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Everything posted by Olef

  1. Hi guys, sorry it took me so long to reply, I have been away from my primary computer for a couple nights. All my primary progression has been on my rogue. Although in Wrath I did have a resto shaman and shadow priest that raided in heroic ICC. And in Cataclysm I had a prot warrior who I went 2/8 heroic. The main reason I have stayed on my rogue throughout WoW is that I love the all out damage on can provide. To be honest it is also the class I have spent the most time playing and am most comfortable with. As for Raer's questions: I actually was assassination for a majority of my guild's progression. I only just obtained the Thunderforged fist weapon off of Consorts giving me overall higher DPS as combat. As for my opener, I generally used a stealthed ambush into a Slice n Dice (With the set bonus this will give an SnD of 24 seconds, I feel trying to open with a 5 point SnD is a slow way to start) I will then revealing strike, and SS into a rupture (Due to set bonus) and evisc as much as possible while keeping all dots/debuffs rolling. While Mut I generally opened with Ambush immeditaly into Slice and Dice. (Since Evisc will refresh even a 2point SnD to its 5/6 point maximum). As for Leeching poison/ Elusiveness - I pick leeching poison for most fights that we feel are farm content to heal myself so healers can focus on other targets (I know to stay out of fire lol). And during progression, where things may kill us quicker I tend to pick either elusiveness or Cheat Death. Some examples of my abilities that I have utilised to help out my guild: Jin'rokh: Cloak to immune myself BEFORE immunization goes out to reduce time spent on dispelling ppl and continuing DPS on boss. AS well as keeping feint up during thunderstorm to reduce healer strain (I also am able to dodge those pesky lightning balls and continue DPS on boss. Horridon: When I was assassination I would spec into Marked for Death for quicker bursts/more ruptures on multiple targets. For combat I would pool CDs for high priority targets (Venom priests on second door) and during this time would also pop Blade Flurry to kill larger groups (We would kite doors 2 and 3 as a group, and I would get maximum BF targets). Ji-Kun: I would go down for nests 1,7(same nest as 1), and go up for nest 10 (The time when 2 nests spawn at the same time). I would also pop Smoke bomb on tanks during quills as well as evasion to reduce healer strain Nest 1 I would save CDs until I got maximum stacks of the primal nutrient buff (although I could use Killing spree and have it back up in time for the max stacks) Nest 7 I would anticipate the nest and already be down Cleaving the adds before the food even came out, by the time the nest group arrived we could kill the fledglings, grab our feathers and fly up in time to get the food as it traveled down. Nest 10 By the time I would be at this nest all my CDs would be up and I could effectively solo this nest without the assistance of anyone else. allowing more DPS uptime on ji-Kun. Logs: Heroic Jinrokh Combat: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-qym7cowb3yigg4qs/details/4/?s=4259&e=4538 Heroic Horridon Assassination: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/e39hwmt7147k6rbu/details/23/?s=5342&e=6000 Normal Iron Qon Combat: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-m9eyo8qh1rok598m/details/0/?s=11801&e=12265 If there are any other questions plz dont hesitate to ask!!
  2. Hello there Ashin told me to make a post introducing myself, so here goes! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormrage/Ol%C3%ABf/advanced ^^me!^^ As for myself outside of WoW I am a 24 year old Cable technician residing in Cleveland, Ohio. I have been playing WoW for about 5 years now, and gaming nearly my entire life. My parents got really worried when I was 6 and began raging at my SNES (Rocketeer was HARD). I played ice hockey at the semi-professional level for a time and I am a bigger fan of dogs than cats (but both are better than bugs IMO). I am looking for a new home becuase I just picked up a new job and with it comes a new work schedule so I will be unable to raid with my current guild's late night raid times. My Raid experience: BC: Cleared content up to and including SSC pre-wrath Wrath: Cleared all content up to and including Bane (I got relam first Light of Dawn but that was post Cata) Cata: Cleared all content (Finished top 250 US for Dragon Soul) MOP: 9/16H in T14 and currently 3/13H for ToT (My current guild has had serious recruitment issues and we have struggled as a result) I try to bring my absolute best to any/all raids as well as a pleasing personality. No one likes to wipe for hours on end, but there is no reason we can't have fun in the process (While still striving to kill those bosses in a timely manner). I regularly check MMO-Champ, Elitist Jerks (Although they have been slacking in MoP), and the WoW rogue forums to gain new insights into my class. And I use Shadowcraft to optomize my gear/ecnhants/gems/reforges. Hopefully this is a good intro IDK what else to say other than thanks for taking the time to look Olëf I will be checking this website over the weekend, but feel free to contact me in game at EndofDayz#1337
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