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Everything posted by Murf

  1. Hi guys, First off I'd like to thank Twelve and Midri for taking the time to do LFR with me. I've decided to stay on Mug'thol and join a guild that is a little less progressed than you all. It's been a while since I've raided at a competitive level and through close examination of my logs can tell that I'm probably not the best fit for you. That and the fact that I'm having major anxiety about leaving my server and friends behind. Good luck in your quest for heroic boss kills in this tier and future ones.
  2. http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/5p8ttj1jrxpc1als/sum/damageDone/ LFR log
  3. I prep by making sure I have plenty of flasks, food, pots and tomes. I read and watch strat guides if it's a fight I'm not familiar with. I also go to howtopriest.com if I have any concerns regarding certain fights. Cake or pie? Pie. It can have so many delicious fillings. I'll be studying Computer Science. As for my logs, that was a pug and the first time I had played with those people. There were multiple times where I had to stop attacking due to aggro issues. There were also times where I was concerned about healing. I'd be up for an LFR. Murf#1748.
  4. My work schedule during Cata didn't allow me to raid as much as I wanted. I owned my own salon which took up a lot of my time. I told myself at the end of Cata that I was going to push harder content in MoP. Now that I have the time, it's been like pulling teeth trying to get my current guildies to raid. Even though my gear may be a little behind I'm still a smart player. I have great situational awareness and know how to play my class.
  5. My favorite addon as a shadow priest would have to be Gnosis. It is by far the best and most accurate cast bar I have ever used. I also use it to track my dots. Another great spriest addon is HaloPro. It allows me to get the most out of that spell. The fact that you guys raid 9 hours a week and can down bosses is awesome. It shows that you have motivation which is something that I also have. You also seem to have a great community within the guild. I play wow a lot and think of my guild as my wow family. The majority of people I run into in wow are jerks. I've applied to guilds in the past and been grilled not so nicely. You all just seem like overall great people.
  6. Character: Murfle Spec: I currently play as shadow with a disc off spec Armory: http://us.battle.net...l/Murfle/simple Wow History: I started playing wow in the summer of '08 and for some strange reason I was compelled to play a female dwarf hunter. Being that this was the first MMO I had ever played I took my time leveling and was level 65 when WotLK launched. I ended up rolling a DK and taking it to 80 where I raided Naxx as blood dps. A couple of months after Wrath's release a friend and I decided we were sick of our classes and a reroll was in order. He chose warrior and I chose, you guessed it, priest! Raiding History: I raided strictly as a healing priest through all of wrath. First as disc and then as disc/holy when dual spec was introduced. I was healing officer in <rolls face> uldum. Naxx: Cleared Ulduar 25: up to yogg Ulduar 10: Cleared ToC 25: 4/5 heroic ToC 10: 5/5 heroic ICC 25: 11/12 heroic ICC10: 11/12 heroic For Cata I main switched to a holy pally and my guild decided they would like to raid 10 mans. I was pretty casual for most of the xpac and took a break to play SW:TOR right after DS was released. BWD: 1/6 heroic BoT: 1/4 heroic Firelands: 6/7 heroic DS: 1/8 heroic here's a link to that pally: http://us.battle.net...hol/Murf/simple And now for MoP! MSV: 1/6 heroic HoF: 6/6 ToES: 4/4 This is a parse from a MSV pug I did tonight:http://www.worldoflo...s74fd0zu0g70az/ Screen shot of my ui:http://i.imgur.com/5Or7V.jpg A bit about me: My name is Olivia, I'm 25 years old and live in New Hampshire. I work part-time as an esthetician and will be starting school part-time this spring semester. I'm looking for a new guild because my current guild wants to focus on pvp. Don't get me wrong I love kicking some alliance booty but I also really like raiding. After browsing the forums I love the vibe you guys give off! You seem to really have fun with each other. I've been playing wow with the same people for four years and would love to find a guild I could spend another four years in.
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