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Everything posted by Muckz

  1. Thanks for all of the welcomes! Armory should now be in my Resto gear, sorry fr the pvp gear/spec. Yes I more or less stick with these talents all the time for pve content, I chose Totemic Restoration over Call of the Elements due to CoTE only being usefull for Healing Stream Totem and it has a three min cd, where as TR has no cd and if I happen to clip a totem I am refunded a portion of the CD. AS simply to reach haste breakpoint and it's a stronger talent that Call of the Elements due to CotE terrible proc chance. I use RT glyph for fights where we are all spread out (Heroic Garalon, Emperess, Twin Emps) and theorycrafting suggests us using it as a mandatory glyph this tier due to our 4p T14 no longer giving 3 charges of tidal waves, however I find myself burning to much mana throwing that many riptides around throughout a fight, so I choose not to use it every fight. Water Shield glyph is garbage now that blizz decided to nerf how many things actually proc water shield, there is really only two fights this tier where using it over totemic recall or telluric currents is worth it, heroic stone guard where the tiles make it worthless anyways and heroic ambershaper. Anything else yall need to know I would be glad to answer. Thanks again for your time and consideration. Logs: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-z7ypohuzi4jrmf25/
  2. Yea that's me... As for professions, I have most of the mats to finish leveling enchanting just haven't done it to date, and as for mining, I'm currently famring the mats on an alt to level Alchemy from 1-600 (this toon started this xpac as my banker/farming toon) All of my heroic progression has been in 25m and yea my comp can handle it As I have only aquired the Reg Gloves/Pants/Shoulder for T14 the heroic peices are better than 10% less mana cost on GHW, and the fact the pants have no Spirit they are the peice rest shamans wouldn't use anyways.
  3. Muckz, 90, Orc, Resto/Elly Shaman Armry: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/ysera/Muckz/simple (Currently in Pvp Spec/glyphs) PvE Talents: Astral Shit, Earthgrab Totem, Totemic Restoration, Ancesteral Swiftness, Healing Tide Totem, Primal Elementalist. PvE Glyphs: Healing Wave, Telluric Currents, Totemic Recall (Often switch to Riptide, Healing Stram Totem and Spirit Walker's Grace depending on fight) UI Screenie in raid combat: http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q727/Muckz1/WoWScrnShot_123112_185738_zps6acbcead.jpg I give 110% every raid for the entire raid time. I'm always repaired stacked with buff food and consumables and outside the scheduled raid instance 15 mins prior to start time. I love pushing myself to do the best I can and I love friendly competition between myself and the ther healers in the raid. I've raided all content wow has to offer, including heroic/hardmodes most of which pre nerf, a few (KJ in TBC) with nerfs. I've mained main classes, love to theorycraft, and love to offer/take addvice whenever it's available. Sidenote, the guild I was raiding with prior to this app has server changed to Zul'jin, I'm in the process of tracking down the WoL from our most recent heroic HoF. All that said thanks for the consideration and your time.
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