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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I'm mainly looking to settle down into more of a comfortable raiding schedule mainly because I no longer have any interest in raiding 30+ hours a week. I've been there, most recently with TM and it was not a fun experience, As a student at college and who has some responsibilities other than to log on and raid, the next tier of content looks incredibly fun and I'd love to be able to experience it at a more relaxed place, while keeping on a competitive level.
  2. While the difference is fairly marginal, SMF is the preferred single target choice while TG is more AoE focused due to the use of Whirwhind and OH damage of it. But for the most part, unless your incredibly lucky it is solely based off of your weapon choices. I prefer TG myself, but have nothing bad to say about SMF, the difference being a slight change in filler rotation (WS over WW for SMF, Vice Versa for TG).
  3. 1.) Mostly due to burnout while in beta, constant testing whenever possible, needing to be on during the day in the morning no matter what, when there was no testing we would just run LFR on the beta for no reason other than to do it. That mixed with the sudden warrior changes, specifically to arms that made it go from one of the most fun and dynamic rotations, to a much clunkier proc based one in MoP. 2.) Warrior for the majority, started the expansion on my shaman for some of T11, but leveled my warrior and played it till now. 3.) Well despite the lack of experience on live this tier, raiding is raiding, there are certain characteristics that make a good raider, no matter the tier. I feel I carry these with me which make me a very valuable player no matter the tier, things as awareness, class knowledge, commitment. I have experienced some of the hardest encounters this game has offered and I expect this tier to be no different, raiding is raiding and whether its T14 or T10, essentially it is the same. If I excelled at previous tiers, I see no reason I can't excel in the current tier. While it is PVP gear, it actually isn't itemized that bad, I'm sure you guys found out early on, it was actually better and easier to get for entry raiding. I'm not wearing it over a heroic piece or by choice, im wearing it because its the best I currently have.
  4. 1.) Personal Information a. Age: 20 b. Time zone: EST 2.) Character a. Character name: Mucfry b. Character class: Warrior c. Spec: Fury and Arms d. Professions: Blacksmith/Engineeer e. Current realm: Stormreaver f. Armory link: http://us.battle.net...Mucfry/advanced 3.) Connection a. What is your average FPS? 35 - 60 on average. b. What is your average latency - be specific? Usually sit anywhere from 60 - 100 MS. c. How stable is your connection - again, be specific? Very stable, rarely DC and if I do I am back in very quickly. 4.) Logs Since I am returning to raiding I will try my best to provide you with the most accurate depiction of my damage at a fully geared progression level. Dragon Soul logs at BiS Gear: http://raidbots.com/...romath/pingpei/ - Arms Firelands logs at BiS Gear: http://raidbots.com/...estromath/mcfly - Fury Current LFR logs, take them with a grain of salt considering how terrible LFR runs usually are: http://worldoflogs.com/guilds/218657/ 5.) Previous Guilds Coalition - Destromath - Was in this guild for about a year, was an officer before leaving due to a dispute with the GM. Decided to go my own way during the summer of 2012. Infallible - Eonar - Joined this guild during the heart of beta testing, did a lot of testing with them, but no live raids due to them not raiding live at the time. Did not enjoy the atmosphere, very cliquey and a majority of their members were only on for raid, then logged. Not the place I wanted to play in. TM - Zul ' jin (now Gamble on Mal' Ganis) - Joined them just before launch where I finished heroic beta testing, was put back by their GM (Sean) who was forcing people to level 2 - 3 alts on top of your main, first week of MoP, constantly told people they cannot hangout outside of mumble (came into a skype call on a saturday and told us we can't be on skype). Was just really put off by how aggressively he was trying to get people to not only raid, but make everyone best friends instead of it naturally coming. That is where I decided not to raid for the time being and just casually pvp for the start of MoP with friends. 6.) Previous Experience Vanilla: Very little, just a bit of ZG/MC BC: 5/5 Mount Hyjal 9/9 Black Temple and 4/6 SWP pre mega nerfs Raided in wrath on my Enhance Shaman WotLK: 12/12 ICC including a pre 30% Heroic LK kill (US 45th), H Halion (Top 25), Insanity in ToGC Cata: 12/13 HM T11 , 7/7 HM Firelands (finished 32nd US), 8/8 HM DS (top 40) MoP: Most of the available Beta Testing, on both heroic on normal. 7.) Misc. UI Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/pUNdTqN.jpg If I left off anything that you feel important, please inquire about it. I'm sure I forgot to put something without a template to follow. Appreciate your time in reading this, if you need to contact me I'm usually online during all times, or you can my battletag Genetics#1922.
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