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Everything posted by JanusTehPheo

  1. Congrats on Heroic Lei-Shen guys. Good luck on Ra-den.

    1. Ashin


      Thank you!!

    2. JanusTehPheo


      I know you guys had been at it for a while, really happy for you guys that all the hard work paid off.

  2. I have already xfered and been invited. I had just been a little under the weather the past couple days so I haven't been on too terribly much. Thankfully it just seemed to be sinus related and looks to have already cleared up.
  3. I appreciate the warm welcome, thanks guys.
  4. I would be quite happy to. I find a lot of enjoyment in helping other's with classes I am more familiar with, and find that it can also improve the quality of my play as well when helping someone else out.
  5. Alright, I'll check that Blizzard has finished processing my transfer and if so go ahead and login and find someone online with you guys. Thanks.
  6. Read, understood, and agree to abide by.
  7. I will go ahead and make the transfer then. Is there anyone in particular I should be getting in contact with regarding the invitation? I have previously reviewed your code of conduct, but I will make a response in that thread denoting my agreement of terms.
  8. Well as it stands, the discounted xfer is still in place so the monetary issue isn't as much of an issue as it normally is. Also as I mentioned my server is essentially dead, and a casual alt group is better than no group at all. There also lies the possibility of pugging on Stormreaver (Which is frequently impossible on stormscale) to supplement my experience, possibly even finding a regular pug group or something to be a part of. The biggest allure for me in terms of your guild isn't exactly the level of progression content you guys have accomplished (Although that is definitely a draw), it's what I've seen of your guild's attitude and behavior. As I mentioned above regarding my guild/former raid group, I have a lot of strong social ties to several individuals there, and even though almost all of them have stopped playing WoW, we still keep in regular contact. South of Heaven seems to be similar to the type of social environment I had previously and feels like something I would like to be a part of.
  9. Well that would work for me perfectly, if you're still interested in having me as a social app just let me know when would be a good time to xfer and I will do so.
  10. Oh no, I completely understand the response, and to be honest I thought it was a bit of a long shot myself applying to your guild, but there was no harm in trying (Logic being worst case scenario I receive an abrasive refusal, which your response was far from). I had been wanting to do more serious progression work for a while now, since Cataclysm, but the group I was a part of then was not really interested in that kind of work and I was too attached emotionally to leave them to look for another raid group that was more invested in progression. And with the state Stormscale is in now, it's next to impossible to find a decent group, let alone one that would treat its members properly. I guess the best metaphor available here is that I wanted to jump in the deep end of the pool because my guild died and my schedule freed up due to summer and finishing my "volunteer" work for this part of the year. The social app consideration is very kind of you, and a definite possibility, but one that brings up another question for me to ask you: Does your guild do any alt runs at all that I might be able to get involved with? Or how is the pugg'ing scene on Stormreaver? For me, it'd be more than worth the cost of a transfer if I could regularly get involved in either of these things and have a good group of people to chat with while online.
  11. Character Name: Yorae ILVL: 494 Class/Spec: Mistweaving Monk Current Server- Stormscale, and willing to transfer if given a trial. Toon Professions: Herbalism and Alchemy Offspec: A woefully undergearead Windwalker that I am willing to work on or change to Brewmaster if necessary. I am up to date on the specs themselves and their mechanics, I am just lacking a respectable gear set for dps or tanking. Real Name: Brett Age: 25 Occupation: I am a university student finishing my second degree at the University of Houston. I am applying to your guild during the summer predominately because I am looking for a progression raid group and because in doing so I can prepare my course load and class schedule to work around the raiding schedule (which shouldn't be a problem at all given your late hours, especially considering my central timezone location). World of Warcraft History/Experience I technically began playing near the tail end of BC, however I didn't reach level cap and thus raiding, until WotLK, which I suppose makes me a Wrath Baby though I am a little loathe to admit it. My first main was a Death Knight, I had leveled a Warlock most of the way, but wanted a distinct change of pace, hence the DK. For the majority of the expansion I played my DK, and did considerably well on damage with my raid group and in comparison to other Death Knights on the server. It was near the end of Trial of the Crusader I started playing a resto druid and fell in love with healing, and generally performed very admirably on charts. Throughout I cleared all content on regular and several encounters on hard mode/heroic in the expansion on my DK, and healed ICC and TOC fully, with hardmodes/heroics sprinkled in here and there on the druid. In Cataclysm I switched my main to a discipline priest (And occasionally Holy on the fights that favored it), as it is what the raid group needed most, and co-raid lead the group, supervising healers and working on overall strategies with the other officer in the raid group. Also during Cata I kept up with my resto druid and leveled and played my Resto shaman alt to help out my girlfriend's guild. My Disc priest's raid group nearly full cleared regular DS the night of release, then fell apart due to people's real life obligations and some individuals getting burned out and disappointed with the new content. Full cleared all regular content healing, and a few heroics encounters. Mists saw the return of several of my raiders for a last hoorah, and the transition of my main from the priest to a Mistweaver, and we cleared regular Mogu'shan Vaults and then again had several raiders stop playing the game due to several graduating university and other real life obligations again. With my current server slowly dying I had no choice but to pug here and there where I could, and wait for summer to start looking for a solid guild with a raiding schedule I could work with. In general our post Wrath group was not as successful as I was used to up to that point, however I stuck with the guild itself due to the number of friends and social ties I had made. With all but one of them no longer playing the game at this point, I am very interested in finding a serious progression group I can enjoy raiding and working myself to the bone with. Why I'm interested in joining South of Heaven: As mentioned above I stuck with my current guild after progression content due to social ties, but now that almost all of them have stopped playing entirely I am anxious to start working on progression again. After viewing your recruitment thread on the wow forums, and lurking your public access forums a bit I really like what I've seen of your group's environment and think I could get along quite well with you guys. Character Information: Armory Link: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormscale/Yorae/simple I assure you despite what the haste rating reads on the character sheet, I am at the 3145 haste breakpoint, it just doesn't show as such because of the 50% haste bonus from items received from being in Stance of the Wise Serpent, and Armory not taking stances/presences/forms into account. I will be working towards the 6141 breakpoint when I can afford to do so without losing too much crit (And if accepted into your guild for a trial run Mastery given your 25man raiding format), since it is a very helpful source of mana regen for my class. My approach to healing ties into a question I saw one of your members ask another applicant, regarding how healing functioned in Cataclysm. Being that I first healed in Wrath, and on a Resto Druid no less with what was absurd regen and mana efficiency during that expansion, I was shocked in Cataclysm, specifically in the beginning of the expansion, when healers were more pressed to make the choice between saving people who stood in fire/other avoidable damage and maybe not having the mana to finish the fight, or letting them die and keeping your mana available to finish the fight. In addition that the general need to be smarter with your healing. That impressed upon me quite early the importance of understanding how your class' mana regen works and taking advantage of it so you can keep everyone alive and finish the fight, even with the occasional player error here or there. However as that expansion progressed this became less of a problem as gear had higher intellect for mana pools (and thus more regen for abilities like Rapture and Innervate), and spirit for passive regeneration, however the methodology stuck with me. While I do love having big numbers on the charts, and will do my best to keep my numbers up there and highly competitive, I will never do it at the expense of over-extending early on and possibly jeopardizing the encounter just to flex my epeen. A coordinated kill is more important to myself, and the group, than having a huge HPS number on a wipe, especially if that wipe is attributed to one player's ego. I subscribe to a lot of the common literature and frequently do a lot of napkin math and theorycrafting on my Mistweaver. Always valuing Intellect and Spirit, but working to find that perfect divergence point where you have enough throughput to get the job done and enough spirit to keep that mana flowing like water. In effect I never want to jeopardize one by favoring the other too much when gemming/etc.. As mentioned above I am currently at the 3145 haste breakpoint and will be working towards the next one when I can do so without losing too much crit rating, due to how it functions with brewing our Mana Tea. If selected for a trial run I will also be keeping a close eye on my mastery rating given that gift of the serpent really gets to stretch its legs in 25man, and can be quite invaluable in more movement oriented fights. TL:DR Stat selection: Intellect > Spirit > Haste Breakpoint(s)* > Crit rating > Mastery > Additional Haste *As long as I'm not sacrificing too much crit for regen purposes for an additional breakpoint. The reason I enjoy healing on a monk, as opposed to any of my other healers is due to the unique playstyle the class has to offer. It has several nods to other healing classes, such as uplift being an aoe form of the old swiftmend, or the giant single target absorb in Life Cocoon, while no other class really has that single giant absorb, it diversifies the mistweaver's ability pool and gives it a bigger, cooldown version, of something a Disc Priest or Holy paladin might be capable of. Furthermore, the entire spending Mana on spells that builds Chi almost seems like a reverse throwback to Death Knights and their Runes and Runic Power generation, so the resource system this class uses really made like playing it feel like stepping into a favorite old pair of shoes. It's a really interesting spec that (and while you can say this of basically any class it is especially true of Mistweavers) is only as good as what you can make of it by really understanding the mechanics and how they can work together in different encounters. Something such as bearing in mind that while Revival is an instant giant AOE heal on a 3 minute cooldown, it also cleanses Magic, Poison, and Diseases effects and can be useful for that mechanic in a pinch. If you play smart and keep an eye on boss abilities and cooldowns, this class can really excel at burst AoE healing through the use of Renewing Mists and Uplift in those really heavy AoE damage phases, and can really ramp up healing (At the expense of a lot of mana, so it's unwise to do this often) by using Spinning Crane Kick, especially in conjunction with Rushing Jade Wind, when the group is stacked up. In addition to this, while eminence healing has seen its fair share of buffs and nerfs, to the point where many find it unusable, there are still some situations it can be fun to play around with, though not usually as the sole form of a monk's dedicated healing (except perhaps in 5-mans or scenarios). A prime example of this could be when using Spinning Crane Kick to AoE heal a tight-knit group of players and hitting some mobs at the same time, you'd proc Muscle Memory and could go ahead and blackout kick for that additional healing (Since it hits multiple targets, and has buffed damage due to Muscle Memory), and the 4% total mana return. Perhaps the biggest Achilles heel the class has is the ramp up time it can take for it to effectively start healing while being mana effecient. Starting your Renewing Mists, and waiting for it to start spreading out, recasting it on a new target and then refreshing it with Thunder Focus Tea, it may not take too terribly long for this to occur and start covering the raid, it's not instantanous as with a Druid's Wild Growth and can feel a lot longer than it actually is when there's heavy aoe damage going out early on. On top of this, the Mistweaver doesn't have much control, outside of whether or not they've glyphed Renewing Mists, over who it targets, and even then given that it's proximity based and raiders can be positioning or chasing down the boss or adds, ReM spreading can be thrown off (Thankfully Blizzard made the travel calculations for renewing mists a little smarter recently). However burst aoe is possible through the use of SCK, yet this can be quite taxing on the mana pool if used continiously and has a very strict range requirement. Or through use of Chi burst on a stacked group, but given it's 30 second cooldown it's not something that can be spammed during continious damage. Single Target healing can be a little rough as well, even with a statue out and channeling soothing mists, without the proper chi generation to grant the use of Enveloping Mists, if the tank is getting hit hard, you will be forced to use Surging Mists frequently which will kill the mana pool. Now granted, Blizzard has increased the probability that Soothing mist ticks will generate Chi, there are still the ocasional instances where it just doesn't seem to be happening for you, and therefore can put the tank's hp in jeopardy. World of Logs Parse Data- http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-l28zsk08j27hk3wk/ Only one hall in LFR tot, I've had some issues with getting combat logs deciding to delete themselves since I upgraded to Window's 8, but I think I have resolved the issue. UI Screenshot- http://i.imgur.com/ZfLat4z.jpg Addons Used- ORA3, BigWigs, DeadlybossMods, Recount, Omen Threat Meter, Bartender, Decursive, Weak Auras, Sexymap Personal Information I enjoy reading (Largely Fantasy and Sci-Fi, including A song of Ice and Fire, and I'm a big fan of Koushun Takami's Battle Royale, and read most of Brian Jacques' Redwall series in my youth and still consider myself a fan, but my Girlfriend being the English Major she is has gotten me to read the occasional piece of classic literature) and watching netflix. I also greatly enjoy spending time with my friends and my girlfriend. I'm an avid fan of classic rock, usually have something like Journey or Queen playing while I'm playing WoW, and I'm looking forward to going and seeing Heart in concert with my mother later this year. I'm a consumer whore for the flagship Pokemon games and anything from the Megaten franchise, in addition to the Legend of Zelda series. I watch the occasional Anime, though it's more of a social practice, but I am not ashamed to admit I am an avid fan of a couple series's. I am currently working on a Bachelor's Degree in OLS, and plan to go for my Master's in Business after I complete this degree and start working a big boy job. My other major passion is working fan events/conventions, which I must admit might introduce a schedule conflict for me, but only once or twice a year, and I will be able to notify you months in advance (Part of the reason I waited so long into the summer to begin this application process was so I could finish the event I was working Memorial Weekend and handle most of my post show work, and the only other event I am guaranteed to do this year is at the tail end of October). One of my favorite memories is the time I spent in LA visiting my old guild when we were active, it was a tremendous amount of fun and I do hope to go visit them again sometime. I apologize for what may seem like an exhaustively long application. Given that I haven't been active in progression raiding in a while, and never in a group of your guild's caliber I felt the need to go a little overboard in hopes of making a solid first impression, and hopefully prove my competence. I'm not applying because I want welfare runs, gear or achievements, I'm applying because I want to do progression content. I am more than willing to do the necessary work and I have already researched all the heroic and regular encounters, and can provide some references to individuals I have raided with if you'd like, all I want is a chance to prove myself. I look forward to fielding your questions, both game and the more whimsical and personality related, as well as hearing any comments or criticism. Thank you for your time.
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