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Everything posted by aromero07

  1. Unfortunately he is looking for a core spot and I would really love to play with him considering he's one of the better friends I have met on WoW
  2. Well, this is a unique style of application and I really do like it. So I figured I should acknowledge that Anyways, my name is Tony. I'm 23 years old and live in Miami, FL. Love sports and play many video games! I am a blizzard fanboy, so I have everything they have produced. I go to college and I have a job during the day which isn't actually so bad and doesn't get in my way. As far as in-game experience. I've been playing this game since Feb. 2005. I've seen almost everything and done almost everything, but I still love the game as much as I did back then. To me I can't see myself playing another MMO that's not WoW. I raided back in Vanilla and did everything except Naxxramas cause I was like, meh it's pvp time. After that I become a hardcore raider and raided all of BC with Ascent from Thrall and did some stuff in WotLK with pugs mainly. In Cataclysm I cleared all content in it with the guild "The Metalocalypse". Thus far in Panda land, I haven't done any raid boss kills yet, but I'm absolutely DYING to start raiding. I want to have a schedule as good as yours that I can follow I've played mainly Ret and Holy all my time in WoW as a paladin, but I feel like I really want to play Holy at the moment. I wish I had logs to show you, but I played ret near the end and don't really have much of holy. Either way it's a new expansion with new abilities and such. I'm extremely competitive raids. I don't like to be beat. I don't like to mess up. I wanna get bosses down, that's my absolute and primary goal in raiding. I will do anything to take a boss down whether it's a gear issue and helping people gear out or whatever the issue may be. I will try to work out the kinks with any issue. I would love to hear some feedback from you guys as well as answer any questions. You guys seem pretty laid back and cool, so I would love to come here. PS I kinda want to come with a friend of mine that plays a Monk. His main spec is dps followed by tank. He is willing to heal if needed as well. Just wanted to know how you felt about that. OH! Also, my armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/undermine/Weezx/simple
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