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Everything posted by Varrex

  1. So time to spill the beans about me I guess. I just turned 31 at the end of last month, I work in the Aviation field as a autopilot tech and yes I do get to fly for free sometimes. I started WoW back in vanilla and played a Ret even though Ret was crap I liked the class. I didnt raid in vanilla stopped just before MC came out and took a break till BC. My ret has always been my main threw the good times and the bad. I also play some shooter\mmo games (not sure you can call them mmo though) like Dayz and Warz. Sorry about the format I just think its easier to read then a jumbled mess of crap. I can understand the melee heavy part as my current guild is very heavy on melee. However, I do have my 2 piece if that goes for anything on the conq token. I have been a raid leader and officer in my of my past guilds so I am very punctual and hardly miss any raid nights. I must stay that I am very impressed in the amount of time you raid and current progression. I have went over some of the logs in WoL and 8 bosses in 3 hours is very impressive. If you guys have any other questions please ask away. Thanks for taking the time to review the app. If you do have a need for a Ret by all means please let me know.
  2. Varrex, 90 Blood elf Ret Pally http://us.battle.net.../Varrexx/simple Screenshot with framerate: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7547771@N07/8470979810/ Average DPS numbers in a raid: 100-180k depends on the fight and mechanics some hate melee. Combat Parses: http://www.wow-heroe...reaver/varrexx/ Icons at the bottom are links to logs General Player Information: Mumble: Yes. Skype: Can provide if needed. Microphone: Astros A40's Pull more than 20FPS while playing in a raiding environment: Yes Internet connection is stable 99% of the time: 21 meg up /7 meg down Desktop/Laptop PC Specs: I7 2600k OC to 4.2GHZ, 32GB ram, Dual ATI 6850's, Liquid cooling, 128 SSD, 2- 1 TB HD, dual monitors ect. Available Raid Days: Monday - Yes Tuesday - Yes Wednesday - Yes Thursday - Yes Friday - Yes but I like my weekends Saturday - Yes but I like my weekends Sunday - Yes Scheduling issues: I am normally off work at 4:30-5 PM CST Raiding Expierence: T15 -9-12 Past progression: T10 - 13-13 HC T11 - 12-13 HC T12 - 7-7 HC T13 - 8-8 HC Favorite instance: Ulduar 25 Viable alts/offspecs: Frost Dk, farm alt. Attitude: I have been raiding from WotLK to current content, took a small break in WotLK but have been solid from Cata on. My attendance is always 100% and I can supply my own pots and flask/food if need. I remain quite while in vent and only speak if needed. I try to push my class to its make potential depending on gear at the time and always happy to see top 200 rankings. Learning methods: Tankspot vids, Youtube, Forums, for boss encounters and the normal addons like DBM and Bigwigs. I also use the MMO and EJ forums to stay current with my class for min max dps. Previous Guild(s): Baddies 25man raider {stepping down to 10 man } Revolution (officer) 10 man BlackDawn (senior raider) 25 man Entensity ( Core raider) 10 man Bloodrage ( officer) 10 man Vivid ( Officer) 25/10man end of WotLK Dragoon ( Raider) 25 man Useful skills: Professions JC/ENG Personal Information: I have played WoW from the start but didn't start raiding till WotLK. I have always played a Pally even at the start when no one wanted a Ret reason for not raiding but still enjoyed the game. Contact information: Varrex#1239, can provide skype and google talk if needed or a email. Your crowning achievement in WoW. What is the thing in this game you're most proud of, in terms of progression or otherwise? When I was with Entensity on their progression at the start of Cata I was able to parse at top 16 ret in the world for HC Theralion and Valiona P.S. I also have 2 friends that might be interested in joining if you guys have room Kravus (Frost Mage ilvl 507) and Poonerr (Survival Hunter ilvl 506) thanks.
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