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Posts posted by Stridur

  1. I see you fixed your gems, and fixed your hit cap good job on taking advice. When I reforge your toon and gemmed, i got big increase For mr. Robot you have to play with the stat weights to make it reforge your hunter correctly. Just make sure its AGI>hit/exp cap> crit> haste >mastery and you 'll be fine

  2. 1. I'm under hit cap because I do not want to sacrifice another piece of gear to reforge into hit instead of crit, overcapping hit will sometimes sacrifice stats resulting in lower dps. I am currently 0.22% undercap. So assuming 1000 shots, it will miss 2 shots on average, but 998 other shots do more damage or have a higher crit rate. Overall, this is a dps increase.

    This is false. The hit and miss ratio doesnt work like that, you can even see in your logs you didnt fire 1000 shots and missed . Stat weights are Agi > Hit/Exp (7.50%) > Crit > haste > mastery, someone who isn't hit capped will always be doing less DPS than someone who is Period, And when you're a DPS class, your job is to do as much DPS as possible, and if you aren't hit capped, you're not doing that, so you're not doing your job, Having 25% instead of 26% crit wouldnt make much of difference as being below hit cap.

    2. I am months behind coming into T14, resulted in me many many weeks behind the quest line. I'm now stuck at the test of valor quest, still need a week to complete that.

    You completed chapter 1 achievement on 2/18 , its been 7 weeks where you can do plenty of stuff during outside raids to cap ( as you have to do any way since raids wont cap you) LFR, heroics, dailies etc.. and until yesterday you hit 5k out 6k.

    3. Current guild does not require potting. Since my current guild is doing normal modes, potting isn't really required. If SoH requires potting in every single fight including farmed contents and normal modes, I will comply. And I'm self-sufficient when it comes to obtaining raiding materials. And not sure if I'm understanding the "missing shots" statement correctly. I think you are saying that if a fight is 6 minutes long, and an explosive shot has a 6 second CD, then it should be expected to show 60 explosive shots or a number very close to that in the log? So looking at Dumuru specifically, the fight is 8:33 minutes, so if done perfectly, we should expect to see 85 explosive shots. My log shows 78 explosive shots.

    Your just looking at the kill for the boss not all attempts on him thats why you dont see the miss shots. You missed with arcane shot and cobra shot which is huge, that could make your SS fall off loss of focus , dps, and next time it can be signature shot. The potting should be not because of your guild requirements, it should be you as player to bring the most you can of your class. Then you complain its your gear when your not bringing all you can.

    4. This is kind of related to question 1. No, 60 mastery isn't better than 80 agi. However in this case, getting 160 hit bring me closer to the cap. Alternatively, I can gem 160 agi, but will then be undercapped too much resulting in me needing to reforge another piece of gear into hit instead of crit or haste. And the overall dps doesn't change in either of these situations, tested this on target dummies.

    I dont know what your using to reforge but I took your toon, gem , enchant, hit cap and expertise cap all correctly, plus extra socket in my gun and resulted in almost 2500k - 3000k dps increase. Looks like you just used Mr robot and didnt even adjust the stat weights which is off for hunters.

  3. Hello Ajik,

    Few questions for you

    • You said you learn more about your class, can you please explain why your under the hit cap?
    • You said you look at your logs and shows me you only focus on your numbers when you was missing shots, (something that shouldnt happen unless a boss mechanic) and in your two boss fights you never used a agi pot, can you explain why?
    • I notice you went for all your gem socket bonus, do you feel 60 Mastery is > 80 agi , or sacrificing 160 agi for hit ?
    • What did you use to see if it was worth breaking T 14 2pc bonus for T 15 2pc bonus?

    Overall, your heroic experience is kinda low can't even see log on the real important fights like Vizler demonstrates alot on dps player for example. You would be joining a heroic progression guild so you have to be ready thrown into heroic fights. They are plenty of info on fights especially from Hunter POV. As a pure dps class and wow having duel specs for years now, any pure dps class should know how to play any of his 3 specs. Logs are important but not just for numbers but how your surviving, pots, player taking damage of something that they shouldn't and it shows good idea how your prioritizing your shots. Good luck

  4. The thing with cast sequence is not really depend on you mostly and how quickly you're pressing the sequence but how good your latency is. Sequence won't progress until you get confirmation from the server that previous spell in sequence fired successfully. That takes a certain amount of ms time. Which gets worse if latency is worse and accumulates with the length of the sequence. This is part of the reason why castsequence isn't great for dps macros. It's slower than if you just press the separate buttons and you can't spell queue. Eventually with a long enough sequence, you'll see that you can cast an extra spell just pressing the separate spell button in the same span of time you cast the sequence with the same spell. In any case what you're seeing is what you're supposed to end up with.

    The difference could literally be something as simple as "yesterday my latency was worse than today" or downloading something" so my castsequence isn't working as well. The intentional limitations of castsequence is why it shouldn't be used for core spells. It won't make your rotation easier because it can hang up for any number of reasons. You might believe you used all the spells in the sequence, but often you haven't and that's the reason it hasn't reset to start.

  5. BW Last 16 secs with 4pc, you just want make sure before your 2nd BW runs off cd that you pop the 2nd Amoc, which you might have 2-3 seconds still left from first Amoc debuff, which isnt as much as dps loss, than losing 60 focus. Honestly I would not use the wow site pages unless it was sticky post for stuff on your class. I understand that 10man is lacking buffs and you might have more duties to do, that's why the logs I ask for didnt require soaking sparks, or dispelling. Dispelling and interrupting shouldn't make you dps less by much at all its only one gcd your using more.

  6. 3. You mean the carpal tunnel opener?

    My full BM opener on a standard fight (E.G. something where you don't alter the opener like Jin'Rokh where you should save for pools....though I go SV for that fight)

    -Prepot with MD to tank

    -RF + Stampede Macro (stampede pets do not gain bonus from BW)

    -Dire Beast (doesn't benefit from effects of BW and it's focus free so it's not sufficient to cast during BW)

    -BW + KC

    -AMoC (the cost is reduced by half during BW and it's damage is increased by BW)

    -Glaive Toss (higher damage output than AS so it's more important, not to mention the focus cost is a little lower and you can get cleave damage from it)

    -After that it's pretty much spamming AS and KC prioritizing KC first of course, fitting in glaive toss over AS when it's up

    -I'll refresh SrS with CoS instead of just casting a new SrS...under the affects of RF and often times lust the GCD will be the same so it's better to take the small amount of damage from CoS than none at all from re-casting SrS over the existing one

    -When BW is up I'll use readyness

    -Dire Beast

    -Beastial Wrath+ KC

    -AMoC depends on if the fight is single target or if there are benefits to cast it on another target depending on the fight. Obviously I won't recast it if the current one is still on going.

    -After that it's pretty much the same thing as before KC > GT > AS

    -The second RF CD is saved until lust is over. I'll generally try to use it with any procs if I can to make the most of it without delaying it too long

    -Yes, there is another way to open that starts differently that requires being in camo next to the boss and opening with KC but IMO it's kind of risky and a lot of bosses don't really allow you to do that anyways. It's a damage boost but when you factor in everything from latency and people trying to pre-pot properly and stuff I don't feel it's worth it.

    Your opener and priorities are little off, I understand that BW doesn't affect DB but it shouldn't be prioritize over KC and AMOC. As you want get off as much KC in one fight as possible. You didnt list Hunter's mark or serpent sting in your opener :(. Also you use your 2nd AMoC during the second Bestial Wrath, even if your first is not over yet, since it is on a 2 minute cooldown and your BW is 1 minute cooldown, and you want that to be synced up. Why would you wait for BW to be up to use Readiness when you cast two KC back to back when the first KC is coming off cd?

    In the opener with in terms of refreshing SrS, Ultimately (with RF/Lust) if you have a CoS cast time of about 1.3secs it becomes about equal to manually refreshing Srs and then using an arcane shot(as far as refreshing Srs goes) CoS does 20k(non crit) and refreshes SrS in 1.3 sec manually cast,

    Srs and Arcane doing 32k(non crit) in 2 secs

    As you can see CoS does about 2/3 the dmg of arcane in about 2/3 the time.

    Ultimately, If your CoS cast time is lower then 1.3sec then use it to refresh SrS(remember to use it wisely in a way that you will cobra again to refresh before it falls off) If you need focus, then it should be wiser to use CoS to refresh also. Otherwise manually refreshing should be the winner.

    Personally what I do is,

    Use cobra to refresh if cast time is at or lower then about 1.3sec or I need focus. Otherwise manually refresh if you have very high focus during BW so you don't focus cap...(witch I do in my opener. I ignore the hasted rule because I feel it's better to get the 15 secs off one global then having to cast CoS every 6 secs, but this only is a problem in the very long BW'd opener)

    Overall, looking at your priorties in shots is maybe why the deeps on your logs are not as high as they should be with your current gear but thank you for getting back to us with feedback and good luck on your app.

  7. Hi Elycee and welcome to the forums,

    1)List all the macros you use for dps and explain their use.

    2)Find and link your best: Gara'jal, Elegon, Vizier, Ta'yak, logs.

    3)What's your BM opener? Explain your priority for your opener.

    4)How do you track your ICD's? Which ICD's should you be tracking?

    5)What PC hardware do you currently use for 25 man raiding (CPU, GPU, RAM, etc.)?

  8. 1) ok no problem

    3) It is a loss for bm but for survival is was dps increase. I can see why you went this route since bm was the dominate spec in 5.1. In 5.2 the first 4-5 fights really do favor surv over the rest.

    4) The thing with bm on Jin Rok is that your pet doesn't benefit from buff you get from the pool. I know you haven't seen much of the bosses but the final 5 bosses of the tier, are all primarily single target and will favor whichever of the three specs you feel you're best at playing. Beast Mastery will be the easiest to maintain strong single target with, while Marksmanship should perform just as equally or slightly better if played particularly well (which is hard to do, especially at this gear level). Survival is a good fall back point because it will still have its uses, especially on Lei Shen, and can keep up pace with the other two specs single target. Played at an equal level it will be a downgrade, but played at a better level than you'd play the other two you'll see an increase.

    Overall good feedback , and I'll wait to get to the screenshots. Im really happy with your answers and your app , just bear mind we run tight roster and you would be replacing one of our hunters who is here 100% of time that is looking for his replacement to retire. If there is any way you can findout for sure how much it would happen would be great. Wish you the best of luck on your app.

  9. Hey Welcome to the forums

    Nice app first of all, its good to see old veteran player from vanilla, since SOH has a lot of people who played from vanilla. Your toon setup , logs and heroic experience seem really good. The only thing like ash said is the 30min afk that might happen. As we only raid 9 hours week which, any long afk's, or D/C's hurts the raiding schedule and team. Few questions:

    1) Can you upload a SS of your UI during raid combat for both BM and Surv specs?

    2)What PC hardware do you currently use for 25 man raiding (CPU, GPU, RAM, etc.)?

    3)What ARE your current stat weights and do you always gem for the socket bonus? is +60 crit and 120 mastery better than 100 extra agility?

    4)Initial sims are showing that BM and MM are going to be near-equal on single-target fights while Surv stays dominant on AoE-fights. Which spec(s) will you be playing throughout 5.2 and why?

  10. You have way too many negative points on your side bud:

    1)Why do you have no expertise at all?

    2)Why are you missing enchants?

    3) Why are you so over the hit cap?

    4)how can you say your 15/16 when you only down 3-4 heroic bosses and your guild is 14/16?

    5) we ask for heroic logs why did you provide LFR logs?

    Just with the 1st 3 questions I can tell you never done research on your class, we only raid 9 hours week here and we need all members to come fully prepare and know their class and boss fights before hand.

  11. Hi Stridur and thanks for a thorough app.

    You mention in your post that you like to give your 2 cents. We run a pretty colaborative team, but I'm sure you can imagine that if all 25 people gave their two cents all of the time, it would be rather chaotic. Would you elaborate on this?

    Could you also tell us a bit about your current guild situation and why you're looking for a new home?

    I sent you an invite tonight and would like to set up a mumble interview soon and discuss a trial.

  12. Hi,

    I pretty much got the UI format from Kripp and tweak a couple of things for my personal use and other addons. I think blizzard has done great job at class balancing and listening to the community. I been playing a hunter as my main from day 1 about 7-8 years ago.Hunters are really good on some fights. For example, Hunters are really strong on Heroic Lei Shi, as we can dps on the move on get away, we can pop detterance and it wont clear our stacks if your stacking Scary fog. On top of that we can CC on the flight if ask to. I'm usually a gym rat, live the nyc night life for hobbies and play ball with my friends.

  13. What is your character's name, server, race, class, and specialization?

    Stridur- Gorgonnash, Panda Hunter Bm/Surv

    Link to your advanced Armory:


    What is your age, gender, first name, and what time zone and state/province do you live in?

    31 years of age Male , Manny EST New York City

    Can you meet 100% of our raids (Tues/Wed/Thu/9:00pm-12:00am Eastern ?

    Yes, I will be able to maintain 100% attendance outside of actual emergencies and holidays.

    What do you wish to gain out of joining South of Heaven? What do you bring to the table that someone else may not be able to?

    I'm hoping to gain the experience of a serious raiding environment. Your current progression while raiding 9hours/week is impressive. I have yet to be in a guild where 100% of the raiders know all the mechanics and their role/responsibilities on a fight before pulling a boss for the first time. I'm also looking for a stable home with a guild that I can really enjoy playing with. I'm hoping that <SOH> is the perfect guild for me.

    I'm dedicated to raiding. I do extensive research on fights and, as explained below, do extensive research on my class. I analyze my own logs to recap on fights where I messed up. I improve every pull. On non tank'n'spank fights, I look for every opportunity I have to squeeze out a little bit more dps, and I do so the next pull. I give my 2c. If there's something on the fight that we could improve on but hasn't been touched yet, I'll express my opinion. I understand that raiding is a team effort. I don't pad/tunnel and I know that some people have to make dps sacrifices for the betterment of the fight.

    Explain your process of optimization, AND the resources you use to remain at the top of your game:

    Whenever I get a piece of gear that's questionable on whether it's an upgrade or not, I:

    • sim my dps as BM and Surv on femaledwarf,
    • then load my character into wowreforge, and the contested piece of gear in, add in my gems and enchnts, then optimally reforge my hypothetical gear.
    • back on femaledwarf, add in my contested piece of gear, add in gems and enchants, import reforging from wowreforge, then sim my dps as BM and Surv
    • compare and see which one is better.

    How far did you progress in previous expansions, THAT WAS RELEVANT

    While relevant:

    MC- Cleared

    BWL- Cleared

    All of Kara/Gruul/Mag

    SCC 6/6

    TK 4/4

    BT Cleared

    SWP 5/6

    All of Naxx/EoE/OS (including Immortal)

    ULD- did all hard modes

    TOC- Cleared with immortal

    ICC 12/12h

    T11 13/13h

    FL 7/7 H

    DS 8/8h,

    What is your current progression in Mists of Pandaria?

    MSV 6/6h, HOF 3/6h, TOS-4/4

    What kind of food, potions, flasks, and other consumables do you bring to each raid?

    I show up every raid night with 3 stacks of Mist Rice Noodles, 5 stacks of Virmen's Bite, and ~5 Flask of Spring Blossoms.

    WOL report from one of your previous raid nights:

    My 25man log


    We need to see a screen shot of your UI DURING RAID COMBAT.


    What PC hardware do you currently use for 25 man raiding (CPU, GPU, RAM, etc.)?

    i7-920 2.7ghz

    Radeon HD 5870

    6GB DDR3

    Post an image of a speedtest.net result with the host server being in Chicago (since that is where Stormreaver is hosted):


    Have you ever used Mumble and working Mic? If not, please be aware that we use it, and you'll be required to use it on every raid night.

    It's setup and ready to go. Yes

    What is the earliest date you can transfer to SOH?

    Would have to give my current guild week notice then can transfer

    If you could pick a time and date to talk to us in Mumble?

    Anytime I'm on this weekend is a good time to talk. If not, I can for sure have a Mumble interview any time Monday before 8:00EST. Battlenet :Mannyfresh1260

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