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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Just popping in to see if everyone had a fantastic weekend, and just wondering about the status of this application ^_^ Thank you all for you time~!
  2. I was new and on trial, but the raids were ending at 2:00am (or later) my time and it was throwing off my schedule quite a bit since I would end up going to bed close to 5:00am. Also, when I applied, they had said that the Sunday raids were optional, but the entire time I was there (6 weeks minus one week for Christmas break), we had Sunday raids >.< My roomie, hubby and I like to save Sundays for our jaunts into the city since parking is free and what not, so it put quite the dent into our IRL fun times :3 I should have spent more time looking for a guild, but unfortunately I just jumped into the first one that semi-fit my schedule. For MSV, I know that they extended the lock out a few times, and they killed Elegon (it was their second kill) while I was visiting the in-laws, and then we went in and worked on Will progression (their first kill) when I came back. I hope this clears anything up ^_^
  3. Iknorite? >_> Oh and just as an FYI, I couldn't take being a gnome anymore so my priest is back to being a blood elf if you were/are trying to find her on that armory ^_^
  4. Yay~! You like me~! You really like me~! *beauty queen wave* And I am A+ so if I am ever in need of some extra blood after you know...puncturing an artery or something, I will be sure to hunt you down ^_^ Don't weigh enough to donate blood...I wish I had that issue >_> *stares at the cheesecake in my fridge* ~_~
  5. I would be more than happy to switch to my shaman for 5.2, and for sake of covering ALL options, I also have a paladin, Aleyria, who is heroic dungeon geared as a tank and has a smattering of random healing blues. I have only tanked LFR MSV (and I FINALLY got the dance down last night >.< ) and haven't touched the either of the other two raids since she is stuck at 468 ilevel. Also, if it would be better for the raid to not try and shoe horn in a holy priest, I have no problem just leveling my shaman, gearing her via alt/pug raids and farm content and just placing my priest up on the shelf to be dusted off now and then
  6. Sharing your Blood Type is kind of Japanese-y thing XD http://asianlifestyledesign.com/2010/04/japanese-blood-type-character-analysis/ "Type A persons are hard working, detail oriented and very organized." Um sure...let's go with that >_> Also, I did a late LAAATE night LFR (who needs sleep! You can sleep when you're dead!) as Holy after a quick reforge and swapping out a gem. Not my best work, but just wanted to show you a few numbers http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-pwsdwnegd1xgtqc2/sum/healingDone/
  7. Definitely one of my favorite shows! Julie Taymor did an amazing job of combining a variety of theatrical techniques to create something that is literally unforgettable. If only the tickets would stop selling out so they go on sale at TKTS >.< Oooops~! ^_^ We have a little tetra thingee that was supposed to set up the fish tank for another fish, but the tetra has been running strong for a year now. One day we will have a nice large salt water tank...one day...
  8. I have only raided as Holy for Tsulong this tier, but I would be more than happy to respec and hop in an LFR to get some logs running even though LFR is basically, "SPAM ALL THE HEALS!!!" I would just need to reforge and regem to hit the haste cap. Hello~! Thank you for the very kind welcome ^_^ 1. What's your favorite kind of music? It would be easier to list what I don't like instead, which is basically rap and country. The day you catch me in a country and western bar is the day pigs fly out of a frozen hell and do combing runs over Central Park. My iTunes is a mixed batch of J-Pop, musical theater tunes, classical numbers, 80s pop, current music, and random "weird" songs we use for our plays. 2. Do you like to play other games online with buddies? Online gaming wise, I am basically with WoW with the random jauunts into TERA and LoL. When our friends come over for our many dinner and game nights, we all play party games on the Wii and other consoles we have at home. My husband is also addicted to board games so we play a lot of those as well. Everytime he goes to PAX East, he comes back with enough games to start a small toy shop. Food Fight, get it if you haven't tried it~! 3. Would you be keen to the idea of venturing off into other random games for funs and/or drunk times with guild-mates? Drunk times! TO THE EAST VILLAGE WE GO~! Or if foodie fun is more your style, OFF TO FLUSHING for buffets and bbq! I have been friends for years with people I have met through WoW over the years, and it is always great to meet more people. 4. Does your hubby still play WoW and raid? The hubby doesn't raid anymore since he is in his third year of college. He is getting his degree in 3D computer animation and compositing after a 10 year stint in the Navy. When he does play WoW, we either level together or run LFR, dungeons, etc. He also enjoys farming so you will normally catch him in his fishing outfit gathering up some aquatic matter. 5. What's your favorite movie? How do you feel about animated films? Even though it is hard to pick, my favorite would have to be Disney's A Little Mermaid. The music and the art are just perfect in my book ^_^ I also watch a LOT of movies and basically anything that isn't gory or scarey is up for grabs. My most watched films are mostly animated and I am a Ghibli-holic. LUUURV GHIBLI~! Also just downloaded the new live action Rurouni Kenshin movie...*two thumbs WAY UP* 6. Do you play any instruments? I can read music and can plunk a bit on the piano >.< 7. Any foreign languages? I am fluent in spoken Japanese and can read mangas and children's books (Harry Potter level) as well. My kanji retention just utterly blows unfortunately. I can also read Korean and can stutter along at restaurants. 8. Would you consider yourself pessimistic or optimistic? More of an optimist and should things ever go south, I have a great group of friends and family there to bring me back up! 9. How do you feel about fish? If it is raw and sliced with a side of wasabi and shoyu...BRING IT! Hello~! Why thank you! Ein says "Hi~!" too Thank you for the disc tips ^_^ One of the issues I was having with my SS usage on Windlord fight was the fact that we were running two disc priests and our raid leader was confusing the holy hell out of us regarding when he wanted who on what. He wanted to save one of the SS for the tank and unfortunately I just got confuddled since I wasn't sure he wanted me to use it or not. I was definitely less than pleased with my performance on that fight :-/
  9. I hit back space and everything I typed just disappeared ._. Please give me a few moments to type everything out again ~_~
  10. Oh, I can go Holy if that would help with raid comp as well ^_^ Just throwing that out there~
  11. Unfortunately my resto shaman is level 87 and my holy paladin has no holy trinkets and is in blues :-/ Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to my post and the best of luck to you
  12. Basic Information Character Name: Chibihikari Class/Spec: Priest - Discipline (main spec) and Holy (off spec) Armory URL: http://us.battle.net...hikari/advanced Raiding UI: http://imgur.com/UQH3h Addons: DBM, Decursive, Rapture Timer, Grid (with mouse over macros and corner highlights to indicate buffs/debuffs), PowerAuras and Xperl WoL Parse: http://worldoflogs.c.../?s=3811&e=4511 (variety of logs also available for other fights) Real Name: Lani Age: 35 Astrological Sign: Virgo Chinese Zodiac: Snake Blood Type: A Computer/Internet Info: AMD Athlon II X4 640 Processor 3.00 GHz, 8GB RAM, 40+FPS in 25-mans (High), and 100 MS or lower (a few DCs now and then thanks to awesome wonder of TWC) Current (MOP) Raid Progress MSV - 5/6 Heroic with "Cutting Edge: Will of the Emperor", HoF - 2/6 Heroic and ToES - 4/4 Normal WoW and Raiding History (aka, "how I spent the last six years in front of the computer") My husband (then boyfriend) introduced me to WoW at the beginning of Burning Crusade by waving pretty Blood Elf hunters in front of my face. I sat down in front of his computer and after rolling my very first character (Akumamiyu), I made my way around Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms with my loyal kitty by my side. After dinging 70 and getting the key to Kara, I experienced my first raid...and I was hooked! With my one-button "steady shot auto shot" macro and my leather working drums, I mashed my keys as a BM hunter from the dark corridors of Karazhan to the vast interiors of Black Temple. Unfortunately my guild at the time burnt out after Mother Shazrah right before the blanket nerfs were put into effect (all those hours farming Primal Shadows *shudder*), and we did not start to raid again until WotLK. As we moved from the Outlands to the chill of Northrend, my hunter was placed into a retirement home and her were pets stabled. To better suit the class needs of my guild, my protection/holy paladin (Pikako) picked up her sword and shield to main tank Naxxramas (10/25), Malygos (10/25) and Obsidian Sanctum (10/25). Unfortunately the guild began to fall apart a few weeks before the release of Ulduar, and I joined an Alliance guild on my resto shaman (now called Chibimaruko since she has gone through a couple of identity changes throughout the years). With this guild, I dropped my totems, tossed Riptides and Chain Healed all through Tier Seven (Naxx, Maly and OS), Ulduar with hardmodes (10/25), Trial of the Crusader/Trial of the Grand Crusader (10/25) and the beginnings of ICC. Unfortunately, a couple of weeks into Tier 10 my roomie's cat was chasing my bunny around the room and knocked over my computer tower. Not sure how the crash managed to completely screw up my computer, but I had to switch to my laptop which could not support 25-man raiding. I spent the final months of WotLK raiding strictly 10-mans on both my paladin and my shaman, and continued with 10-mans with the changes introduced in Cataclysm. When Deathwing broke Azeroth and brought WoW into Cataclysm, I raided casually on my priest (now Chibihikari the gnome) and worked on Heroic Tier 11 on my resto-shaman. My shaman's guild fell apart at the beginning of Firelands, and it was fortuitous that many of my friends returned to WoW around that time and asked for me to raid with them as a disc priest healer. We stamped out the fires of Tier 12 (6/7 Heroic) and although we were constantly having to replace one or two players during the entire tier, we jumped feet first into Dragon Soul and quickly cleared it on our first night. Our guild suffered from the same issues of Tier 12 (8/8 Heroic) and had to replace one or more players on an almost semi-monthly basis, but we carried on while I healed on both my resto shaman and my priest. Now here we are, in the Mists of Pandaria! The beginning of the expansion started slowly, and unfortunately a family emergency had me going to Tokyo for a month. By the time I came back, the guild had all but collapsed and all of the raiders had gone their separate ways. Frantic to find a raiding guild, I jumped into the first one that caught my eye, and although I have been progressing well with them, the raids just ends too late, so my search continues... Raiding Summary (aka the "TL;DR") Burning Crusade: Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, Tempest Keep, Serpent Shrine Caverns, Mount Hyjal, and Black Temple (up to Mother Shaz when current) - (Character: Akumamiyu - BM Hunter) Wrath of the Lich King: Naxxramas (10/25), Eye of Eternity (10/25), Obsidian Sanctum (10/25), Ulduar (10/25), ToC (10/25) and ICC (10 - Heroic Clear minus LK) - (Characters: Pikako - Prot Paladin and Chibimaruko - Resto Shaman) Cataclysm (10-man): BWD (6/6 Heroic), BoT (3/4 Heroic), Tot4W (1/2 Heroic), Firelands (6/7 Heroic) and Dragon Soul (8/8 Heroic) - (Characters: Chibihikari - Disc Priest and Chibimaruko - Resto Shaman) SoH and why would you want me? After going through the many guild recruitment posts on the WoW forums, yours drew me in and grabbed me! I simply love the way it is written and what it has to say. Not only do you take raiding seriously, but you also realize that there are actual human beings behind the screen and at the keyboard. It is a pleasure to see a guild that puts an emphasis on personalities as well as game play. What will you get with me as a raider? You will get someone who understands that raiding is a group effort that is only as strong as its weakest link and therefore pushes themselves to never be that wobbly link. From theory crafting to research to testing out skills in dungeons and LFR, I do whatever I can to make sure that I can perform to my optimum level. I am also borderline OCD about making sure that I have all of my food buffs, flasks, gems, enchants, etc. and gold necessary for repairs and the aforementioned items. My Healing 411 Healing has been my passion in WoW from the first time I used Flash of Light in Burning Crusade. As much as DPS enjoy seeing the HP of the boss dip, I love watching the boxes in Grid stay nicely topped up and full (with the exception of Heroic Anub *shaking angry fist*). I have rolled with the changes that have occurred in healing from the times when you could spam utterly inefficient heals to victory towards the end of WotLK to the 180 degree flip at the beginning of Cata where one Flash Heal/Healing Surge would eat half your mana pool and now to MoP where I think a fine balance has occurred. Depending on what role I am playing (tank or raid heals or both), my healing changes as needed. Tank healing has me mainly focusing on keeping a PW:S on them as soon as Weakened Soul allows it (and tossing it out on someone else if my Rapture is available and there will be incoming damage to break it), Greater Heal for continuous healing (with Inner Focus used for a nice crit heal), Flash Heal for any "Oh sh...!" situations, and depending on my other healers, I will pop a Spirit Shell on them with Greater Heal to get a good barrier if necessary with PoM and Cascade as both single target and raid heals. Raid Healing consists mainly of PoH (yummy DA procs), with PW;S for damage reduction and rapture procs, and Spirit Shell for the predicable damage that occurs in almost all of the current boss fights. Cooldowns such as Pain Sup, Void Shift and Barrier are used as necessary. Stat Priority and Spec Choice: Spirit and Mastery please! Once 5.2 is released, I will be prioritizing some Crit as well since Spirit Shell will no longer benefit from Mastery. The changes to how specs work in MoP has allowed for a lot of customization on a fight by fight basis and I keep a stack of Tomes in my bags to reglyph and spec as necessary for each fight. About Me: I was born in Tokyo, raised in Honolulu, Hawaii and currently living in Queens, NY with my husband, best friend, Corgi, bunny and my roomie's demon spawn cat. I graduated from the University of Hawaii with a double major in Journalism and Asian Studies, and also spent a year at Sophia University in Tokyo as well. Currently I work from home as a website content writer for an online activity company that sells tours and activities around the world. Basically I write about how awesome something is and why you should spend $200 on the tour ^_^ I am also a theater fanatic and a founding member of a non-profit theater company focusing on experimental/avante garde productions. When I am not working, theater-ing, or playing WoW, you can find me downloading copious amounts of anime, traipsing about the Metropolitan Museum of Art or watching one of the many theatrical productions that are always showing throughout the city. My husband also introduced me to the wonders of Steam and I have been playing a variety of games ranging from Civ to Recettear to Lego Harry Potter. Console wise, I have been sticking with Little Big Planet, Dance Central and the Star Wars Kinect game. Hard core amirite? Conclusion: Thank you very much for taking the time to read my application, and no matter what comes as a result, I wish you all the best of luck in life and in WoW~!
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