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Everything posted by Sungoddess

  1. Here is my most recent log http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/8inakguvh51ft5h5/
  2. I am a Sir I definately would but unfortunately, due to having to work early in the mornings, I usually get to bed pretty early but if you are on the same time as me, I would be more then happy to oblige
  3. I can understand that. I am a bit behind. The month off i took through me pretty far behind everyone else that has been playing since launch. I would also like to tell you that I would very much like to join as social or a standby raider until i can get my gear up to par with everyone else. That would be great. You seem like a good group of people and even if im not in the raid, I would like to hear some of your strategies as you are going through the raids so I will know what I'm looking forward to
  4. Oh yeah. Sorry about that. Totally forgot to post my information... I tend to get carried away typeing and forget to put down the basics. I'm 24 years old and turn 25 on Dec the 1st. I'm currently in the AF, stationed in Grand Forks, ND, as a Combat-Arms Instructor. I should be able to make all your raids seeing as how your times are after work hours and doesnt go to late. There may come a time where I will have to work 1 night here and there due to our new course of fire but it will only be 1-2 times a month tops. A few things to describe me as a person: I'm a very easy person to get along with, I enjoy my freetime (but who doesnt), funny, crazy, and I just like to have fun with what i do. Also, in my freetime, I love playing the drums. Its what im passionate about As for my computer, I play everything on high settings and with all my addons I still run at 38 ms / 30-31 fps so my computer shouldnt have a problem handling 25m raid groups. I'm going to be totally honest here, I havent been able to buy the first thing with VP yet. I hit 90 about 2 weeks ago so that's why im still working on getting the rep for the vendors. I know I'm alittle bit behind on the rep grind but it's definately a work in progress. As for the gloves, I will be getting those very soon. Still trying to figure out the best way to make gold in MoP. I bought the chest piece first and the gloves were going to be next. Spec - The reason i chose frostjaw instead of everything else on that row is because its more useful to me. I can freeze things at a distance and then deep freeze for extra crit % (trash pulls obviously). Also, i chose rune of power because its a steady increase in spell power and has the least down time for the buff. Also only takes 1.45 sec to cast. Evocation takes 9-10 sec to finish up for the buff and Incanter's ward has a 10s gap in the buff. That's my reasoning for the way my spec is at the moment. Also I will link an updated version of my armory. A few things have changed already. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Sungoddess/advanced As far as the guild I left, "Whiskey Brigade", They started off as a great guild. The raid leader had everything well organized and everyone was getting along very nicely. Then we had a few people that just up and quit the guild due to friends on another server and family issues, etc. So, we were forced to bring in new people. The new people we brought in were very young it seemed. They started argueing with everyone in the guild, and once everyone starts arguing in raid about how things should be ran, things just start going down hill from there. This started all the drama for the guild. As time went on, things started getting worse and worse and I was just tired of hearing all the arguements over stupid things, like who did what and people denying things that they clearly had done (video footage proof) and the list goes on. So, I told them if it doesnt stop, I'm going to leave the guild. Well, as you can see, things continued and more and more people started leaving. The guild was just falling apart so I left also.
  5. Hello South of Heaven, This is Sungoddess, the mage from Stormreaver. I'll start off by giving a brief history of my time in World of Warcraft. I have been playing WoW since vanilla, going on almost 8 years now, wow time has flown... that's besides the point. I always wanted to be in the top guild on the server but things never turned out the way i wanted them to. I've been in alot of guilds in the past, a few of which were top 10 on the server. I'm not going to sit here and type out some random guild name because I cant remember what guild I was in back in vanilla and BC, so you're just going to have to take my word for it, for what its worth Now for the raiding aspect of the game, I've cleared all the content up to this new expansion. I cleared all of BoT on heroic 25m and all but Nef in BWD 25m on heroic when the content was still kind of new. For 25H Tot4W, I managed to get conclaive down but we never got around to beating al'akir before FL came out. When Firelands made its first appearance, my guild was 5th on the server to down Ragnaros on norm. Then everyone had to one up us and do everything on Heroic (just jealous). We managed to get 6/7 on 25H FL before (once again) new content came out which introduced us to DS. Once Dragon Soul came out, I left the guild I was currently in because things were starting to go down hill. Everyone was starting to argue and get annoying and everyone in that guild turned 6 it seemed. On another note, I ended up just pugging everyone in DS because it was such a joke. I lead most of my groups because I had a few conflicts with the way RLs were making things so complicated when the content was super easy. (Granted there was a time gap that i forgot to mention, when i actually stopped playing WoW for about 3 months because I was just getting burnt out. This gap happened right after I quit my former guild. By the time I came back, the content was nerfed by quite a bit, 15-20% i believe was the number, which is probably why I thought the place was a joke). Anywho, this leads me up to where we are now with the new expansion. With the new content, I really havent been able to experience much of the raiding yet because the guild I was in just doesnt seem to have their things in order. Only thing i've been able to do so far is lfr sadly. Now i'm currently just grinding for rep because of all the great gear you can get from the rep vendors now and doing LFR as often as I can. I would love to be able to get into another good progression 25m guild like my former 25m guild "Whiskey Brigade (Eredar - PvP) Horde" which is where you guys come into play. I first heard about this guild back when I started on this server which wasnt to long ago, prob 3-4 months or so. I heard alot of good things about South of Heaven and I was just hoping I could be a part of this guilds success stories because I'm sure that this guild will be one of the top 25m guilds on server, If not number 1! Well I think I've rambled on enough, so I'm going to leave you with a viewing of my armory. Unfortunately I dont have a World of Logs account yet but it's coming soon most definately. (already talked to Ashin about this matter). Thank you guys for reading this very long and boring resume of me past with WoW and if you have any questions for me, please feel free to message me either on here or in game. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Sungoddess/advanced
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