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Everything posted by Uplift

  1. Honestly I would keep the individual splash as a symbol of how even the most timid people can be dangerous. I've made a policy to never judge people by first appearances, If you are talking about the young woman who ends up following Rascalnikov into exile, then perhaps a second tattoo would be more fitting, however this is all hypothetical anyway, and neither of these pieces are likely to end up seared into my skin any time soon (Even though in his final memoirs Dovstoevski did say that Suffering is both useful and necessary in human life).
  2. actually, I would want the tattoo out of a simple love for that style of artwork, and because Crime and Punishment is one of my favorite novels of all time. It has been a while since I read it, however, Lizvetta would be the prostitute that follows Rascalnikov to siberia after he is found out right?
  3. I have updated my application with the necessary information. I did not raid during Cataclysm on any character, other than the last month or so prior to the mists of pandaria expansion. As to why I changed mains, I maintained a level 70 of every healing class during the last 6 months of burning crusade up to about the t5/Hyjal level, and with the prospect of a new healing class I was very interested in trying it. As soon as I got my MOP Beta invite, I began leveling a monk. When pre-made 85 monks were made available I leveled one to 90 and explored the class as much as possible at max level (I wasn't in a raiding guild at the time, so I was left to using LFR/10 man "pugs" as my learning curve. I joined a 10 man guild on the eve of the MOP launch and they needed my shaman more, so I wound up playing that into my time with Uprising. After I came back I wasn't tied to any specific group and despite having received significant nerfs at the time, my monk was more appealing to me than my shaman. Monk is simply my favorite healing class because of the fluidity and versatility, brought to an even greater definition by the 5.2 changes. Monks are not a solid healer because of 1-2 abilities, but because of the class synergy as a whole, which is why I feel that they will never truely be a FOTM class, rather they will always have something to offer. As to my time constraints, that was the ideal reasoning behind seeking out a guild that raids a maximum of 16 hour weeks. All of my availability comes in the evenings, but a 3 day week means more time to focus on my studies. I have become very good at managing my time so that the two aspects of my daily life never overlap or spill into each other
  4. I'm currently haggling a price on a leveling kit for my Blacksmithing and Alchemy.
  5. Hello, My name is Tony, I'm 24 years old and in the final year of a Psychology Degree. I have been playing Warcraft Games since Warcraft 2, and MMOS since 1998, starting with Everquest. I began raiding real end game at the end of Vanilla, jumping from a guild that had barely cleared BWL all the way to a mid grade Naxx guild before the dawning of Burning Crusade. I have played a healer for the entirity of my mmo career except for a short stint with Warrior tanking in Wrath of the Lich King. In october some real life drama occured which prevented me from being able to make a consistant raid schedule. I have since come back to the game and worked at gearing up a character with the hopes of returning to raiding in Throne of the Thunder King. My hobbies outside of WoW include League of Legends (I'm dogshit but I enjoy playing op carries in unranked as a stress release after raids.), Magic the Gathering, Path of Exile, Guitar, Classical Piano (Complete shit at these too, but its not like I ever thought I could be a rockstar), and writing small blogs/articles about random shit. (I recently completed a full literary anlaysis of Akira Toriyama's Dragonball Universe.) If I ever did something crazy, it would be to get a tatoo of the 19th century woodcut depicting Rascalinkov's murder of the old Woman with a wood axe in Dovstoyevsky's Novel, "Crime and Punishment" Armory Links http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/malganis/H%C3%ACghroller/advanced http://us.battle.net...ashers/advanced What is your rotation? If you don't have a rotation per se, list your priorities. Being the first healing “hero class” Mistweaver Monks have very distinct disadvantages as well as very noticeable strengths. The largest disadvantages we currently face are a slow ramp up time between our raid healing “bursts” (pitfalls in RM uptime) and the RNG factor in our raid healing (RM AI, Chi Generation from SM, Mana Tea Crits, etc.) To compensate for this, on the pull I generally will use RM twice in an 8 second pull timer, the first RM I will put on the tank, and during the prepot I will also RM one of the ranged. The reasoning behind this is because the glyph of RM favors the most distant injured targets within 40 yards of its initial target when it bounces. Essentially this means that the RM will bounce to the tank almost immediately, ensuring I can begin the fight with no less than 7 RMs active. From there every 2 chi generated while above 6 RMs goes into an Uplift, while at 4 or less Blackout kick averages out to more Healing Per chi. During a large burst of raid damage, or during a phase where weaker cooldowns are being utilized, I will also pop thunder focus tea for a much stronger uplift coming out of the burst. The ability to precisely anticipate raid damage is paramount to playing a monk healer. At my current haste value, my RM count peaks at about 15 RMs in 25 man, and is where I best utilize Chi Brew to maximize my healing output through uplift. During Stacked phases or camps I generally will stand back, slightly apart from the stack when it is safe to do so, and cast a chi burst at the tank or the farthest available target. Totems/Statues can also be a great anchor for Chi Burst to maximize the number of targets it hits. Between Chi Burst Cooldowns I also widely utilize Chi Torpedo. Spinning Crane Kick is usually too mana intensive to really be an attractive alternative, but can be used sparingly if needed as well. 5.2 has also seen the return of the “Fistweaving” playstyle, and can be an attractive option when raid damage is consistent but also unpredictable in the presence of a damage amp, however, Fistweaving has a different stat priority compared to the more attractive and common RM based build and so it generally isn’t used during progression. *REQUIRED* Post a link to a World of Logs parse. My most recent log, parsed at 485 ilevel (Before reforging to a 19.5 build) http://worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-brqeuobke43u4el2/sum/healingDone/?s=134&e=510 How old are you? 24 *REQUIRED* Post a screenshot of your UI (Use imgur.com to upload it). http://i.imgur.com/CewGHkb.jpg List all of your RAIDING guild history, and why did you leave each guild? List all relevant raiding guild history please. Previous Mains: Restoration Shaman: Launch-2010 Protection Warrior: 2010-2012 Mistweaver Monk: October 2012/March 2013-Present All guilds: Core –Daggerspine 2006-2006, Cleared up to Ouro, Arachnid quarter, Gluth, Gothikk, and Heigan before free transfers to Nazjatar drew away most of our raiding core. Core (entirely different guild with the same name)-Detheroc: 2007-2008 Cleared all of Burning Crusade Content including 4 chest Zul’Aman before the release of Sunwell. Guild disbanded during the Black Temple Farm period. Tupan Techno-Lightbringer: 2008-2010, Cleared Sunwell as a top 100 US guild, Began Wrath of the Lich King with a very strong roster, but began to stagnate prior to the release of Ulduar. During the T7 Farm I began raiding with a friend’s guild on the side as a protection warrior leveled through the RAF feature on a separate battle.net account and became more attracted to tanking than healing. Harmonium-Bloodscalp: 2010-2011: Cleared Ulduar with all Server first achievements, including Yogg 0. Server First TOGC/TOGC Immortal, Server first HC LK and Halion. Uprising-Aerie Peak 2012: Joined shortly after the launch of MOP as a rebuilding project, cleared normal MSV/HOF as well as US 11th 25m HC Feng with them, as well as near kill attempts on Gara’jal and Elegon Heroic. Family Drama in my personal life mandated I take a leave of absence shortly after this point until the end of February. My current guild is more a loose amalgamation of personal friends who have gone casual and are simply raiding 1 night a week for a few hours. Do you have any Alts that would be able to do Alt raids? My Restoration Shaman was temporarily my main in Uprising, and is also about the same gear level as my monk. I also have a Paladin, Druid and Priest healer that can be leveled and geared to meet raid composition needs, however, I prefer to heal and ideally never dps. Why do you want to join our guild and why do you believe you will be a good asset for us? I would like to return to the 25 man scene. I really do not enjoy the play style or format of 10 man raids. As a raider I always come well prepared, often having a general outline in regards to positioning, cooldown use, and pace of mana consumption, etc. to an encounter before walking through the door. I make every possible effort to maximize my performance and minimize any disadvantages or difficulties that I am faced with. I am social, team oriented, and driven, and at the end of the day I play for the fun of the game, not for love of pixels or e-fame. Run and post the results of a ping test http://www.pingtest....lt/78779472.png Describe your PC specs GTX 690 x2 Intel i7 2.35 ghz 16 GB DDR 2 Duo RAM 250 GB SSD (for faster instance loading) Do you have a working mic/headset (REQUIRED, cant stress this enough) and are you vocal in Mumble?(Hint: Download Mumble before hand.) Yes
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