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Posts posted by DanishDynamite

  1. 1 Overall CD usage

    I tend to use my CD's based on when the situation calls. I don't use my CD's as soon as they are off CD. I don't glyph for Divine Protection on fights where I know phases will do magic damage to mitigate that more. I will improve glyphing for it come 5.2, since as it stands on the PTR, it will be great for the next tier bonus. I will work on using my CD's more, but I always tend to save them for situations in an encounter, where I know I'm will get hit hard (Second debuff stack on Bladelord, Thrash from Sha of Fear and Breath on Elegon etc.).

    2 Particularly Sacred Shield uptime, and what have you done to address this since your previous app cycle and what can you do to take it to the next level now.

    I can answer this best with two answers.

    1. Power Auras Classic. I've been starting to use this ever since you recommended it. It has been a great help to me, not just for sacred shield, but all my important buffs. It has made me much more aware of Sacred Shield. This will also be a great aid for when Eternal Flame comes into play.

    2. I feel my up-time is much higher than that. I know I don't cast it on myself when I'm not tanking, in which case it goes to the other tank. No need for me to have it when I'm not taking any, if not very little, damage. I don't know if that has any effect on the up-time in the logs.

    3 Talent and glyph changes appropriate for various encounters, give me two examples of changes and why

    I always glyph Alabaster shield and Battle Healer. They are just always nice to have.

    Elegon I like to use Light's hammer for AoE healing (Be it the range group or melee) during Total Annihilation. I prefer glyphing Holy wrath as my third glyph for the stun on elemental adds.

    Sha of Fear I prefer to use Execution Sentence for self healing and I glyph Divine Protection for my third glyph. It helps mitigate the physical damage.

    For fights with Magic damage phases, (Feng and Lei Shi mainly) I glyph for Avenging Wrath for extra healing. Having Divine Protection mitigate magic damage is nice.

    4 You're under expertise hardcap, why?

    Experimentation. I wanted to see if I could gain more haste if my cap was just 1-1.5% under cap. But while I'm not having any issues with self healing and threat, missing 2.5-4% of my Crusader Strikes, Melee hits and Shield of Righteous attacks, I could do more. I'm back to expertise hard cap.

    I hope that answered it all up.

  2. After talking with Ashin, I am re-opening my application and updating.

    The new guild I joined fell apart right away, despite Heroic progression. Our two top DPS left and joined the top guild of our server, and our RL rage quit during our last raid.

    I am now 6/16 HM experienced (Guards, Feng, Garajal, Spirit Kings, Elegon and Bladelord).

    Here are the only few logs my guild made:



    No logs for Spirit Kings as PvPimp was not in on the kill.

    I hope to hear from ya! :)

  3. I'm afraid I'm going to have to withdraw my application.

    My guild pretty much disbanded and some friends had a tank opening in their guild.

    I've decided to stick with my mates in this new guild and hopefully put my newly acquired knowledge to good use.

    I want to thank everyone (Esp. Hip and Ashin) for their advice and their critique, as I have already made wast improvements to my tanking abilities.

    Once again, thank you and good luck in your future challenges and adventures!

  4. I'll get on getting a addon right away for CD's and get accustomed to it.

    I'll also change my glyph. I only had it to make Elegon easier (Does wonders on them elementals), and I'll change spec as needed for encounters.

    I never had much use for Clemency since we are running with two Paladins in our 10 man, but again, if needed I will change it to benefit the encounter(s).

    I prefer haste to generate holy power ASAP. I like having a Shield of the Righteous up constantly (even if it is lower damage reduction) than to have intervals where it can spike (even if the intervals are few and far between). A constant 30% (40% with 4 piece bonus) constantly is better than 35% (45%) most of the time. Haste will also do wonders for spells such as Consecration and Eternal Flame and it stacks with the spell haste given from Seal of Insight (The extra melee haste adds more procs as well). Also as my gear stands (And gear in general in this tier), you need a lot of mastery for it to be worth purely stacking it (Not to mention giving up on a hard cap expertise). If I was to reforge and re-gem my current gear, I could get another 2-3% mastery, maybe 5-6% with removing expertise hard cap, at the expense of most of my haste.

    I like my abilities are available more often (Esp. for the "Oh ****!" moments) which haste gives me.

    I've talked to Ashin before, but most is repeated here in application. I haven't done anything official (I don't think I have anyways), but I'm interested in proceeding to the next step as well.

  5. I only switch "a lot" when needed. (I.e Alliance to horde to play with my brother.) Other than that I tend to stay in guilds for a while if I can (Don't like drama, so I left CdG with everyone else.) If I still lived in Denmark, I would still be in Northern Expedition, but an 8 hour time zone difference makes raid availability hard. Note I have stayed with BG for most of Cata and all of MoP so far. But since most of the core raid from Cata left or quit, it just doesn't feel the same.

    Haste is a new thing I'm trying. I haven't actually had much raid time with the build so I'm still in the "try-out" phase with it, but I've only heard good things. Our 10 man has rather low DPS over all, so I need the haste to pump out a little more damage. I did mastery in the beginning, but with us doing normal modes mainly, I've taken this chance to try out the haste build.

    I don't switch out many talents for fights. On normal it's never much of a requirement. But when needed I will. Tomes aren't expensive :)

    In general on CDs, I tend to try and take more damage in normals (Since they don't do that much damage) and we do have amazing healers, so the extra vengeance helps with our lacking DPS. This will improve.

    Sacred Shield needs a better up-time, I agree. But again, doing normals and having amazing healers, I tend to let myself take a little extra damage to build more vengeance, for a slight damage boost. This will be improved when I start dedicated HMs. I'd also like to note that I'd be using Eternal Flame more in 5.2 since it will be getting a huge boost. If the haste build works out, I should be able to have stable Eternal Flame up-time and still maintain a good Righteous Shield up-time as well.

    I don't use any addons or tackers for CD's. I currently feel very comfortable with my UI, and I'm always aware when my CD's are ready, and for what situations. If a tracker is required, I will get one.

  6. Hi everyone!

    By the way, I just wanted to mention that I play a Blood Elf Paladin instead of a Tauren.

    I like the Blood Elf racial (Arcane Torrent) more, simply because it let's me control mechanics more, and i like the freedom better. 5% base stamina is nice, but I like the mechanical advantage more.

    If a race change is required, I will. I just felt I should let you know why I prefer Blood Elf.

  7. I understand the holidays are upon us and I am in no rush.

    US-Mage armory: http://us.battle.net...g/Xínn/advanced

    EU-Pala armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/lightbringer/Xinn/advanced *NOTE This does not display ICC and Ulduar clear as I did it on a Shaman alt (crappy healer) as a fill-in for normal mode on a run or two. The shaman can't be viewed on armory due to inactivity and honestly forgot his name.

    My EU mage no longer exists as I deleted him in TBC.

    I moved to the US, from Denmark, with my family, with the intention of starting school. I was born in the US however, I just spent 14 years in Denmark.

    Shortly after moving over I got a job with LEGO Systems Inc. After our studio was shut down, I've returned to school. As for travelling I haven't been back to Denmark for any vacations, but maybe sometime in the future I'll make time for visits.

  8. Character basics:

    Name: Zínn (I plan to name change upon server transfer)

    Class: Paladin

    Spec: Protection / Retribution (Off spec)

    Proffesions: JC (600) / BS (600)

    Armory link: http://us.battle.net...g/Zínn/advanced


    Name: Jacob

    Age: 23

    Occupation: Part time college student / Freelance author.

    Key skills, applicable to WoW: Fluent in English and Danish, management skills and attention to detail.

    About myself and my character(s):

    I’ve always loved tanking. Paladin especially has always been my favorite since I first made one in TBC to play with my brother. I’ve played mage in Vanilla and Cataclysm for a change of pace, but I honestly get bored with DPS classes very quickly. I prefer tanking above all else, just because it is a challenge and I love a good challenge!

    What you can expect from me:

    You can expect a player that knows his class. I always strive to be at the top of my game, and always seek improvement, be it studying guides or taking advice from other players. I will learn from my mistakes! I always come prepared to raids, be it flasks, food or watching guides on upcoming progression fights. I’m never afraid of a challenge, even if it means wiping on a progression boss again and again. I always try to offer insight or give my perspective on things in a professional manner and not just yelling and crying when things don’t go my way. I have a lot of experience as a raid leader, and while some say I often sound angry, I’m honestly not, I tend to be more brutally honest and express myself quickly and to-the-point .

    What I expect of you:

    I expect to join a guild where people are friendly with each other and don’t mind joking around, not just trying to “1-up” each other, and rag each other. I expect to join a guild that is willing to do guild activities with each other such as Challenge Modes and heroics etc. and not just logging on for raids, only to disappear until next raid. I expect to join a guild that has steady progression. I expect guild leadership to actually lead the guild to success and not just sit back and hope someone else will.

    Why am I leaving my current guild?

    My guild is dying on a dying server. My brother, two other officers and I took over the guild shortly before MoP, since the GM and most of our core raiders left or quit. My guild tried going 25 man for MoP and while my brother and I recruited over 50 candidates, only 2 bothered to actually level to 90 and start raiding. While my brother continues to recruit, I raid lead, but it’s hard to do so efficiently when you have a new raider or two every week and a GM that takes no initiative to do any recruiting or raid leading himself and does very little to help our guild other than a “I’m good with whatever” response. Recently our progression has come to a grinding halt and I simply don’t want to put up with it anymore.

    WoW career:


    Crybaby Raiders (Neptulon-EU), Alliance, Hemmini, Level 60 Gnome Mage. (Raider)

    -Full clear of ZG, AQ20, MC and BWL

    -Freelance raider with RL friends in top guild. Cleared AQ40 and a few fights in Naxx.

    -Quit the guild in TBC to play with my brother on horde side.


    Various guilds (Sylvannas-EU), Horde, Chopstickz, Level 70 Holy Paladin. (Raider)

    -Semi-Full KZ clear in various guilds. Most guilds disbanded.

    Coup de Grace (Lightbringer-EU), Horde, Chopstickz, Level 70 Protection Paladin. (Paladin Class Leader, Raid Leader)

    -Full clear of KZ, Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC, TK and partial BT.

    -GM took his/her frustration out on the guild, esp. us officers, due to prolonged RL issues, so most of us got fed up and merged with another guild.

    Northern Expedition (Lightbringer-EU), Horde, Chopstickz, Level 70 Protection Paladin. (Paladin Class Leader, Raid Leader)

    -Full content exp, except for Sunwell, limited attempts on first boss. Gained experience as Retribution.


    Northern Expedition (Lightbringer-EU), Horde, Chopstickz (Renamed Xinn later), Level 80 Protection Paladin. (Paladin Class Leader, Raid Leader)

    -Naxx 10/25, Sarth 10/25 (3D 10 man), EoE 10/25, Ulduar 25, ToC limited.

    -Break during ToC as I moved to the US. Full clear on normal ICC (Did not partake in heroic progression).


    BEYOND GODLIKE (Deathwing-US), Horde, Xínn, Level 85 Fire/Arcane Mage. (Raider)

    -BoT 1/ 4 heroic, 4/4 normal, BWD 3/6 heroic, 6/6 normal, TotFW 4/4 normal, FL 6/7 heroic, DS 8/8 heroic. All done on 10 man.


    BEYOND GODLIKE (Deathwing-US), Horde, Zínn, Level 90, Protection Paladin. (Officer, Raid Leader)

    -2/6 Heroic MV, 5/6 HoF, 1/ 4 ToS (Elite Kill). All done on 10 man.

    MoP logs: http://www.worldoflo...m/guilds/51043/

    Misc. info:

    - I have Mumble, Vent and Skype. I have a mic, but will only use if instructed to.

    - I am able to attend all your raids.

    - I do not plan to transfer any other characters over. I plan to start a new alt (Monk) when I server transfer.

    If you have any questions beyond what I have submitted in my application, please do ask. I’ll do my best to answer them!

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