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Newbie (1/14)

  1. I understand your concern I myself don't want to waste anyones time at all. Some nights I dont have to get up at all, I can sit the whole night play and relax. When my daughter wakes which usually never exceeds twice a night if she wakes at all it's a very quick fix and I would never leave just before pulling or during a pull. I mainly just have to run down the hall give her a pacifier and push a button to turn her music on, I am back to my computer in less then 30 seconds. She's getting better and better with this, I dont see me even having to get up at all soon. As far as starting times I had saw that you guys started 9pm, which I thought would be great cause I get my daughter in bed asleep 8:55pm and I always leave my character at whatever instance the guild is starting at for the night. I have never missed a raid and can try peeling my daughters bed time to 8:45 but there would probably be an adjustment period of 1-2 weeks.
  2. My Character(s): My character's name is Galorina http://us.battle.net...lorina/advanced, an all knowledgable priest (can play all specs). I've also raided with some of my alts that include a mage, and a druid as tree and chicken. I also have characters at level 85 or higher : warlock, rogue, warrior , paladin, another priest, and shaman. Background: Before Wrath I played a rogue which I did some end game raiding with: some bosses in Black Temple and Serpentshrine Caverns, Karazhan and Zul'Aman. I didn't get to Sunwell since I was still trying to figure out the game at that point. I started playing my priest at the beginning of Wrath during Naxxramas progression. I joined a casual 25 man guild as holy and progressed through Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum and Eye of Eternity. Not long afterwards the guild dissolved so I decided to try and enter the big leagues. I applied to Exalted, the second guild on my realm at that point. We progressed through Ulduar hardmodes including: Flame Leviathan, XT-Deconstructor, Iron Council (both medium and hard difficulties), Hodir and Thorim. Two weeks after Trial of the Crusader came out Exalted dissolved as attendance problems were increasing. Me and a majority of the members that remained on the server joined the 25 man guild Closure. Closure merged with Incarnate not long after to form Axiom. I have been with Axiom since it was formed a little over 3 years ago. We accomplished Death's Demise, Tribute to Mad Skill, as well as 11/12 Heroic Icecrown Citadel. Due to the nature of raid lockouts back then, we used to raid 5-7 days a week, doing both 10 and 25 modes for gear and experience. Such commitment allowed us to get a solid 10 man group that got server first (although there isn't an achievement tied to it) Heroic Lich King at 10% buff. However, on the 25 man aspect our Heroic Lich King progression stalled and not soon after the guild dissolved without getting server first Light of Dawn. The few players that stayed in the guild, after most left to finish what we started, decided to keep on raiding as a 10 man guild for the remainer of Wrath and the upcoming Cataclysm in the form of a more relaxed, real life friendly guild. In Cataclysm I became healing officer of our 10 man team. We cleared all content although not on a timed schedule. In Tier 11 we got 8/13 Heroic progression, killing Nefarian the week Firelands came out. In Tier 12 we got up to 6/7 Heroic Firelands and due to many real life situations that crippled the guild we did not manage to kill Heroic Ragnaros before Dragon Soul came out. In Tier 13 we stumbled as we kept losing players to real life taking priority but managed to clear it's normal version in the first 2 days. As for Heroic, before the nerfs started rolling we achieved 3/8 being Morchok, Yorsahj and Hagara our targets. Couldn't even try Ultraxion since we only had one tank and an alt playing as off tank for Morchok. On the week the 5% nerf came, we got up to Spine. Spine took some time and got it on the 10% nerf mark, after which we moved to Deathwing and got him 1 week before 15% hit. In Mists we got 5/6 heroic Mogu'shan Vaults, 1/6 heroic Heart of Fear and 4/4 normal Terrace of Endless Springs with Elite Protectors. The guild dissolved due to lack of interest and/or boredom of the game on January 30th. After which I decided I wanted to move on and find a more hardcore, fully progression oriented guild. About me: I am a stay at home mom with two kids, so needless to say I have a ton of time on my hands to play this game and do research. I love WoW and don't really play anything else, so you bet I can be here every night. Outside of WoW I like to go for walks with my dog and kids, play WIIU with my son, watch tv(Dr. Who, Duck Dynasty, Storage Wars). I am an extremely loyal person. I like making friends on this game, it allows me to socialize with other humans that arent yelling at me to get them juice or crackers. I come prepared to every raid doing all my research for fights and try to acquire as much knowledge of my class as possible. I am humble in my ability to play this game and I am grateful for every opportunity I am given. I play to the best I can at all times and I welcome any instruction and help anyone can offer that will help me become better at what I do. I farm everything I need for raid as well as cap my valor weekly and keep up on dailies to acquire coins. Additional information: I do research on youtube(love fatboss), wowhead, world of warcraft raids forums, world of warcraft healer forums, and mmo-champion. The addons I raid with are DBM, grid/clique, Ingela's Rapture, Coolline Cooldowns. I have and know how to use Mumble and Ventrilo. I am able to play disc, holy and shadow all competently, but enjoy healing above all else. I do have a complete shadow set for when the situation does call for it. Here are the logs for my guild all are as disc or shadow(only 2 raids in February cause we had dissolved already, January was active) http://www.worldoflo.../guilds/56225/. This is a log of a quick lfr I did last night for holy http://www.worldoflo...3ff79kj2sme03j/ Finally, I want to add that the reason I like progression is because I'm a very competitive and challenge driven person. I like to be proud of saying that I've cleared all these bosses on heroic due to my ability and that of my fellow raiders, and thus is why I'm looking forward to raid with you all. Thanks for your time.
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