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Posts posted by Grieve

  1. When I played it before, I got the token app (like authenticator) on my phone. Then I removed it cause we didint play for a year. Now when I try to login, of course I cannot, because no one time password. Buuut when I put the token app on my phone, it also needs a one time password to register it to my account again. but that can only be gained through the account management which requires ...*drumroll*... a one time password. It's a bit of a paradox. :p


    You just have to call/email Customer Support about it and put in a ticket with them. I think someone from the guild has dealt with that before and it didn't take too long. (Maybe whoever it was will stop by and share details.)

  2. Welcome to the forums! Glad you found us! We have a few New Englanders in the guild. (Not specifically the FF chapter. Stares at all the Canadians.)


    So questions!


    Dogs or Cats?

    Red or Blue?

    Winter or Summer?

    Red Sox or Yankees?

    Pro- or Anti- Lalas?


    Be careful how you answer!

  3. So the cool bugs were enjoying a rousing game of cricket on the telly while enjoying deep dish pizzas being served by some slutty miqo'te retainers when an urgent news broadcast came on about some dirty lalafell stealing a bike for a good reason from another dirty lalafell because the former lalafell had stolen the latter lalafell's bike originally after losing his monster truck over an argument about English muffins destroying friendships.

    Yes, go on and cringe!

    Also, welcome to the forums!

  4. Hey! I'm in Maryland right now! Well, like the border cuz I'm out in New Carrollton for work. (The commute sucks from the southside of DC! Never do it.)


    Also, we will be having words this evening about your allegiance to that abomination you call a race! Lalas don't even have souls!


    But, you may have redeemed yourself partially by being a Hockey fan. My team is the Bruins, but I'll cheer for the Caps occasionally since they are the home team down here.

  5. Weclome to the forums Goose!


    I'm sure an officer will be along to set you up so you can browse the forums soon enough. I look forward to chatting with you tonight!


    Also, mind telling us a bit more about yourself? What do you do for a living? Any hobbies? Gaming background? Left or right handed? Favorite sports team? And most importantly, what is you opinion of Lalas?

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