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Everything posted by Sitirfa

  1. Hello all the name is Sitirfa, that's Sih-Tear-Fa if your having trouble. Recently i grouped with one of your Templar's, Huntyre if i can remember correctly, to kill some mobs for a quest that we were both doing and then later we took a stab at the Mist-Main area. He said that you were not currently accepting any rangers as of late but to still drop by and put up a post so see whats up if i was interested. Well it turns out that after reading your post on the Lumial server forums that i am interested . Really i just want some people to party with and shoot at some stuff wile having a good time. i recently joined another legion but as of late there are not many people on when i am. Being on the west coast makes it hard to find a good legion. if nothing else i would like to be considered to join you in some abyss roaming. I rather like the abyss but HATE getting ganked by parties of elyos that seem to find me no matter ware i go. I am a ranger lvl 35 currently and am close to 36. Hope to hear from you soon, you sound like a good bunch and will be happy to answer any questions you have for me.
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