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  1. I first started up playing a Frost Mage in BC, Merisca (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/senjin/Merisca/simple) though my ex got me playing the game for PvP, specifically battlegrounds and 3s. I had my full Season 2 gear before I even set foot into a raid >.> I got recruited into a guild on Merisca back on Drenden due to my mad tanking skills in Gruul's lair, and stuck with them for Gruul's/Mag's/Karazhan/ZA. :3 I just found out your raiding schedule, and it seems like for the most part, it should work quite well for me. I usually work Wed/Thurs till 9pm (I have Tuesdays off), but I most likely will be able to rearrange my schedule so that I can make it in time for the raids (by make it in time, I mean be early, as my boss loves me and lets me move my schedule around as I'm the employee that's been around the longest). The previous hardcore guild I was in raided from 10pm-2am EST Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri, so I'm pretty used to the environment I have no concerns about jumping back into a competitive raiding environment, for I love to progress in raids. I quit raiding mostly because my previous raid leaders had no rhyme or reason behind many of their decisions, and it just made it impossible for anyone in the guild to have fun and progress. I initially came back for RBGs mostly because the friend that sent me the scroll of resurrection has never done any PvE content... EVER! He has been playing since Vanilla doing solely PvP. This time, I'm doing my Executive Business Administration diploma to go with my BSc., so I can hopefully finally get a real job >.> (I work at Gamestop, hahaha.....) Aaaand I listen to Jpop :3 I have this ridiculous song stuck in my head about unrequited love that is illustrated by dancing Alpaca. I kill things by putting "Denounce" in my #2 keybind, and spam it over, and over, and over..... in my PvP spec
  2. Hello everyone! As you can guess, my character name is Neferentium, and I have been a holy PvE/PvP paladin since I made this character to heal through Ulduar back in WotLK; my previous main was my Frost PvP/Arcane PvE Undead Mage. My raid experience is as follows:w (sorry, I don't know how to deliver this in a more succinct manner, except to abbreviate everything >.>) Vanilla content: I was not around to do the original Stratholme or Naxxramas, as I began to play during the Burning Crusade, though I did complete AQ20, ZG, BWL, and MC during BC, and AQ40 during WotLK. BC content: I finished Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, and Zul Aman while it was current content. I did parts of Sunwell, Black Temple, Mount Hyjal, and Serpentshrine Cavern. I completed Sunwell, Black Temple, Mount Hyjal, and Serpentshrine Cavern in WotLK with a new guild during this period of time. WotLK content: I finished Naxxramas 10/25, Ulduar H-25/25, Trial of the Crusader 10/24, Trial of the Grand Crusader 10, and finished the expansion with Icecrown Citadel H-10/H-25 11/25 (we weren't able to get the coordination for the Lich King, somehow) though we did complete all the achievements. Cataclysm content: Glory of the Cataclysm Hero, Defender of a Shattered World (12/12), Blackwing Descent 6/6 and H-BWD 4/6, The Bastion of Twilight 4/4, H-BoT 1/4, Throne of the Four Winds 2/2, we did not get to complete the heroic versions. I left the game as Firelands came out on the live servers. Mists of Pandaria: I just dinged 90, and am pushing to get myself geared as quickly as I can. My enchanting I am leveling as I upgrade my gear, and expect to be max level within the next day or so. I left the game when Firelands came out due to the raid leader/GM constantly changing the times of the raids without notice (no information in the guild tab, forums, or vent information), which made it so that I was unable to raid effectively. The guild ended up disbanding when the main tank also had issues with the raid leader/GM, and decided to leave the game as well. I came back as I got a Scroll of Resurrection from a friend, and decided to give MoP a try, and I love it so far. I did initially return for Rated BGs (I was on a 2k rated team in Cataclysm, though my personal rating did not reach a high enough level due to lack of games before the RBG Leader had to leave the game) but I've gotten really interested in the PvE content again due to the awesome quest chains that I've encountered so far. My favorite server to date is Illidan, but I am hoping that Stormreaver can give it a run for tops! I love to heal, and I'd like to think that I'm quite epic at it. I'm learning the ropes with the new talents, but I am catching on fast and adding my own spin to the class. Sadly, I do not have any WoL reports as I have not been active recently, though I could create some if it is necessary, though they would only be heroic dungeons. Armory: http://us.battle.net...erentium/simple I wanted to add some random interesting information, but I wasn't really quite sure what to say :3 So, here it goes! I am currently attending college for my second degree (I'm 23, and perpetually in school, it seems...), I love to play/listen to music, and games are my passion, and I really love to put my all into them. If there is any way that I can improve, I love hearing it, and always seek to be the best holy paladin I can be, for PvE and PvP; if you love to PvP, I am the pocket healer you want on your team! I always keep 100% attendance, unless there is an extenuating circumstance, in which case I would do my absolute best to let you all know as soon as humanly possible (hooray for cell phones). I am also SUPER HAPPY that you all use Mumble, as it is so much more awesome than Ventrillo <3 Thank you all for your time and consideration, Neferentium
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