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Everything posted by Darksoul

  1. Yep i appreciate the discussion and consideration, feel free to add me/PM me Mewfasa#1766. Best of luck to you guys! May your days bring you fun, friends and [epix]!
  2. The bestest! although i really don't game outside of WoW (cowers in shame)
  3. GoSac on that fight because as I understand it pets don't gain from the 40% damage increase, and 15% increase to incen/confag/shadowburn inside the puddle, along with 1.4-1.7mil chaos bolts dealing 15% additional damage over 3s in the puddle seemed like a no brainer. GoSup is my staple talent except on a couple non-pet friendly fights such as ji'kun, dorumu has a bad habit of killing pets but i usually still run GoSup on him. Correct about soul leech, the only 'management' is decided to use chaos bolt vs shadowburn in certain situations to try and apply a shield for incoming damage, but monitoring it for fights like jin'rokh determines whether or not an extra CD is needed, such as SAC/UR. I looked back into the jin'rokh log with the immo uptime and crunched a couple numbers, the fight was 4.5minutes long (270s), my immo downtime was 11s, and i was dead for the last 8s of the fight, so potentially 3s of 4.5 minutes i didnt have immo up, partially due to my normal opener on that fight being prepot - pre-cast incen - RoF (trying to get perfect aim/mastermind proc'd) - conflagx2 - immo with procs up immo with perfect aim proc ensures much better ember generation due to 100% crit. I liked that opener better than precast immo conflagx2 cast immo again for procs > etc.
  4. I monitor soul leech absorb and usually have it maxed for ionization falling off, i usually save sac (petless) specifically on that fight if i'm stuck in a bad spot on transition with KJC debuff. On our last jin'rokh kill I played it poorly in the last quadrant, got caught out of position and killed myself when the boss was around 15% or so. I normally save UR for 'oh sh^&' moments on jin'rokh. During lightning storm the raid stays ~100% due to spirit shell/HTT/uplift/etc that healers are running without much need for UR, in fact soul leech absorb is typically still 100-150k coming out of transition without using UR or SAC (at least when i don't kill myself that is =D).
  5. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/cho'gall/Darkso%C3%BCl/simple I joined a 25m raiding guild mid-ICC era, most of my competitive raiding has been 10m. UI: http://i.imgur.com/LBrRL2u.jpg Track procs/dots/etc with WeakAuras. Immo uptime is usually higher, if you look at other logs it is, not sure what i did on jin'rokh last week or why its lower than it should be. Thanks for the consideration.
  6. A little different format than I am use to, forgive the lack of organization/etc, not really sure what info you are looking for. Current Info/Gear: 524ilvl equipped warlock Raid lead experience since Ulduar 25m (aware of all fight mechanics regardless if it directly effects my play-style or not) Have mumble/vent installed, and a 75m-vent owned if needed. Current Raiding Experience: 12/12 normal content (10m) 1/13 HM normal content (10m), with 2 other HM bosses attempted and not killed. Current guild has a quite a few very good progression raiders that have been active since TBC, however some have been unsubbed and inactive for some time, brought back to the game by friends that still played (the group has stayed in contact out of game via phone/email/etc since TBC). When we formed in 5.2 we killed 12/12 in 4 hours without much research into fight mechanics. Our current life schedules don't match up very well to put together a solid raid group every week to put time into HM bosses and learn the mechanic changes etc... - 5/12HM in 5.1 before nerfs (10m, with a different guild than 5.2, mostly pugs from trade chat that could make our raid times). Guild at the time had a mindset of "former progression raiders turned casual" so we only raided a couple hours a night for 2-3 nights a week depending on people's availability and work schedule. When we decided to "do some HMs" it was strictly out of boredom and we got 4/5 in a couple hours without really practicing/knowing mechanic changes outside of watching fights on icy-veins/fatboss or looking at dungeon journal. - Firelands: 6/7 HM before nerfs, with most of the same guild as from 5.1, minus a few pick-ups from trade that didnt stick around for 5.0/5.1, 7/7hm for awhile and sold 7/7hm runs for mount before it was a freebee. - DS: 6/8HM before any nerf, 8/8HM at first nerf. Pretty much same group of people as firelands minus a couple people that didn't play at the time, had a couple we picked out of trade chat that stuck around. - Info that isn't that recent: Naxx10/25 was my entry into raiding on Illidan, I changed to Cho'gall because of latency problems at the time to Illidan that I thought I could fix via server transfer because Cho'gall was hosted in the same state as I lived. Ulduar is where I actually got serious raiding. Previous to those, I PVP'd with my brother who initially introduced me to world of warcraft. I played Warcraft I,II,III and stopped gaming, didn't hear about WoW until he mentioned it. I did BG's/arenas (even earned challenger) back when I didn't know what a macro was or how to install add-ons (as I said, it was my introduction into the game.) I started raiding when a couple friends I had met in the game (through PVP and on the realm) thought I had 'potential.' I ended up their main tank and raid leading once i understood what raiding was about. We ran a 25m-guild with a 15 man roster, pugging the others out of trade chat each week, and ended up one of the top 5 horde progression guilds on the server (Cho'gall has almost always been horde-centered since I started playing) C Personal: I am 30 years old. I work in the technology industry as a web designer/programmer/developer/etc. My work schedule does not change, and I can easily make your raid schedule (tues-thurs 8:00-11:00 as i understand it.) My day usually starts at 8am or so and ends around 3:30 so I am pretty flexible about raid times and the need to stay late on a progression boss when we are close etc... My Goals: To be honest, I do not want to spend 7 days week to be in a progression-minded environment. I would enjoy being around players that are like-minded and take advantage of the time we have to raid and not waste it. I have a good sense of humor, have no problem taking criticism, and in previous raiding experience have not given much reason for criticism. I usually analyze recount/skada/world of logs to see where my own faults or activity can be more efficiency, as well as look at efficiency of others. My most recent WoL info is probably at: http://www.worldoflogs.com/guilds/219815/ which is the WoL i have ran since 5.0 (i think, a few other guildies ran it some times that i may have not)
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