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  1. Wow, thanks for the fast responses! Alleria is pretty slow these days, most of the high end guilds moved off the server, but you still see a few familiar faces around. It's nice to meet a fellow Allerian! Sounds like good times!! I'm sorry if I came off sounding like I was looking for something so casual. I know healing can be stressful and I can only imagine how it is pushing HM content. I guess my joke about HoTs fell kind of flat lol. I know EF is a HoT and it is one of my strongest spells. I was more comparing the playstyle of hots vs direct healing And you are completely right about WoL. It is a great tool to go over fights and see where things went wrong and how to improve, it is also good to see where things may have gone Right. This is something I am willing to work on and go over...because like I said in my app, there is Always room for improvement! I guess posting my app at 4 in the morning was not the smartest move and my sense of humor got the best of me lol. I really just wanted to clarify those few things. In any case I appreciate the fast responses and wish you all the best of luck ingame! ~Iz
  2. Character: Isidar Class: Holy Paladin Realm: Alleria Guild: Fatal Hi! I guess I'll just jump in with a little about me to kick start this application! My name is Karley and I'm 26 years old. I started playing WoW in the beginning of Wrath, new to MMOs. I loved my boomchicken and DPSing and I Swore I would Never roll a healer.. then when Cata. hit I decided to switch it up a little, dust off my pally aaand (gasp) try out healing...and I Loved it and never looked back! My Guild/Raiding History: Is not very exciting lol. I started out in a very small guild run by a group of IRL friends and family and was with them for over a year. It was very casual, stepping into raids just for fun, and mostly staying up in Vent till the wee hours of the morning. Since then I have been in both 10 and 25 man raiding guilds, each progressing in leadership and raid focus. I ran ICC in Wrath, and then all of the raids in Cata with no real heroic progression unless it was tiers later. In MoP I have cleared 16/16 normal with heroic Stone Guard and Elite Protectors down. My whack-a-mole...I mean my Healing...style: Addons: Standard Blizz. frames Clique DBM Omen Quartz Recount (it's all about the numbers baby! lol jk...kinda ) I have played every healing class there is and holy paladin is just It for me! I love the mix of tank and raid healing with lots of different cds and abilities. It is a very reactive playstyle vs. proactive like druids and their hots...what's a Hot?! I am really not claiming to be the best here but I work very hard to keep up on things. I read my class forums, watch videos and my most favorite...talking to other healers, specifically hpallys. I believe there is Always room for improvement and I can take constructive criticism well. My Specs: Ok, lets be honest here...I am So not a computer person lol, but I just thought I should mention that I just bought this computer less then a year ago, it is a HP with a AMD graphics card and I can play current content in a 25man setting just fine WoL: Another fatal flaw...I don't get along with numbers and graphs so you won't find me pouring over WoL, For those that are so inclined... http://www.worldoflo.../?s=8460&e=8938 If you wanna take a peak at my gear: http://us.battle.net...a/Isidar/simple More about me! I'll start off by saying that I joined by current guild last year during FLs content. I love the people, the atmosphere is laid back and the people are friendly. That being said...their progression is slow. I've stuck with them for a long time, but with it being so close to 5.2 and we only Just cleared Terrace...I just can't take it anymore lol. I am looking to up my game and step into 5.2 hopefully in a guild that is a lot more progression focused. I am applying to this guild for several reasons 1. it fits my schedule and 2. I love the atmosphere! Granted my experience with your guild has only been on the forums, reading what your guild has to offer and browsing your website. I didn't just search the "top" server and spam apply for one of the "top" guilds. This has been a long process for me...reading guilds "ads", watching kill videos if available to get a feel for how they work together (yelling and screaming over vent/mumble is a Huge turn off, I don't care how "leet" the guild is!) and of course reading guild policies. All of that just to say... South of Heaven caught my eye! Why choose me?: I am passionate about this game! I am a self proclaimed book worm and scifi nut "Live long and prosper!". But of course when I came across WoW, like so many others, I was hooked. I don't have a million alts, I only dabble in pvp...I play this game to raid! I am just looking for a fresh start with a fun guild that can get stuff done. But I am also looking for that feeling I had with that very first tiny guild I was with in the beginning...somewhere that when you log in there is little drama and people are actually happy to play the game together. Lets face it, having to run with the same people for x amount of hour per week would be pretty horrible if you didn't like anyone! 5.2 is right around the corner and I am itching to test my skills and meet new people! Sorry for the ramble...I hope some of this interests you and I thank you for taking the time to read my app. If there is anything I forgot to mention or you have any questions please feel free to comment! Happy Adventuring all! ~Izzy
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