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Everything posted by Formadin

  1. Oh neat - just saw the acceptance post. Thanks!
  2. Oh of course, I wouldn't expect casual weekend raids for a while. Between personal plans and my work schedule (and my hilarious lack of gear), I wouldn't expect to establish any sort of mildly regular raiding schedule until maybe... June. Until then I'd just like a place to boogie while I catch up on all the shiny new reputations and dungeon stuff.
  3. Why hello, Fulg! I actually recognize your name from the guild. I was likely already drifting away from WoW when you were brought on board. Are there a lot of Stonemaul transfers on this realm?
  4. Here you go: http://us.battle.net...er/Forma/simple I just dinged 90 like... a couple days ago. I took a hiatus from WoW before I could really get into MoP. As a former officer, my biggest pet peeve was people asking for social invites to try and weasel their way into the main raids. I can solemnly swear that, at this moment, I have zero intentions of raiding (I mean, just look at my gear). I have no idea how these feelings will change down the road, though. The most I see myself ever wanting to do is a casual weekend alt raid thing.
  5. Man, I was almost done answering everything then I accidentally closed Chrome... I need coffee. I found you guys on WoWProgress while looking for 25M guilds on Stormreaver. Your ranking is actually very close to where my previous guild once stood, so I imagine I'd feel right at home. It's always nice to be surrounded by a large group of competent players, even if I'm just playing casually, and there's no better place to find such a group than with a 25M progression guild. I don't mind being ignored during raids, it's not much different from the guild I'm in, except no one raids there. I would love to sing for you guys if you bought me a few drinks first. I've never played quarters, but I have played beer pong, and I did snipe someone while pretty trashed, so my hand-eye coordination might actually improve while drunk. Just go to Target and buy some coconut lime cashews; you'll thank me and probably write me into your will. I don't PVP much, which is unfortunate because that's where a bulk of my missing achievements are. It's all a matter of motivation. I don't yell or say y'all, and I have no clue what restaurant you're talking about and who Matt Nordgren is, so he can't be that big of a deal. My thoughts on Uld? Ulduar? Done. One achievement I wish my guild had been competent enough to get at the time was the 25M raiding achievement while it was still rewarding black proto-drakes. We were all a bunch of noobs at the beginning of Wrath (myself included). I was, however, the only person in guild to get the 10M drake! Let me know if there's any other questions I can answer
  6. Hey there, First of all, thanks for (hopefully) taking the time to read this. I recently transferred to Stormreaver back in November, from Stonemaul. Shortly after transferring I stepped away from WoW until very recently. I'm excited to be back and hopefully establish a healthy, casual relationship with this game. I spent four years in my previous guild, where I served as an officer and main tank to a scrappy group of progression raiders. Unfortunately, all good things inevitably come to an end. I have a fairly extensive raiding background, but I've decided to make Stormreaver my Florida and settle down into a more casual routine consisting of achievement hunting and maybe some PUG raids. Most of all, right now I'm hoping to find a 25-Man raiding guild that will accept me as a social, as it's an atmosphere that I've undoubtedly grown accustomed to over the years. Hopefully that's you guys! Miscellaneous: Age: 24 Gender: Male Location: Dallas, TX Full-Time Job: Yes Main Specs: Prot/Holy Singing Voice (1-10): 10 Dancing Ability (1-10): 0 Hand-Eye Coordination (1-10): 6 Current Biggest Regret: Didn't buy more sandwich meat Current Favorite Thing: Coconut Lime Cashews When I'm online, I'm almost always on Forma, so feel free to contact me there; I'll also keep an eye on this thread. Vote Forma 2013
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