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Booker Boltgrinder

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Everything posted by Booker Boltgrinder

  1. Thanks guys :] Proud to be a part of such a great community
  2. NP Makiko, I'm always down to help people progress :] They're honestly not that hard, there might be a few problem areas but most of the time I put on some tunes and zone out
  3. Hey Steve! Welcome! I'm a newcomer myself Glad to see some engi love, they're my favorite class ingame. If you ever wanna try fractals again though I'd be more than happy to explain each fight in detail and help you get into the higher fracs so you get more substantial rewards. At 30+ I get a nice profit each run depends on the cores/lodestones that drop from the final chest :]
  4. Thanks for the warm welcome guys :] I really appreciate it. Glad you liked my intro, haha. Kinda felt like I was rambling a bit bout halfway into it I'll def. be there for Reset tonight, Ijust gotta get out of my hardcore fractals spec and shuffle through my guild bank and find my survival set again x.x
  5. I read, understood, and sign the Code of Conduct. Zinem I found that putting liquid paper on the screen and letting it dry allowed me to easily sign my name, I suggest you give it a try at some point.
  6. Hello South Of Heaven! My name is Zach, 22 years old currently living in North Carolina. I hold an associates degree in simulated game design and a Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Animation and Game Art. As of right now I'm a freelance modeler/ working on getting a 3d printing gig set up/ an aspiring indie developer. I've been in love with games pretty much since I was younger and would sneak out of my room at bedtime to watch my parents play donkey kong on the super nintendo. I have a fancy for pretty much any game genre minus sports games (i don't see the point) and RTS (never had the chance when I was younger, I'm open to trying them at some point). I had played WoW when I was younger up until the end of WOTLK, but eventually quit because I essentially was playing it by myself. Long story short my old account was stolen by a friend at some point in TBC expansion and they deleted everything I had (high school drama, you know how that can be). I had played on Kil'Jaeden and mostly did pvp until even that got boring for me. My latest MMO however is Guild Wars 2. I never got a chance to play the first though I sorely wish I did. PArticipated in the beta weekends and pretty much fell in love with everything about it. It was a source of some comfort when my mother died in May of last year unexpectedly, so I've dumped quite a few hours into it. I was off and on again for awhile for dealing with emotional issues and battling depression, but have been playing consistently for months now when I'm not working on something. I've never been part of a large gaming community like this, and it's something I'd very much like to be a part of. After Seeing Huntyre's post on the CD forums I felt like I had to make an account and post. My main's name is Booker Boltgrinder, some of you might have heard of me, I'm usually bouncing around in all aspects of the game. Asuran Engineer, Flamethrower for life! I have a hand in most aspects of the game PVP: rank 22 Flamethrower/turret bunker FOTM: Personal Reward level is at 30 with 40AR I've mostly been PUG-in these since I havent had people to do em with, I'm hoping we have fotm enthusiasts in the guild PVE: full exotics/ascended accessories, and I'm about 300g from wrapping up Flameseeker Prophecies :] currently trying to solo Lupi for shiggles, I constantly get trapped once phase 3 hits x.x WvW: Tyrlis might know more about this than anyone, I for a time tried to get another guild into WvW for a time [QCS] but found most people didn't really want to, wether it was performance issues or they were far too disheartened from the mag crushes we experienced as of late. As you can see from my PVE status there's very little for me left to do in that aspect, so I believe my endgame is revolved around tournaments and WvW as much as possible. Now Guild Wise I had been a part of Quaggan Conservation Society pretty much since launch. It was from loyalty alone that kept me there for so long to the people I had played with, even applying for a Guild Leadership position and doing my best to trim the roster from inactivity, setting up guild events, and trying to get more involved with the community through the guild. It's been nice working together with guilds like PDOX, PA, Sig, etc on guild bounties so theyre as smooth as possible :] That being said, I didn't agree with the official guild leader on aspects of the guild, and rather than butting heads or undermining his authority, I chose rather to step down from leadership, and the guild entirely. It was a huge decision for me, and I still feel bad about it, but I was doing what I think was best for me. That being said, I've been helping my friends work on a new guild to run things the way we saw fit, which is where I might see a conflict. On one hand I really want to help my friends I've made in this game make something great, but I really would like the chance to be a part of an established (and seems like an AWESOME) game community. I have no problem repping 99% of the time, and I can easily shelve this idea since it will take months to even reach a level where people would even consider joining. Tyrlis thought it'd be good to let that be known when I talked to him this evening. I think this application is long enough, I hope I'm not missing anything vital. If I am just lemme know and I will get back to this ASAP. Hope to hear from you guys soon :] Zach Booker Boltgrinder.
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