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Untoldbeast's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. We were talking about SR not tranq. Dps should be on the boss while he is kited between doors, no need for running ahead and waiting. Adds should be dead and you should have 15-20 secs of free dmg on the boss before the next door opens. Although currently Inc/NV is better for most fights right now, with the increase to secondary stats on 522+ gear a haste/mastery sotf/hotw build is now extremely viable. Around ilvl 520 I will begin simulations and experimenting with this new build. Additionally, http://www.wowhead.com/item=94524 gives any crit stacking caster a fun new rebuild.
  2. IF you do save your Starfall, it should only be used when 1 cast away from next Lunar eclipse. An uneclipsed starfall is, not useless, but a huge waste. It feels like you just popped all your trinkets and your waiting for the buffs to end before popping your cds. Save it for 1 wrath from lunar, wrath, re-dot(if more than 1 add put out 6 dots and skip next step), starfire, starfire, re apply starfall. Again, rotation is very situational, but that is about the only way I would ever see saving a starfall worth it.
  3. http://www.worldoflo...s/0/?enc=bosses the same link you posted shows me casting it 13 times not once. It is used for pre-determined points in the fight, or if the raid is trying to stack/spread but has fallen behind. Tranquility wasn't needed much by HBDC. They were all elitists and a;ready had most content on farm. A night of horridon wipes is exactly correct. There isn't really a demand for SR on that fight so I haven't used it. Tranq I was saving for War God Jalak (if we ever got there). I use solar beam on the Dinomancers Dino-Mending. Being on a 1 min cd it is hard to utilize for the smaller adds, we worked out a melee interrupt strat that didn't require me to SB or Mighty Bash. Obviously the opener changes on certain fights (horridon for example) I will start with a double starfall, but save cds for add phases. Obviously every fight is situational. I currently have Natures Grasp glyphed for pvp. its usally hurricane for pve. Can also do innervate for mana intensive fights (aoe heavy). other than that I don't run out of mana ever. I use HotW whenver I use SotF. This is a sustained dps tree for longer or add heavy fights. In scenarios when heavy bursdt dmg is needed I swap to Incarnation and NV. I have 14 pages of math that shows NV is only > HotW when an encouter includes a damage multiplier. For most straight up damage figths I use HotW and sotF to maximize dps. For any encounter with dmg modifiers on a short timer (H wind lord, Jinrohk etc) I use NV and Incarnation for heavy burst. Thank you blizz for giving us more than treants this year....
  4. ...when we get our model upgrade in 5.0, oops I mean 5.1, oops I mean 5.2, oops I mean STOP LYING TO ME BLIZZARD. When we get it I'll let you know
  5. Hi Beast, That's a pretty ferocious name. Is this your armory? http://us.battle.net...dbeast/advanced Correct For some reason your post is linking me to another applicant. Please explain your recent guild history. You just transferred with your current guild to Stormreaver but you are already looking for a new guild? What's going on there? I am originally from Shattered Halls, as is the guild I am currently with. We are a group of friends that raid casually(and most of them poorly lol). In T14 I went to Burning Legion to join HBDC for heroic progression. My orginal guildies told me at the end of 5.1 that they were going to a higher pop server and replacing a few people so I came back to try raiding with my friends. Progression has halted at 1/12 (terribad I know) and the MT had his account banned for reasons unknown to us(I'm sure he knows but he won't admit it) You said that one of your strengths is utility. Please elaborate. Provide specific examples of ways in which you used your class utility to your team's benefit during T14 heroic progression. H Stone Guards - used stampeding roar/dash for faster painting. H Feng - Respec to Ursols for add phase. H Garajal - go BEAST MODEā„¢ on adds. H Elegon - Symbiosis lock and tank/eat adds H Will Entangling roots right add every time. Obviously tranq/remove corruption when needed etc. In the logs that you linked: http://www.worldoflo...ne/?s=102&e=561 (Rough parse for you - you died to unseen strike, we'll assume that was your team's fault, then you died to tempest storm - probably your fault? what happened?) I remember this night well unfortuantely. I ate the unseen strike solo b/c the raid was scattered and it was early so we just brezzed. Tempest Storm was my fault, I ran into a tornado that bounced me back into it. dummy move I know. Looking at pre-transfer epeen: http://raidbots.com/...on/untoldbeast/ (Results are not too encouraging - thoughts on this?) Like I said above I was raiding casually with friends before I switched servers so the first 2 weeks I was getting used to heroic mechanics and I was heavily undergeared. On most fights you can see the dps incline as time went on. In some cases logs remained low because my utility was more important to the raid than my low dps (compared to the rest of the group already in pretty much full heroic gear) Looking at Feng from your logs: http://www.worldoflo.../?s=6874&e=7220 (Dot uptimes look pretty good at ~95%, 3 starfalls and 2 celestial alignments for a <6 min fight sounds about right) This is actually shocking to me, my opener has 3 starfalls in the first 44 seconds. understandable that some miss due to Epicenter but looking at that log a total of 66 stars fell. So there were actually 4 casts with some overlap in my opener. I'm still astounded how this is possible, in a 6 min fight I should avg about 8-10 starfalls depending on incarnation vs SotF. Looking at survivability for that night: http://www.worldoflo...ity/?enc=bosses (Not terrible but definitely lower than your teammates, being dragged down by that Blade Lord pull as well as early deaths on your H Spirit Kings pulls) Blade Lord explained above. Garajal killed by boss melee. Spirit Kings#1 pinned down > volley. DPS didn't break me out. Spirit Kings #2 Tank turned boss before annihilate, I probably still could have gotten clear but didn't expect it. Spirit Kings #3 Boss melee. 6 deaths, 2 that I could have avoided.. Look forward to hearing back.
  6. I'm not much of a socialite and I'm at work hence the short app. My skills don't translate to paper, I can prove myself much easier in a real time raid, just sayin.
  7. About Me My names Matt, I work in property management. I'm 28 and addicted to raiding. Looking for a solid core, with a progression mindset and little downtime. I know 25m raiding can get chaotic, I am looking for a guild that is very focused at raid time. My WoW Profile Notable Experience From TBC -All of t4 completed -ZA completed -Realm first Karazhan (US-Skullcrusher, MT'd every boss when druid MTs "were not possible" Notable Experience From Wrath -Didn't play much WotLk, RL was busy. Notable Experience from Cata -All normal 10 man content -5/8H DS Notable Experience from Mop -6/6 H MSV -4/6 H HoF -4/4 N ToES (elite protectors) -1/12 N ToT with an incosistent group of casual raiders. What The Guild Should Expect from Me and What I Expect of the Guild DPS, Utility, Knowledge, Accountability, Consistency, Execution. Why You Would Take Interest/My Strengths -Attendance. -Preparation. -Participation: -Utility. -DPS. Things I could Improve On -Adjusting to T15 rotation (loss of 2sec base timer on dots) What I Expect from The Guild Progression and focus. And of Course, the Stuff You Came Here to Look at Armory http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Untoldbeast/simple Logs Current http://www.worldoflogs.com/guilds/184889/ Guild leader is lazy and hasn't transferred usto new realm yet. We are posting on a friends logs on old server. Heroic T14 http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-759fqg91zvegn4s6/sum/damageDone/ Please note I sat for alot of the fights this night, the overall is highly incorrect. Feel free to look at any other logs around this time for my heroic T14 content.
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