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Everything posted by Norgaros

  1. I have read and signed this code of conduct
  2. Fera, Well I'm 36 years old, married, and have two boys. These days I just play computers games in my spare time. I have played many MMOs over the years including Ultima Online, Shadowbane, Earth and Beyond, Eve Online, World of Warcraft, Everquest, and Rift just to name a few. I have also spent and extensive part of my life playing online FPS games starting with the Team Fortress Mod for Quake 1. The majority of this time I spent playing the Weapons Factory mods for Quake 2 and Quake 3. I currently work in a University Hospital, doing a variety of work. Currently I have been described as a Data Analyst, but most of my work revolves around the maintenance of the patient scheduling system for our department.
  3. My main character is a level 80 Ranger and I have recently transferred from Devona's Rest with Dragus. I have been playing MMOs since Ultima Online, and most recently spent most of 8 years in World of Warcraft. Currently my interest is in WvW as I have grown tired of the hardcore raiding and constant dungeon crawling that I experienced in World of Warcraft. I look forward to grouping with you more in WvW.
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