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Posts posted by Tinymanz

  1. Hmmm. I have a few level 50 jobs. A healer and a smuggler? I might get back into this. We started at launch and were very disappoint in the lack of anything at 50. It just seemed like a really well done RPG.

    Join ussssssssssss...



    Also Ashin says he'll make SWTOR a forum in other games which is good. There are some threads that I'd like to post so keep your eyes peeled, people.

  2. So if I am level 50, and would rather play my original character rather then a "new 60" is there a path to "play the story" to 60 without a crap-ton of grinding?

    Yup. playing the primary story missions without grinding is a very viable way to level. Throw in a couple flashpoints for the daily and weekly and you'll be 60 in no time.


    @Cal: I totally agree. I love the pvp warzones and even their 4v4 arenas are fun.


    For those who are transferring and need an invite. Send an in game mail to Tinymanz with your character name and I'll add you to friends and get you tagged when i see you pop online. You can also, of course, check mumble and get an invite that way too!

  3. So once again the Hermit Trio of EVE, left alone without adult supervision, has gone and done something rather rash...we've picked up Star Wars: The Old Republic and we want friends to join us! 


    Many things have changed over the four years that the game has been out. Though it failed to live up to expectations at launch, Biowear has spent the time making changes to the game and it has developed into a truly unique and successful merging of single player RPG and MMO; something I think would appeal to many of us. The option to play with people in a traditional MMO fashion is there, but so is the option to go out and play a very immersive RPG at your own pace, without any of the pressure associated with MMO culture.


    Some quick info about what the game has going on at the moment:

    -Solid PVP

    -Player housing that integrates all aspects of the game in terms of decorations and bonuses unlocked from PvP, PVE, solo play and crafting (and more!).

    -Flexible Instances called Flashpoints

    -Level scaling similar to GW2

    -Grand story chapters released every month (to keep things fresh) in addition to the already existing storylines for each class and planet. 

    -Immersive solo play

    -The game is very pretty when run on a not-toaster computer.


    About us in SWTOR:


    We're currently playing on The Ebon Hawk server, a high population EST RP-PVE server. Though the server is an RP server, it has a very active community and very high level game play in both PVP and PVE can be found. The server's PVP community is large and very active, same with the PVE and crafting communities. We are playing primarily on the Republic side though those of us who are playing have some Imperial characters as well.


    The guild has a guild stronghold that we are working to unlock and start to fill out, as it's a great source of content generation.


    If anyone's interested, the game is free to play so go ahead and download and check it out! (And post here!) I'm no good at these sorts of posts so if people have questions or comments or concerns please ask away!

  4. Because inedit has dropped the ball with questions I will ask some in her style, for her.

    Why do you not have an avatar? Do you see yourself as the invisible man? Can no image do your beauty true justice? Does the world need to be protected from what you may chose to represent yourself?

    Inedit should ask more, but there are some to start.

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