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Everything posted by Ajik

  1. Thank you! Yea, good point, thank you. Really appreciate the advise.
  2. For sure, solid advises witih reforging and pre potting, I've seen quite a significant increase in almost every fight. Jin'rokh: ~163k up from 146k Horridon: ~200k up from 175k Megaera: ~115k up from 101k Ji-Kun: ~118 up from 88k Doing good on Dumuru too, just didn't kill it last night.
  3. Hit capped and reforged. On target dummy without raid buff I seem to do about 0.8-1k more damage over 10 minutes. Also have some new logs here: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-3v811ofrhq8m3n2e/sum/damageDone/ Wiping on Dumuru makes me lose hair..
  4. Thank you for the suggestion. I'll take a look at it as soon as I get off work. As for Mr. Robot, didn't know it was so bad for hunters. Now that I do, I'm never going to there again.
  5. Then is this article wrong? http://blog.askmrrobot.com/2012/11/how-mr-robot-feels-about-hit-caps/ I will do some testing tonight with my current set-up and then with hit capped. Yes, there is about a week and half that I couldn't get my valor point capped. Family related matters. Not making an excuse for myself or anything. I made it to all the raids, but really couldn't spare any more time on WoW for that period of 10-12 days. Agree, I'm changing this habit. Thank you for pointing this out. Could you tell me what you use for reforging? I used to use wow reforge, but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Also, in my previous post where I answered Ashin's questions, I mentioned my status weights, could you check to see whether the stat weights I'm using are off?
  6. I currently use 4.2 for agility, 2.8 for hit, and 1.4 for crit. So losing 80 agility and getting 160 hit + 60 mastery is a gain, but I suppose looking at it another way, I can also gem for 160 agility, getting 80 agi losing 160 hit, but find hit somewhere else, but will need 234 hit to hit cap. In a perfect world where I can reforge to exactly 234 hit and lose 234 crit (I can do it on my cloak and reforge to 235 hit), I will only be gaining about a raw score of 5, that's less than a +1.5 agility gain, but also losing about 60 mastery in the process. Currently, 0.75 is the weight I use for mastery, and 60 mastery would equal to a score of 45. So overall, I'm losing in terms of score if I hit cap it. I'd love to hear your opinion on this, maybe I should adjust the weight slightly? It seems reasonable for what I've read so far. Yes, I agree. I've been casual for too long, two expansions to be exact. I miss the days in BC when I chug mana potion religiously as a healer, not because I was low on mana, but because the timer is up. I suppose when most people around me don't do that anymore, I get lazy too. It's a good point, I need to completely change this habit.
  7. Hello Stridur, Thanks for the quick reply. All questions are valid, here are my answers: 1. I'm under hit cap because I do not want to sacrifice another piece of gear to reforge into hit instead of crit, overcapping hit will sometimes sacrifice stats resulting in lower dps. I am currently 0.22% undercap. So assuming 1000 shots, it will miss 2 shots on average, but 998 other shots do more damage or have a higher crit rate. Overall, this is a dps increase. 2. I am months behind coming into T14, resulted in me many many weeks behind the quest line. I'm now stuck at the test of valor quest, still need a week to complete that. 3. Current guild does not require potting. Since my current guild is doing normal modes, potting isn't really required. If SoH requires potting in every single fight including farmed contents and normal modes, I will comply. And I'm self-sufficient when it comes to obtaining raiding materials. And not sure if I'm understanding the "missing shots" statement correctly. I think you are saying that if a fight is 6 minutes long, and an explosive shot has a 6 second CD, then it should be expected to show 60 explosive shots or a number very close to that in the log? So looking at Dumuru specifically, the fight is 8:33 minutes, so if done perfectly, we should expect to see 85 explosive shots. My log shows 78 explosive shots. 4. This is kind of related to question 1. No, 60 mastery isn't better than 80 agi. However in this case, getting 160 hit bring me closer to the cap. Alternatively, I can gem 160 agi, but will then be undercapped too much resulting in me needing to reforge another piece of gear into hit instead of crit or haste. And the overall dps doesn't change in either of these situations, tested this on target dummies. 5. Simmed using femaledwarf. I think it's not so much that whether T15 2-set bonus is better than the T14 bonus. It's the fact that the two T-15 pieces I got were overwhelmingly better than the ones I had. One of the pieces replaced a LFR epic. Hopefully that answers your questions. And thank you for the hints at the end. I've been looking into fights on fatboss, icy-veins, tankspot, etc. Have the last four bosses that I haven't done and the first 3 heroic mode fights covered so far.
  8. That's a good question. T14 heroics are certainly valid data, but keep in mind that I came into that tier extremely late around the end of January and beginning of February. I was immediately thrown into heroic stone guard, feng, gara'jal, and Elegon without even having experienced them on normal mode at all; and to top it off I was wearing blues and LFR epics, that probably didn't help either. It's certainly true that the heroics will allow the comparison of performance against a pool of better players, but they were probably also at a much higher item level on average than I was at the time. I didn't even have T14 2-set bonus until the week before 5.2 came out. Second, having played BM in T14 and SV in T15 extensively now, I found myself playing SV better than BM. With SV being much more viable and AOE being a much more integral part of many fights in ToT now, this could certainly affected my T15 logs. And finally, we've had a string of luck with mail agi gear drops since 5.2, I went from ilvl 490 to ilvl 510 in about two weeks. I think this can also be a contributing factor. Having said all that, maybe I'm just getting better as a player. I am also encouraged at what I see on my logs, even comparing it to T14 normal logs, I've seen much better performance on my end at this new tier. And I want to get even better, that's ultimately what I strive to do in this game. PS: I always love to help out the healers, probably because I was one in BC and in Cata.
  9. Hello all, My name is Jack. This is a re-application to the guild. I've applied to the guild back in October last year (see my previous app here http://www.sohguild.com/index.php?/topic/12068-ajik-hunter-application/) with no MoP raiding experience and playing a newly max leveled hunter with no prior experience. After running an LFR with Ashin & Feja, it was pretty clear that my single target dps was too low to make a real impact for SoH which was already into heroic encounters at the time; but both Ashin & Feja were very pleasant to talk to and that left me a very positive impression of the guild. Fast forward four months, I joined a guild called Riot in February, and has thoroughly enjoyed my stay in that guild. However, due to an unforeseen schedule change just a couple days ago (a positive change at that) in RL, I can no longer raid on Sundays, and being a raider with only 66% attendance is out of the question for both the guild and me. So, here am I looking for another guild, and the first guild I thought of is SoH. I looked it up and you guys are still looking for a hunter. This time, I come with MoP raid experience (some heroics) and a much better hunter than before, hoping that you guys can give me another chance to show what I can do. Here are the updated information: Raiding Experience in MoP: TIer 14 16/16N (6/16H), Tier 15 8/12N Updated Armory Link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/gorefiend/Ajik/advanced Recent WoL: Dumuru http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/w61f2k0lmiqsphph/sum/damageDone/?s=5214&e=5728 Primordius http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-py50biyut9m2sgvq/sum/damageDone/?s=3998&e=4472 If you guys need to see my UI, I will take a screenshot and post the link here when I get off work today. Thanks for reading and hope to hear back from you soon.
  10. Oh, haha, I'll try to catch you tonight then. Grats on the Elegon kill last night, and good luck on WoE tonight.
  11. Done, my battletag is Morr#1482, I only have about an hour in game time and have to go back to work afterward. If I don't catch you now, I will try again before raid tonight.
  12. Hello acierCRISIS, Thank you for the insightful responses. I find that at my current gear level, almost all reforges are concerned with getting the hit/expertise caps. I can see your logic behind the temporary mastery > haste until heroic T14 gear, and I agree until we can hit the haste plateau, mastery is probably better than haste/focus regen. Right now though, I can't really test it very effectively. I've only reset my lv 75 talent for a couple of days, and I'm testing a couple of openers using AMOC. One is to pop it right away, the other is to get in Black Arrow and Serpent Sting first, then pop AMOC. So far, I'm not seeing a detectable difference, but the 60 focus requirement is indeed very annoying. Sometimes even have to wait for a few seconds after it comes off of CD before I can use it due to Explosive Shots having higher priority. AMOC currently models higher than Lynx Rush on paper, though AMOC lasts 30 seconds while Lynx Rush is only 4 seconds. I can see them used in different situations. Maybe on a boss fight where it may become temporarily immune, it is better to take Lynx Rush for the short period burst damage than the prolonged AMOC talent. Due to my limited MoP experience (pugging normal mode...), I find it more beneficial to have a "oops" button at my disposal. While I do my best to avoid dmg, some are simply unavoidable, and truth be told, in a pug where people often don't flask/food buff themselves, dps are not exactly on the healers' priority list. I agree that in an organized raid, iron hawk is the better choice with its 15% dmg reduction.
  13. Hey Ashin, It was nice talking to you too. To answer your first question, yes, I have raided as ranged dps before. In vanilla, my main was a mage; and in Cata, my off-spec was shadow, and I was often the person asked to switch to shadow when dps was lacking and healing wasn't as intense during the initial release of Firelands; though after our disc priest left the guild, I was asked to switch from Holy to Disc as a main tank healer and never really dps'ed again. In some perspective, hunter plays very similar to rogue where energy/focus management is important. During the years that I've played WoW, I have played ranged dps, melee dps, and healer roles, I find that regardless of what roles I took, I always managed to become a solid player in the raid team. I chose hunter because it is unique among ranged dps classes that it does not use mana, but instead uses a regenerated focus system that's similar to rogue's energy regeneration. This unique combination was what first attracted me to reroll a hunter before the release of MoP. On top of that, managing a pet at the same time also adds to the appeal. And after leveling through the content, I find myself enjoying the class very much. With the range requirement removed and expertise introduced in MoP, both hit and expertise need to be capped. As a general rule of thumb, the stat priority goes agi > hit = cap > crit > haste > mastery for SV hunters and agi > hit = cap > crit ~> mastery > haste for BM hunters. Since the overhaul of talents, most talents nowadays are situational. For pure PvE benefits, most dps choices stay the same between specializations except the lv 75 tier, where Lynx Rush benefits BM hunters more and A Murder of Crows should be the best choice for SV hunters. Overall, I feel that current hunters don't usually occupy the very top of the dps meter, but if played right can still be quite decent. Add on to the fact that hunters have the choice of bringing different buffs into the raid depending on the team composition, it makes hunters decent dps choices that can also benefit the entire raid in various ways.
  14. Thank you for the welcome. =D
  15. Just FYI, here's a link to my priest where I did most of my raiding in Cata: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/cairne/Archona/advanced
  16. Hello all, My name is Jack. I'm 27, and currently a graduate student living in Michigan. Yesterday I posted a LFGuild thread on WoW recruitment forum, and I was directed here by Ashin's reply. I started playing WoW around the time when BWL was released, and I fell in love with the game instantly. In Vanilla WoW, I was pretty much playing a catch-up game since I did not play at release, but I did manage to get into a decent raiding guild and we went through MC, Onyxia, most part of BWL, ZG, and AQ20. Back then, the guild was ranked No.2 on the server, and the No.1 guild kept poaching players from us, and soon several key members left and the guild pretty much fell apart from there. In BC, I played a resto shaman and managed to clear BT pre-nerf, again my guild was ranked No. 2 on the server (No. 1 was on horde's side, oh yeah, back then I used to play alliance toons, yeeek...). Unfortunately, soon after we cleared BT, drama happened between two officers and the guild split into two and neither survived the split. In WotLK, I joined a casual raiding guild playing a rogue due to RL constraints, went through 12/14 Ulduar with various difficulty modes along the way, again guild split and didn't survive. In Cata, I went 6/13 HM in tier 11, 6/7 HM in tier 12 playing a healing priest (both Holy/Disc specs). Before the release of DS, the guild masters quit the game and deicded to go play SWTOR (lol??) The guild was disbanded, and I decided to take a break from the game. I came back a month before the release of MoP and joined a reroll guild, just like every other reroll, it started great, but steadily lost people along the way. Just a few days ago, they have decided to release all the raiders and focus on PvP instead. That's when I decided to look for a new guild. I was attracted to South of Heaven not only because of its raid times and excellent results, more importantly, this guild has been around for quite a long time, and stability is the most important thing I look for when searching for a guild. I am able to play all three hunter specs, though I'm more familiar with Survival and BM specs at the moment since I've been using them in Heroics and LFRs since the release of this expansion. I reached Lv. 90 roughly 3 days after release and has been gearing myself since then, mainly through heroic runs, reputation rewards, and LFRs. I only have very limited experience with normal mode raiding since the guild I'm in hasn't been able to raid, my experience comes mainly from PuG raids. I'd like to think that I am a capable player that can take constructive criticism very well. Nobody is perfect and mistakes do happen, but I am pretty good at adjusting on the fly and will do anything to try not to make the same mistake twice. Here's my armory link: http://us.battle.net...n/Ajik/advanced I think that pretty much does it for my introduction. Thank you all for taking the time to read it through and feel free to let me know if you guys have any questions.
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