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Everything posted by Urmac

  1. Thank you all for your help and advice. The issue for me lies heavily on the fact that this is server transfer, I would not have reacted this way otherwise. If possible, I would like this application to be moved out of public viewing. Thanks again.
  2. I don't see what is odd about it. A high ranked Shadow Priest who posts right after me with clear proof of his skill versus all of my unprovable complications in by background. [short of having one of you speak with my GM which I have no idea what his side of the story would be] If you feel that I should not give up then I will still gladly run LFR and upload the logs, even though, as you said yourself, LFR means very little in terms of real progression skill and the ability to learn new fights and grasp their mechanics in practice and not just read theory. Not trying to cause issues, just explaining my reasons for withdrawing.
  3. Well, talk about bad timing for me and great timing for your new Shadow Priest. I shall withdraw my application at this time. Thank you once again for your consideration.
  4. Actually, due to my lateness coming home from work and it being my night to cook for me and my roommates, I will get them up on Wednesday, because every 4th Tuesday of each month I have to attend the Health Centre's Board Meeting to take minutes. [Which will not affect my ability to make it to raid on time on such days should I become a member]
  5. Absolutely. I will create a WoL account and run though all of LFR tonight. To make it clear as glass, I will also be doing everything I can to stay out of bad stuff, since it is irrelevant on LFR. This way, if you feel that my damage taken, which could be correlated to the heroic version, is too high.
  6. I get where you're coming from. I was trying to show with my examples in Feng is that there are situations where doing everything possible to ensure dots are up is not most efficient. Standing in the fire and stressing healing, or causing the raid to have to re-position while I try and get my refresh in is more hurtful to the group during progression. Additionally, my dot up-time was better on the Dec. 30th log I referred to, as SWP/VT had a combined up-time of 92%. Additionally, dots can be refreshed at any time for whatever reason, however, constantly blowing GCDs on dot refreshing just to make totally sure they will now all off will also result in losses in overall damage. I am not saying I do not have things to improve on, and I also understand it is difficult to prove my case with the situation's lack of evidence. I may sound like a broken record at this point, but I just hope it is understood that some [not all] faults you may see throughout the sporadic logs is partly due to a lackadaisical attitude I had as the guild slowly fell apart. This is why I have been referring you to Dec. 30th and Jan. 10th. Additionally, please consider that my overall gear level was much lower for those two dates, as I now finally have the 502 off hand which was 476 due to horrible luck/loot decisions, the 509 dagger, and several weeks to put in valor upgrades.
  7. Being slightly over the haste breakpoint was simply me not using any addon or website to try and get as close as possible to the breakpoint without re-reforging several other pieces to squeeze it in. E: Now reforged and glyphed properly. I really do hope my oversights do not impact my application -too- much, admittedly as I mentioned earlier, I have not been on top of my game with the guild atmosphere I have been in. My apologies.
  8. The looking over of LoTC was because I was hoping to eventually roll/receive the heroic version, as were doing 10H MSV on weekly basis, but now the guild is not doing it anymore. The issue now, however, is saving the valor I get from now on to purchase the neutral 522 valor pieces when the patch hits. I understand and appreciate all your information about glyphing. It all does make sense as well, certainly changes I am happy to make should I be accepted. Additionally, to show that I am well aware of the optimal gear I need, I put this together early on on the expansion to have a clear goal as to what to get and where to get it from. Though of course, this has been changed due to the availability of raids I was brought in for so I had to take pieces I was actually able to get. http://chardev.org/p...74-Winning.html The only issue being that CharDev does not include the valor piece upgrades, which if all pieces were upgraded, or obviously the key pieces needed, puts me over hit cap and haste breakpoint.
  9. No, Tnx, I have not, though this is something that I do like to do, and plan on doing in the future, I guess I just kind of assimilated a bit to the guild's current lackadaisical atmosphere and have not bothered. I do, however, frequent www.howtopriest.com, which looks like the changes implemented to far are serving us well.
  10. Haha, well aware that you are not an RP guild, just wanted to make a good impression! Can you talk to us about your views on spriest utility and provide examples of how you have used it in practice to the benefit of your team? On that note, why do you love spriest so much? In terms of utility, some of the things I have used in practice to benefit my guild are as follows: Void Shift - The only other real Lay On Hands in the game. Invaluable for those split second moments to save a dying member of the raid. This ability is bound as a mouse-over macro, so it can always be ready at a moment's notice. Another form of utility that assists the team is glyphed Vampiric Embrace, which acts as a strong healing CD in times of high raid damage. Thirdly, the simple fact of being a hybrid is utility in and of itself. Coupled with the glyph of Dark Binding to toss out PoHs and Renews, it can also assist in lessening the load on healers throughout long encounters. The last thing I can think of for utility is having Mass Dispel, crucial for Spirit Kings, and of course dispel, which helps for both boss abilities and raid assistance. Finally I love being a Shadow Priest because it seems to be the one class out of all the others that just comes naturally for me. Having played it for several years, to me, despite the changes over the two expansions, it still feels easy to me. Others say to me 'Uhg, how can you play a dot class, its so confusing' and I just sit there and shrug because I do not find it challenging at all. Of course, the challenge is to be better then average, not just so, something I always strive for. How are you monitoring your dot uptimes and what can you do to improve on the 86% uptime on Vampiric Touch? I use Tidy Plates along with my ShadowedUnitFrames with built-in timers to monitor my dot uptime. Admittedly, when things get hectic and there is lots of movement, they tend to fall ot sometimes. For Feng, as per the example given, I would use the two examples. One being if I have the fire in that phase, if bad timing shows up, I have to move first, then redot. Also in shield phase, same thing, keeping Mind Sear up until all of the adds die is more important than refreshing dots on the boss in time. In other words, closer watching of ability timers, and anticipating the refreshing before the abilities go off would be an area of improvement. Was there some other reason why you were not raiding with them? Something doesn't quite make sense to me here. Why did you wait two months before deciding to look for another guild if they had made it clear they were benching you? I agree, this situation probably does seem odd, but the benching in question was only done when they began to work on Heroic Empress and even then, things were never clear. When the guild reached the point where we were unable to put together 25 people and switch to 10 player progression I spoke with the guild leader, and he said he wants me around and wants me in for the progression fights. So that for one kept me around, though they had a preference for the other two as both of them were former officers that started playing again. If you examine the logs, you will see there was none of us three in for Lei Shi, save for maybe a few attempts, because again, the officers pegged us as 'Not worth bringing to single target fights' as the other classes in the group (One being a Disc Priest) made up for what utility we brought. As for Imperial Viser and Protectors: They brought Midgeyy in for their first night of attempts, and their mentality for 10 player progression was to keep the same group no matter what because they have had the most experience with the fight so why teach the fight to someone new. For Protectors, I had to leave early due to work the next day so they brought in the other Priest, and again, used him for the continued progression until they got the kill. But again, as you see, January 10th, was my time to shine as Midgeyy was not around so they brought me in for Amber Shaper progression, and once we FINALLY figured out the right strat, it went down in ~5 attempts with that new strat. So for the first month of January, I was under the impression that I would be brought and was needed if Midgeyy did not show up to help with progression. Then for February and those weeks of Empress attempts, they never outright told me they would rather not try than bring me in, ontop of us almost never managing to get all 4 healers online to give attempts at all. Lastly, we finally had a guild meeting this past Tuesday where the officers told us that they were no longer even trying to progress on Empress anymore, and were just going to wait and see what happens in 5.2. So this whole time, they told myself and other members that they were working on recruiting back up to 25 for the patch, but it never happened, which I only started to catch on about two weeks ago when I noticed that officers and the GM were never online, and their "recruiting" was just endlessly bumping a WoW Forum thread, topping it all off with the fact that their "recruitment" was trying to convince another guild in a similar situation as us to transfer to Akama and merge with us. Hope that clears things up, as strange it all sounds.
  11. Don't get me wrong, I still showed up every week despite not being asked to in the hopes that they would being me in to give me a chance, but they never did. I totally agree with you, but it seems that their focus was that Shadow's abilities in multi-target was not enough to outweigh the poor single target abilities. Again, I could have fought for it, but the guild itself has always had quite a negative attitude towards all members, so I only stuck around for as long as I did since we had done so well in the past. The two dates I have shown are really the only two recent logs I have unfortunately, as the guild's WoL account is a free one, some of my better older parses have since been auto-deleted, so that Dec. 30 and Jan. 10 logs are really the only ones I have, my apologies on that. I am not including the 10H runs of MSV as admittedly, I did not give 100% since it was farmed content and the overall atmosphere of the guild was that nobody else except for a handful of us needed gear out of MSV still [i FINALLY got an off-hand 4 weeks ago, and still no Elegon Trinket] so please do not allow poor performances in those 10m MSVs reflect on my actual performance as a raider. As for improvement, one area I know I need to improve on is what I refer to as "Shadow: Word Death Sniping" meaning that I tend to let most adds just tick down until death without thinking to SWD them. Clearly, that is not ideal as SWDs contribute more orbs which makes more Plagues, which is more DPS. I have recently invested in a World of Warcraft MMO Gaming mouse, and now that it is better bound, I think my 'sniping' abilities will improve. Garalon - I am not totally aware of what the most ideal execution plan for Garalon is, but this was ours: All ranged/healers sit in the middle of the room and essentially sit still and dps. We were told not to DPS legs, and invest all of our DPS into killing Garalon's main body, which I did. I did, however, use ToF to snipe legs in order to get the procs, and to get more orbs. Some of the logs from WoL will show that in some instances, I was multi-dotting all legs regardless, but that was when we had it on farm and we were not being belittled for doing so. Stone Guards - Even in the higher gear levels and the boss being on farm for some time, we still were told to get and lay down tiles. Another problem with the guild I was in is, those who were long time members or officers, NEVER did what they were told. They would yell at everyone else, who was not part of that group to do it, so they could stay still and do whatever they wanted to maintain top. Therefore, my low performance there is due to having to run and distribute tiles, and on some nights have to do it more than once per crystal since so many were not doing it, though the later logs we would just whoever was willing and leave it at that. The two glyphs I always run with no matter what is VE, and MS. VE because I was regularly asked to pop it on fights during high raid damage. MS because instant MB is better for heavy movement. The DB glyph I have just left in for awhile just to toss out PoMs or renew myself during dungeons/scenarios/LFR. The only other glyphs I would see replacing VE or DB would be one of the two armor glyphs to reduce magic/physical damage, or the SWD glyph, as I recall it being more ideal for not having to deal with the BlizzUI delay in letting it become active when a target falls below 20%. The last other one would be Mind Flay, in fights were there is heavy movement. Only other ones I can think of that are usually rare-use scenarions is Dispersion or Mass Dispel.
  12. Hello Hip, So the 4 month break was a forced break because I decided to take a teaching job on a fly-in-only First Nation's Reserve, which had very poor internet which prevented me from connecting to the game. The job only ended up lasting 4 months due to several issues that I will not get into, but long story short, I don't plan on ever doing that again, or moving anywhere without decent internet. So we ended up being forced to go down to 10 players in the New Year because of how many quit/transferred, and I was in for some fights [Jan. 10th I helped kill heroic Amber Shaper for the first time] but my guild has been trying to 4 heal Empress attempts, which they have been working on for 6 or more weeks, leaving only 4 DPS that can go, so they wanted to bring their best geared DPS, taking 3 classes with high single target [Warrior, Mage, Rogue] and one good ranged AOE [Hunter/Lock]. My guild leader was adamant about having the best composition possible, so he felt that a Spriest would not have been ideal for 10m Empress, which is why he told me that I would not be brought in for it, which I did not try and argue, I just accepted it. So I was not benched specifically because of my DPS, but because Shadow's current single target damage compared to most classes, is lacking.
  13. The Undead know best when it comes to the darker side of magic. And setting foot in the unholy ruins of Lordaeron, one must always...beware the shadow. One of the highest and most skilled practitioner of the art of shadow is one called Urmac, a Pandaren Shadow Priest hailing from the unknown realm of Akama. This lonesome Shadow Priest has been practising her dark arts for 172 days and 20 hours, but who's counting? Beginning her humble beginnings destroying the Scourge with her companions who claimed to only be smiting evil because they were <Rep Farmers Inc> yet still defeating all her enemies during the reign of Kel'Thuzad before the terror that was Yogg'Saron surfaced. Times were tough during the reign of the old god, and the poor Shadow Priest and her companions were unable to conquer the old god, and only defeat two of its heroic followers. Then on to the Trial of Crusader to prove her worth along side her companions, defeating the corrupted Nerubian King Anub'arak, but not bothering with the more heroic trials of the crusader. Then she went on in an attempt to conquer the Lich King himself, but her companions were unable to vanquish him, despite being with her companions for a year and a half, only two of his heroic underlings were defeated. Urmac was unsatisfied with her companion's inability to defeat the Lich King, so she moved on to another group of companions, who were <Hellbent> on defeating the Lich King. Her new companions were fierce, and she was able to defeat all of Icecrown Citadel's most heroic foes...but yet, the true power of the Lich King proved too much for the group. After defeating the evil Twilight Drake Halion the Shadow Priest found herself alone in the sea of companions who had all decided to go their separate ways after 8 months of fun, but with some luck, she was brought into another group of companions who loved to play <Team Sports>. All those hours on the court, rink, and field paid off, as the Shadow Priest and her companions defeated the Lich King once and for all, along with the more powerful Halion with only 10 of their strongest companions. Then...the real terror came. The team found 15 more companions and began to fight against a new threat, the one they call, Neltharion, Deathwing. The Shadow Priest and her companions went off on a slow start, only defeating 5 of the 6 minions of Nefarion the Risen, 2 out of 6 of Cho'Gal's underlings, and only the Conclave of Wind that was summoned by the Wind Lord himself, all challenging heroic foes. Suddenly, the ground shook, the fires of Hyjal blazed harsher than ever, as Ragnaros was risen once more. The companions managed to defeat Ragnaros, if not for it escaping their grasp at the last second. Only able to kill one of Ragnaros' most heroic challengers, but then something unthinkable happened to Urmac. After 8 long months with the great team, it all went wrong. A Terrible darkness invaded her soul, leaving her unable to raid, no matter how hard she tried. For four long months she struggled to find the strength to even enter the world of Azeroth, but finally once those four months were over, she had returned once more. Though her sports Team was not the same when she returned. They too sought to move elsewhere, and with the help of her friends, she moved on to a guild that certainly was an <Acquired Taste>. The Shadow Priest was inexperienced and under geared from having been down and out for those four months, but she managed to bounce back, completely terminating all of Ragnaros and his foes at their strongest, and not just that, she also destroyed Deathwing himself, along with his Spine, and his Warmaster at their most heroic, being the first group of 25 people to do so in their realm. The Firsts did not stop there either, the Shadow Priest discovering the land of Pandaria, where she and her 25 companions were the first to down all of their most heroic kills on their realm. Downing 11 our of the 16 mightiest foes. The Shadow Priest also has experience in progressing on the Heroic Protectors of the Endless, and the Heroic Lei Shi. Though the Pandaren was quite aware of just how much of an <Acquired Taste> her companions were, it seemed that some were unaware just how strong of a taste it could be. This caused several companions to flee the realm in search of greener fields, along with others leaving Azeroth forever. Urmac stayed determined, however, though the New Year was not a good one for a Shadow Priest who's single target strength was not as strong as others. This caused the Priest to have to relax and cheer on her companions on the bench, but until now, the Priest is not waiting around anymore. The guild is no longer trying to progress and has allowed their members to move on if they wish, and the Priest is tired of not progressing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More about the Shadow Priest: - The Priest has always done what she could to attain the best gear possible. http://us.battle.net.../Urmac/advanced - The Priest always does everything she can to be at her most valorous every week since she set foot into Pandaria. http://i50.tinypic.com/t9ihif.jpg - The Priest is well prepared for Wrathion's future tasks. [the 40 Trillium Bars in case you don't catch it] http://i47.tinypic.com/2wmktq8.jpg - The Priest has shown her capabilities in battle.[see December 30, January 10] http://www.worldoflo.../guilds/222762/ - The Priest has many lovely different outfits. http://i50.tinypic.com/2gspvm8.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now about the player...who is not a girl, GOTCHYA. My name is William, I am 27 years old, I am from Ontario Canada, and I have a Master's Degree in Teaching, a Teaching Degree, and an Honours in English Literature, I currently have 9 characters of each class 85 and up, a 71 BM Monk, and a level 0 Hunter. I work as an executive administrator at a Health Centre, and can easily make raid times. The only unforseen circumstance that could make me late for a raid is if after-work meetings take longer than they should, which should not happen anyway since your start times are later than my previous ones. My average FPS during high graphic encounters is 30, my average latency is 100ms. I have Vent and Mumble, I have several high tech toys, one of which is a SiberiaV2 headset which I have no problems using and being vocal. Aside from WoW I also play Minecraft on a private server with some RL friends, a large Steam collection. Currently working on the Dead Space 3 campaign, my favourite colour is Blue, I live with 2 roommates, in a tiny apartment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Last few things (promise) - This is the first and only guild I have currently submitted an application to. This is because I tried so hard to stay on my server, but it just won't happen. My guild has called it quits and none of the officers, or the GM himself are trying to recruit back to 25 for 5.2, so I am moving on. Any other questions I am more than happy to answer. Shadow is also looking much better for single target in the patch. I always stay up-to-date with the PTR changes, and those that are implemented so far look to be putting Shadow in a much better overall position. Of course it is PTR and things could still change, but so far these changes are quite good: - 5% increase in damage from all sources when in Shadowform - Maximum Number of Shadowy Apparitions increased to 10 - Both tier bonuses are increases in single target DPS [Apparitions have a chance to increase the duration of SWP/VT & VT has a 10% change to spawn an apparition] - Shadow word: Insanity has been greatly improved: a 3 orb Devouring Plague with the Talent makes Mind Flay tick for 100% increased damage while DP is on the target. In closing, I think I would make an excellent addition to your guild. My attendance record has been nearly flawless in every guild, and as a teacher, I am always looking to learn and improve be it about my class, encounters, gear and beyond. Thank you for your time and consideration.
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