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Everything posted by benny2980

  1. I was online when i got home, i didnt see you on via real id Esta so i looked up the guild in Guild Request and put in my request. I will be on when i get home tonight and be on for awhile since its friday night here. Thanks again.
  2. I have read and understand all rules and codes of conduct, i would like to say for No.1 i am in total agreement with the fact that i play to get away from the military ways of things, i have lived a high tempo life, and WoW is my relax time. I know you will not have any trouble from me, as a military service member i know rules, and abide by them lol... if anyone has any issues or problems with anything or need help, as stated in No.2 i have plenty of fishing poles to hand out!!! and i am always learning from others. Thank you for the social invite, and ill be on later this evening early morning for you guys if anyone would like a Tank for anything, and ill be on all weekend as well working on my tanking and healing and dps gear for my pally. I would like to bring another character over soon, but in time i will just start off with one at the moment. Again Thank you SoH for the invite, looking forward to hanging out with all of you, have a great day and may you loots be phat
  3. Ohayo, Thank you for the invite, i will make sure to read everything and i will re post at lunch time, thank you again. Yes whenever you want to chat about food please let me know, my e mail is benny_genovese@yahoo.com, i would love to exchange reciepes and learn other ways to cook. Have a great day SoH, and again thank you for accepting me in your ranks.
  4. Well for now i keep them in my room, they are free to come and go as they please! lol. Elton John, Benny and the Jets, good song, i get that a lot, the moment i introduce myself and i say Benny, 90% of the response is either someone singing the actual chours of the song, or so where are the jets etc...
  5. Ohayo gozaimasu, Certified, meaning i have been to a culinary art school i was enrolled for a year that the Navy paid for, because i am Italian i went through the Italian cooking at the end of the class i received a certificate of artisan Italian Chef. Araenith: sounds good to me, i love learning new things i can speak italian, spanish, french and learning japanese so the i would enjoy helping you as it would help me as well. Well i have to get back to work it is 0730 here Wed morning so i will check back during my lunch break.
  6. For sure, i love sushi my favorite is avacado shrimp and rice, i like the unagi ( Eel) so good, well i should be heading home soon, it is 3:30 pm here and almost time to leave to go home for the day. ill be on later working more on my toons. Have a good night Esta and SoH.
  7. Yes, she explained the social aspect of things, i understand. My first character in WoW is Tymott ever since cap lvl was 40 and still use him to this day, been a Tank druid the whole time then when second talent came out made him a resto druid. also revenancer was a rogue of mine who i deleted and made a warlock which was my pvp toon, i still pursue pvp but not as compasionate about it since there have been many changes. and i have a full pvp set on my druid but i only brought one toon over already which is my pally i would be intrested in getting him a pvp set if so be it i hear pallys are actually really well in pvp now. What i do in the Navy, well i am a BM ( Boatswainsmate ) for starters i am a supervisor of ships, i have been around the world twice, been to many different countries, been too Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iran twice, during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, during 9/11 i was deployed that next day to the Med Sea. The best thing about living in Japan is the people and the food, there is no crime here and there food is awesome, sites are beautiful, just a great place to be. i have nothing bad or any worse things to say about Japan. I have seen everything i can and always up to see more my next trip is to do the hike up Mt. Fuji, i have seen all there festivals, Cherry blossom Festival by far the best. I am a chef at heart and have learned how to make sushi and sushimi. Tenpura is really good as well. I am a certified Italian Chef. There language is very unique but am learning very fast. so its Dijo Bu ( No Problem ) And to Estarriol, its been 3 years now that we have known eachother ... I just love playing and helping others, it helps me relax from my job at hand. Domo Arigato Gouzimas To answer about the raiding thing my main knowledge of characters is from most knowledgable to least is I love tanking by far the greatest thing to me, second healing im really well at multi tasking if you will. Dps well depends on the character i have all types of dps characters but i am really well with my fire mage, then lock, then hunter and rogue and monk yeah not so much but thats why there still 86 lol... my tanks i have that are 90 or soon to be are Tymott (Druid), Bennybull (Pally), Lillysun (Warrior) Mysticknight (DK) and soon to hit theaters Mysticpanda (Monk lv 52) i hope this answered all your questions and then some lol...
  8. benny2980


    Hello SoH, My name is Benny, I am currently wanting to move a character to your realm and join SoH. I have been playing WoW since 2004 and I wanted to move my 90 Prot pally to your server or a character that might be useful to the guild. I am in the military been in the Navy for 12 years almost 13 now. I currently live in Japan, so time difference is alost a day ahead of the states. I love playing the game and I play well with others lol... I was informed by a friend I know in your guild to add a forum to see what I can do in order to be accepted to SoH. Thank you for your time and may your loots be Phat. My main is Tymott on The Scryers. Very Respectfully, Benny Genovese.
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