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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Very. I got dragged into Rift by miss Badonk-adonk for about a year I think. I confused many people with my dps and strategies in there as well. Mahlia!! I'm hurt. You and I just weren't meant to be. I am rather mysterious and intriguing, but why does it have to be a board? Are you woodist? Or maybe you're trying to get me aboard a pirate ship! I want to be a pirate! You'll never know until you touch me. You might get dirty, sticky, squeeky, or maybe even licked. I do enjoy WvW, though I am not on your server, sadly. I can melt groups like no other.
  2. So, today I was minding my own business smashing pumpkins when I got a picture message of a giant Badonkadonk. It was followed by numerous texts and naughty-ness until I was told I would have to apply here. Then, upon coming to this site, I found absolutely no recruitment forum nor application stuff other than here. It also told me to sign this code of conduct thingy yet I don't have permission to do so since I'm not a member. Yet to be a member you have to sign that code of conduct. Weird isn't it? So I'ma make an application up and see what happens. Enjoy. Profession: Baker Server: Still waiting for one to wait on me. (GET IT!?) Age: Too old. Likes: Biscuits, muffins, baking people in an oven. Other Useful Information: If you invite me there might be drama since all the "older" women always try to give me candy that just so happens to be on a bed. It's odd, I know. For those that don't know me, I'm quite an odd person, but I will totally trip and outrun you if the zombie apocalypse comes. Other than that, I was promised cookies or something for at least visiting the site. P.S. - I'm curious, was South of Heaven in Aion? And if so, and it was an elyos guild, is that warrior girl that turned me into a ribbit in abyss still around? Kiting around an artifact while laughing and crying so hard I couldn't see was a great time.
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