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  1. For the reason you are leaving Farm Status, did you copy that from this guy? Or did he copy you? http://us.battle.net...opic/7321072480 Yes, I did. We're both from the same guild with the same reasoning as to why we're leaving and looking for a new place to call home. Let's start over. Copypasta is boring. You've done a lot of raiding - has all of that been on your druid? Have you always done feral? What other roles and classes have you raided with in the past? Yes, I have done quite a bit of raiding, mostly on my druid. In the past years, I have switched back and forth from Balance to Feral and vice versa with a couple months being Guardian during ICC25 prior to Cata release. The Bt/Sunwell kills were on my Priest I don't really play much anymore. What do you like about Feral - what keeps you interested in it? I enjoy being a melee class simply because it's generally the hardest position to fulfill and play perfectly. Because of that, I choose to be feral, given it's strict priority rotation, uptime management of multiple buffs/debuffs and the numerous boss mechanics to avoid. What makes you interested in SoH? Just that we're 25m and kill stuff? Anything else stand out in our recruitment post? You guys fit my schedule perfectly. You guys are in need of a Feral Cat. You guys are pushing for top 100 Since I can't quote properly, i bolded questions
  2. Yeah, sorry about that. I have only one application out, and it was to them. I decided to just copy/paste that app here so save my wrists from carpel tunnel
  3. Character Name: Skyfo Your Age:27 Armory Link: http://us.battle.net.../Skyfo/advanced World of Logs Reports: http://worldoflogs.com/guilds/74210/ Computer Specs: Intel core i7 x980 @ 3.33ghz 6gigs of ram gtx480 Internet Connection: UI Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/kiSog.jpg What is your past PvE experience? Vanilla: Zul'Gurub Vanilla: Molten Core Vanilla: Blackwing Lair Vanilla: Ahn'Qiraj (20 Man) Vanilla: Ahn'Qiraj (40 Man) Vanilla: Naxxramas (40 man) - 9 bosses down prior to BC Burning Crusade: Karazhan Burning Crusade: Magtheridon's Lair Burning Crusade: Gruul's Lair Burning Crusade: Serpentshrine Cavern Burning Crusade: Tempest Keep Burning Crusade: Mount Hyjal Burning Crusade: Black Temple Burning Crusade: Sunwell WotLK: Naxxramas (25 Man) WotLK: The Obsidian Sanctum (25 Man) WotLK: The Eye of Eternity (25 Man) WotLK: Ulduar (25 Man) WotLK: Trial of the Grand Crusader (25 Man) WotLK: Heroic Icecrown Citadel (10 Man) WotLK: Heroic Icecrown Citadel (25 Man) Cata: Blackwing Descent (6/6H) Cata: The Bastion of Twilight (3/5H) Cata: Throne of the Four Winds (1/2H) Cata: All Heroic 5 Mans Cata: Firelands (7/7H) Cata: Dragon Soul (8/8H) MoP: Mogu (2/6H 10m) MoP: HoF (5/6 Normal 10/25m) What is your past guild experience and why have you left those guilds? Farm Status - Guild was 25 man pushing hard mode content two weeks out of the expansion. Officers got all janky and wanted to degress to a ten man to "further" progress into the hard mode bosses. Two weeks later, the two officers/vet farmers left the guild to pursue other %^-*, and the guild went back to 25. As of now I don't see the guild continuing it's progression at the level that it should be at and members who have been part of Farm Status for years when it was a top 50 US guild, are now leaving. So I myself have now put myself up on the market. Harmonium - Guild leader (prior to MoP launch) wouldn't make up his mind as to which classes he wanted to run with. Guild then broke into a 10m. Unorganized. Reasoning for applying to <South of Heaven>: Looking to improve upon my raiding and skills. Looking for competition (more importantly competition of greater value than myself). What is your attitude toward raiding? I'm determined to put forth as much as my class can offer to clear content with as little downtime as possible. Killing bosses, taking names. Fast and clean clears, ranking to prove how great the group of 25 people are. Which addons, if any, do you feel are essential to your raiding and why? Deadly Boss Mods/BigWigs - Boss Timers A clean UI to avoid clutter and to eliminate mistakes. Ovale (personal favorite) - helps out with rotation and priority of spells. As a DPS, I also believe having an indepth damage meter to breakdown much needed information, deaths, figuring out who's doing what incorrectly. Why should we pick you? I'm a parsing druid (granted, most of them are on 10 man mode). I try my damnedest to improve on everything I'm doing incorrectly from rotation/priority, talent spec, gemming etc. I'm currently trying to learn Simcrafting on my own, but I think i'm butchering it as I'm kind of an amateur with the program. FYI: I currently have Herbalism as a 2nd profession. Reason being, the guild has fallen apart, therefor, i'm using it as a moneymaking profession/stocking up on flasks and potions. Do you have any additional information that you would like us to know? I have stated this a few questions ago, and I think I should repeat that I currently have Herbalism as a 2nd profession. My race is a troll, so I actually like having a double haste buff on fights. I'd like to thank you guys for reading my application and hope to be guilded with you all in the near future.
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