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Everything posted by Kem

  1. signed up no gong back now!!!!!!!!!
  2. Prob should of answered your questions from before Ashin, Being a feral druid definitely has it advantages with the run speed bonus/passive cat speed bonus and the boot enchant. Not only that I have two speed increases with dash/Stamp roar. As for jumping while dps I'm too concerned about jamming in my rotation keys to do something so pointless
  3. Looking forward to this season even though there breaking book 3 into two seasons, me and my buddy thinking red wedding going to be the end of next season even though it about three fourth through book and they'll add some of book four along with the latter third of the third book in that next season
  4. Oh I should add I'm really big into The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones series
  5. For my self I'm 23 years old college student doing the long term college process(lol) in telecommunications, so my scheduled pretty much free especially for your raid times. I do have a DK I enjoy playing though he isn't gear atm as I put all my time in my Druid for this exp. I love pvp to a point I can't say I'm great at it especially now with feral ramp up night in arena's but if I got nothing to do and people want me to come I'm game
  6. Hello Forums, I'm applying to this guild because I talked to Ashin and this seem like a guild I'd be interested in. Mainly looking for a guild that can get things done without having it feel like a job. The guild I am in Castle Bravo is a guild I've been in for the better parts of 2 years. I've been in this guild in many capacities from just being a raider, being the bank manger, recruitment officer, and finally the raid leader. Recently a few of our really good raiders decided to call it quits and I really din't want to recruit any longer. I've been playing wow Since a month before TOC was released, I didn't get into raiding much until tier 10. I tanked on my druid(mostly) enjoyed the hell out of feral 11/12hm in icc before our guild called it quits. Tier 11 was much more casual as we were starting up Castle Bravo didn't get many heroics down that tier. In tier 12 we did 6/7hm I was feral dps through out cata. For tier t13 we did 8/8hm we got everyone in our raiders even a handful of reserve drakes which I'm glad we kept at. Other than that I really enjoy playing feral over the other three spec I would go tank on the fights needed would have to reforge the gear of course because tanking druids hate mastery these days lol, but I really not of fan of either moonkin or healing that just plain hate those spec lol. I use a g510 keyboard with their gkeys and a razor naga for my keybinds Pic of UI http://i.imgur.com/lNWty.jpg wol from few weeks ago http://www.worldoflo...rgqjcvcji0250e/ epeen http://raidbots.com/.../eredar/kemono/ armory http://us.battle.net...Kemono/advanced Also, outside this game for me I'm a huge sports guy especially New England sports as I was born and raise from there, so if you ever want to talk sports I'd be game. http://fileunderfera...plecatdps.jpg�� (yes my class used to include football) -Kem
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