being on the cutting edge it simply isn't worth the stress of dealing with an immature group. Also, I miss 25s so much and no one is doing them anymore! Anyway here's my warlock: http://us.battle.net...e/Wrensh/simple And my death knight for reference: http://us.battle.net...ne/Duurj/simple I'm probably going to be dropping leatherworking to pick up engineering which is why I haven't leveled it yet. I'm also planning to level up a Monk mostly for use as a healer if ever the need arises. I've got all the usual mods as well as lots of UI stuff, you can see my UI below. I can make your raid times 100% unless something catastrophic occurs. Even then I've got battery backups, 4g tethering, and I've raided with a mild concussion. Looking forward to hearing back. Thanks. - Wrensh ps: If you guys need some extra dps immediately for tonight I can message someone my battletag.
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